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  • Gozo De Vivir – (Spanish)


    Dios tiene un plan para que vivamos saludablemente.

    El gozo de vivir nos motiva a hacer cambios importantes en nuestro estilo de vida y nos alienta a compartir los beneficios de vivir en plentitude.

    Con una pluma amena y agil, la autora entrelaza informacion cientifica con historias biblicas y experiencias positivas de vida. Este es un libro que infunde alegria y esperanza.

    Cada capitulo comienza y termina con una reflexion spiritual, y los datos provistos por la ciencia son presentados bajo dos subtitulos-Realidad y Esperanza -que nos conforntan con las consecuencias de un estilo de vida malsano y las posibilidades de un cambio radical.

    Sus paginas estan llenas de consejos practicos para el cuidado del cuerpo (actividad fisica y abstencion de adicciones), de la mente (descanso y recreacion) y del espiritu (encuentro con Dios y servicio al projimo).

    Cuidar nuestra salud y server a nuestros semejantes honra al Creador.

    Mediante las Paginas de El gozo de vivir, Dios nos invita a reconsiderar los principios milenarios de salud que le dieron vida y gozo a su pueblo en la antiguedad, y que son aplicables hoy a cada uno de nosotros.

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  • Mas Alla De Lo Oculto – (Spanish)


    History cannot prepare us for the unknown or what we will do in the future; but Revelation presents a different perspective of the future for the Christian. The reader will be able to find secret codes in Revelation and discover that there are more than symbols in the prophecies of Revelation. This interesting book will show that we are close to the culmination of history and the end of time.

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  • Deseado De Todas Las Gentes – (Spanish)


    One of the greatest devotional classics on the life and teachings of Christ newly available in a beautiful full-color cover . Affordably priced for sharing.

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  • Fe Y Obras – (Spanish)


    SKU (ISBN): 9789875679412Language: SpanishEllen WhiteBinding: Cloth TextPublished: January 1999Publisher: Pacific Press Publishing Association

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  • Palabras De Vida Del Gran Maes – (Spanish)


    The author shows how the parables that Jesus taught are just as relevant for Christians today as they were when Jesus walked on this earth.

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  • Ministerio De Curacion – (Spanish)



    Many things contribute to good health-cheerfulness, fresh air, exercise, diet, and positive relationships with other people, to name a few. Crucial also is a personal relationship with the Creator who gave us life and everything we need for health and happiness. In this book Ellen White deals with sickness of the soul and the healing balm to be found by trusting God for all things. Written in simple, beautiful language, Ministry of Healing will point you to a life full of joy and gladness-a life in touch with the Source of healing power.

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