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  • Mateo – (Spanish)


    All the disciples knew their Bible, but they had not grasped that it was all about Jesus and God’s saving power revealed through Him-that all the Law of Moses, the Prophets, and the Psalms reveal the good news of Jesus Christ. Once the disciples came to recognize this truth, Matthew takes it most seriously. He writes his Gospel with the premise that Jesus is the fulfillment of Jewish Scriptures. The Law, the Prophets and the Psalms contain prophecies about Jesus-prophecies in the form of promises about what Jesus would accomplish through His perfect life, perfect death and perfect resurrection. Journey with the author through the book of Matthew, and you will discover that all the Law, the Prophets and the Psalms are all about Him! Quantity Pricing Available!

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  • Manos A La Obra – (Spanish)


    Let’s Get On With It is a study of the biblical principles of leadership in the church based on the book of Nehemiah. This book is written in an easy to understand format with applications for lay leaders and pastors within the Adventist church. Look for the following themes:How to motivate service to the church. Building up the spiritual life of the church leader. How to gain a consensus on church projects. How to work as a team. How to work with opposition to our personal mission. Celebrating successes in the church. This book is useful for small groups, training sessions, prayer meetings and as a series of sermons.

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  • Como Alcanzar Al Mundo De Hoy – (Spanish)


    How To Reach Today’s World is practical manual about witnessing in the 21st century. It contains a simple clear analysis of the current challenges to evangelism. The author discuss the effects of post-modernism and the New Age, how people assimilate truth today, the current debate between faith and reason and how to share our faith with a secular society. Each chapter contains a study guide.

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  • Juan Dios Se Hizo Carne – (Spanish)


    From creation to redemption, Jesus did it all! From the beginning – with God, yet separate – was the Word. John introduces Jesus immediately as God. He reveals a new reality, something deeper than we normally view with our physical eyes: the reality of the Divine as revealed in Jesus – God became flesh. John wants us to see beyond Jesus’ humanity because when we see Him in this light, we will behold His glory and recognize the beauty of what He accomplished for us all.

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  • Clamor De Libertad – (Spanish)


    Everyone, sooner or later is confronted with the pain of oppression. It’s not about the physical confinement, there are prisoners who are free and free people who are prisoners. It’s the oppression of feelings and circumstances, of fear, anxiety, hunger, immorality, of war and death. All have experienced the cruelty of life, the injustice and frustration. We are prisoners of the visible and the invisible, bound by unhappiness and disappointments, without daring to hope for anything better.

    This book champions the freedom found in faith. It invites the reader to believe the promise of the Liberator from all oppression, who said “if the Son makes you free, you will be free indeed.” Jn 8:36. You will learn to fight against the chains that hod you and accept the precious gift that god offers: freedom.

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  • No Manches Tu Vida – (Spanish)


    You’re young. And, although you don’t like it, you’re warned that each day that passes, each decision you make, each thing your do will affect you for the rest of your life, good or bad. Generally speaking, there is not half way. There’s no neutral zone, no action without reaction. Whatever you do, the spouse you choose, the what you look at, what you listen to, what you say, what you eat or drink can make or break your future. Perhaps, even now you recognize errors you’ve made whether for they were to be accepted, recognized or loved. What can you do about these? This book lays the cards on the table. In an easy, simple manner it invites you to analyze what you’ve done and offers challenges for living a happy purpose-filled life.

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  • Gran Conflicto Cuenta Regresiv – (Spanish)


    Para comprender el magistral plan de salvacion.

    Entender el tema del gran conflicto es descorrer el velo para ver lo que sucede realmente en el devenir de la guerra entre el bien y el mal, entre la vida y la muerte, entre Dios y Satanas. Estas preciosas verdades no solo iluminan nuestra comprension de los planes de Dios para este planeta, sino tambien el plano divino para cada uno de nosotros.

    El gran conflicto: Cuenta regresiva es una guia de estudio para rastrear este tema a traves de los libros de Elena G. de White que conforman la Serie del Gran Conflicto. Cada uno de los cinco libros – Patriarcas y profetas, Profetas y reyes, El Deseado de todas las gentes, Los hechos de los apostoles y El conflicto de los siglos – expande nuestro entendimiento de los planes de Dios y explica las razones que se esconden en el dolor y las luchas que vemos y experimentamos cada dia. El gran conflicto: Cuenta regresiva nos ayudara a entender mejor la preciosa verdad de la gran controversia, para que seamos capaces de compartirla con otros.

    Presentado en formato de preguntas y respuestas, esta obra es ideal para el estudio personal o en grupo. Las citas cuidadosamente seleccionadas nos guiaran a pensar y dialogar sobre las cuestiones planteadas, con mucho espacio para responder o escribir anotaciones. Las referencias de cada pregunta ayudaran a guiar nuestro estudio y nos conduciran a la Palabra de Dios.

    Tambien se incluye

    *Una introduccion al desarrollo de la Serie del Gran Conflicto con los comentarios de Elena G. de White acerca de su importancia.
    *Una programa de lectura de la Biblia correlativo con la Serie del Gran Conflicto, para que una o ambas sean leidas en un ao.

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  • Dios Que Adoramos – (Spanish)


    Through the pages of the Bible we see multiple stories by which the Lord presented Himself to those who were to represent Him as servant-leaders among His people– and as heaven’s spokespersons before the nations. The God We Worship, now available in Spanish, is a deep biblical analysis on the theme of the Deity, presented in concise and simple language.

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  • Lo Que La Biblia Dice – (Spanish)


    This Spanish comprehensive study guide is a “Bible Readings” for the 21st century. Using the Bible exclusively, this useful resource answers pretty much any question a Seventh-day Adventist Christian might face. This will prove to be an indispensable tool for pastors, teachers, Bible workers, Personal Ministries leaders and should be a standard addition for church and home libraries.

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  • Mayor Necesidad Del Adventismo – (Spanish)


    Dr. Ron Clouzet’s best selling Adventism’s Greatest Need is now available in Spanish. When the disciples prayed for the endowment of the Spirit in the Upper Room, they reached a point of full surrender, like never before. Likewise, when we recieve the Spirit, it will be seen by the lives we live and the burden we have for the lost. In Adventism’s Greatest Need, Dr. Clouzet shares a compelling conviction that the Holy Spirit is poised and ready to reignite and end-time people in their quest for true godliness.

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  • Changed 4 Life


    Life is unfair. We learn that as children. And the truth is it doesn’t always get better. Do you ever wonder why some people seem to do so well in spite of suffering? Why some people find their life purpose through tragedy? When you look at your own life-it’s just a mess-so how do they do it? Changed 4 Life will show you how. Read the incredible stories of eight people who faced the same problems you’re facing right now, and find your story written between the lines. Their stories will show you how it can be done. Their stories will give you hope. Changed 4 Life will remind you that no matter who you are, where you come from, or what kind of mess you’re in today, God has a special purpose for your life. Changed 4 Life is about you and how God desires to change you today-and for eternity. Change is possible because it is all about God. The God who created you. The God who has a purpose for your life. The God who loves you unconditionally. This is the fourth and final book in the Changed series.

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  • Marcos Buenas Nuevas – (Spanish)


    Sometimes love and suffering require extraordinary and unexpected measures. Because sin separated us from God, we all need to know, deep within that we are forgiven. The Gospel of Mark is a very encouraging book because it reminds us that, no matter what we are going through today, the final victory has already been attained by Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross. And THAT, my friend is GOOD NEWS!

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  • Arcangel – (Spanish)


    Throughout the history of the universe angels have had an interesting and intimate interplay with humans. As God’s messengers to a fallen world they have watched and walked among men, invisible, powerful, guarding against the evil forces that surround us. We are not alone; armies of angels are ready and willing to help us in our daily battles against the forces of darkness. The hosts of heaven stand at attention, waiting for instructions from their Commander, the Archangel, to come to our aid. Archangel examines the role played by angels in the great controversy. From the stories recorded of angelic intervention in biblical times, to the “coincidences” in our own lives, these powerful stories challenge us to open our eyes to the angels who walk beside us; to recognize the ongoing war between good and evil.

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  • Yo Solia Ser Perfecto – (Spanish)


    Newly available in Spanish. Writing from his own early struggles with legalism, Knight examines some of the most basic questions about salvation: What does it mean to sin? What is temptation? What is the law? What does it mean to be saved? What does it mean to be perfect? Special features include study questions at the end of each chapter, reference notes to sources, a topical and scripture index, and a bibliography.

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  • Sorprendidos Por Amor – (Spanish)


    The 96 page study guide features ten chapters. Each chapter follows the outline of reading the word, seeking through study, integrating the message, drawing my story, learning from life, considering the narrative, understanding the scriptures, responding in gratitude, and god’s surprising plan.

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  • 9 Maneras De Prevenir La Diabe – (Spanish)


    Dr. Hall carefully reviews the diabetes problem and makes helpful recommendations to avoid this life-altering diagnosis, and to manage it if you have already been diagnosed. There are charts and graphs included to emphasize the importance of the studies he uses to back up his information. Anyone with a family history of diabetes, or anyone who is at risk of diabetes or has an elevated blood sugar can significantly benefit from this little book.

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  • Africa Tierra De Milagros – (Spanish)


    A wonderful book of mission stories from a Hispanic medical missionary couple who have been serving in Malawi, Africa for the past 14 years.

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  • Davidianos – (Spanish)


    This book has the dual purpose of helping the Seventh-day Adventists to confirm and strengthen their faith in the Word of God, and to clarify the doubts of those who are caught in the nets of the dissidents. If church members are able to understand the beliefs of the dissent Davidian, they can better deal with this issue. Furthermore, by studying the main Davidian teachings in the light of the Bible, the Lord can work in the heart of sincere Davidian believers and lead them back to sound doctrine.

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  • Gozo De Vivir – (Spanish)


    Dios tiene un plan para que vivamos saludablemente.

    El gozo de vivir nos motiva a hacer cambios importantes en nuestro estilo de vida y nos alienta a compartir los beneficios de vivir en plentitude.

    Con una pluma amena y agil, la autora entrelaza informacion cientifica con historias biblicas y experiencias positivas de vida. Este es un libro que infunde alegria y esperanza.

    Cada capitulo comienza y termina con una reflexion spiritual, y los datos provistos por la ciencia son presentados bajo dos subtitulos-Realidad y Esperanza -que nos conforntan con las consecuencias de un estilo de vida malsano y las posibilidades de un cambio radical.

    Sus paginas estan llenas de consejos practicos para el cuidado del cuerpo (actividad fisica y abstencion de adicciones), de la mente (descanso y recreacion) y del espiritu (encuentro con Dios y servicio al projimo).

    Cuidar nuestra salud y server a nuestros semejantes honra al Creador.

    Mediante las Paginas de El gozo de vivir, Dios nos invita a reconsiderar los principios milenarios de salud que le dieron vida y gozo a su pueblo en la antiguedad, y que son aplicables hoy a cada uno de nosotros.

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  • 120 Quick And Easy Object Lessons For Childrens Story Time


    A dog leash, a candle, a flashlight, a bull’s-eye, an apple, sugar, balloons, a banana, a bell, paper, building blocks, a compass, measuring cups, a rock-what do all these things have in common? They are used as object lessons to illustrate the spiritual truths we can learn from everyday life in a way children can understand.

    Each story in 120 Quick and Easy Object Lessons for Children’s Story Time is drawn from an item the children are familiar with and is perfect for use during children’s story time in church or for demonstrating important points during Sabbath School.

    Week to week, as you teach extraordinary lessons from ordinary things, the children will be intrigued by the objects and images that surround them, and they will be excited to find out what’s in your bag!

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