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Denominational Concerns

  • Exploring The Letters Of John And Jude


    The letters of John and Jude are a wake-up call. False teachers had infiltrated the church and introduced secular reasoning in place of apostolic teachings. John and Jude wrote to their congregations not only to warn the faithful against the impostors, but to emphasize true spirituality in the face of error and apostasy.

    It’s no surprise, then, that these four letters are of the utmost relevance to Christians today. John’s first and second letters deal with issues central to a genuine Christian faith and life, while the third provides a snapshot of the dynamics of at least one congregation in the A.D. 90s. Jude confronts many of the same issues in his letter, including the immorality that results from a denial of Christ.

    This user-friendly devotional commentary divides the entire text of these four letters into bite-sized passages using a new translation by the author. Each passage is followed by the exegetical meaning as well as the practical application for the lives of twenty-first-century believers. Small study groups and individuals alike will benefit from this format and better understand God’s timely and very personal message.

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  • Majesty : Experiencing Authentic Worship


    Worship is an encounter with God-a life-changing experience.

    How long ago was your last life-changing experience? This morning? Last week? Can’t remember?

    In these pages are scriptural principles to guide you into a genuine worship experience. Of course you know whom to worship, but what about why, how, and when? And what does the Bible have to say about the significance of worship in a Christian life? Discover the simple yet profound answers that will transform your soul and leave you hungry for God’s presence.

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  • Knowing Jesus Is Everything


    If you were drowning and someone tossed you a life preserver, would you refuse it and try to swim to safety on your own? Or would you grab it immediately and cling to it for dear life? The answer is obvious-you’d snatch up the life preserver in a heartbeat!

    But what if your eternal life was at stake? Would you insist on trying to save yourself? Or would you let God rescue you?

    If you’ve ever thought that the Christian life is just too difficult-or even impossible-take a deep breath, find a comfortable chair, and face reality. It is too difficult-if you don’t know Jesus personally. No matter what you do (or don’t do), you don’t stand a chance without Him.

    In these pages are hope and guidance for pursuing a genuine friendship with Jesus. Because, you see, knowing Jesus is everything-it is life.

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  • Commentary On Daniel And Revelation


    This verse-by-verse commentary on the book of Daniel represents the labors of a group of contributors and is made available in textbook form for use in our Seventh-day Adventist colleges.

    Commentary on Daniel and Revelation is taken from the two corresponding volumes of The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary and the paging is the same as that in the Commentary.

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  • Sin And Salvation


    There is no more important topic than God’s plan of salvation for a lost world.

    Sin and Salvation considers the very heart of the message-God’s work for us, especially at the cross-then broadens to explore His work in us.

    More than a book on abstract theology, Sin and Salvation not only informed the mind but also guides daily life. It seeks to show the interrelatedness of the components of salvation and explores justification, sanctification, perfection, and sinlessness.

    Converted from agnosticism to Christianity more than 40 years ago, George R. Knight long wrestled with what it means to be saved-what God can do for us and in us.

    This book in many ways is the result of that personal search: the combination of biblical findings, scholarly studies, and encounters with Christians. Sin and Salvation is an insightful and clear work that will help you better understand God’s redemptive plan.

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  • Counsels On Diet And Foods


    Scripture commands, “Whether…ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31). With this counsel as a cornerstone, the author offers inspired advice on an often neglected factor in religion: how to eat for optimum health. The compilers have included almost everything Ellen White wrote on such topics as vegetarianism, fasting, digestion, overeating, and the relationship of diet to spirituality.Ellen White’s writings in the field of health have stood well the test of time and the advances of science. Generations of readers have found them to be a powerful aid in obtaining that self-control that promotes clearness of mind and purity of heart.

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  • 40 Days Book 1


    Do you desire a more meaningful study and prayer life?

    Do you feel the need to reach out to others for Christ?

    If so, you’ve come to the right place. This book contains 40 days of devotional studies designed to strengthen your relationship with Christ and enable you to lead others to Him.

    Why 40 days? The Bible tells of several significant events that took this specific span of time:

    * Rain fell for 40 days during the Flood
    * Moses was on Mount Sinai with God for 40 days
    * The Israelite spies took 40 days to explore the Promised Land
    * Jonah warned Nineveh for 40 days
    * Jesus spent 40 days in the wilderness after His baptism
    * Jesus spent 40 days with the disciples after His resurrection

    God wants to do something significant in your life, too. Not only does He long to draw you into closer fellowship with Him-He also wants to minister to others through you. And as you spend 40 amazing days with God, He will prepare you for earth’s final crisis and Christ’s long-anticipated second coming.

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  • Guide To Effective Pastoral Ministry


    Distinguished pastors from around the world share their experience and wisdom.
    In an age of instant worldwide messaging, it seems appropriate that pastors encourage one another, share ideas, and learn from one another. This book, the most comprehensive ever published in the Seventh-day Adventist denomination on pastoral ministry, covers a broad range of topics featuring various aspects of ministry that will be exceptionally useful to Adventist ministers around the world. Over twenty individuals who have pledged their lives to congregational ministry have written chapters focused on the latest and best methods for ministry.

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  • Gods Holy Word Is It Still Worth Dying For


    SKU (ISBN): 9781933291420Ellen WhiteBinding: Trade PaperPublished: December 2008Publisher: Review & Herald Publishing

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  • Overcoming The 3 Ds


    SKU (ISBN): 9781933291314Jim AyerBinding: Trade PaperPublished: December 2008Publisher: Review & Herald Publishing

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  • Why Was Sin Permitted


    SKU (ISBN): 9781933291000Ellen WhiteBinding: Trade PaperPublished: December 2008Publisher: Review & Herald Publishing

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  • Buried Treasure How Bad Do You Want It


    What treasure is a part of your dreams? Gold? Silver? Diamonds? Pearls? Surrender? How about soul-winning? Hiding God’s Word in your heart? Bearing a cross? Facing ridicule for your beliefs? What would you do to receive the treasures of heaven? In this brief pocket book, Dwight Hall contrasts Jesus’ parables of the rich young ruler and the man who surrendered everything to acquire the pearl of great price. Only two categories of people portrayed in these stories walk the earth the saved and the lost. Each one of us has a decision to make about which category we will choose. What will your choice be?

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  • Gods Love For Man


    From the powerful soul-winning work Steps to Christ, this selection of riveting, heart-warming chapters is the perfect sharing book for anyone you meet seeking a true, divine love that will set them free. As you share these inspired words from the eye-opening truth of the faith’s most beloved author, the love of God will warm the hearts of many souls searching for something better, opening the door of eternity to them.

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  • Bible Marking Guide


    You can give a Bibly Study!Yes, you! This little guide outlines an easy Bible marking system that chain-references texts for 38 different topics. Using only your Bible, you can share the life-changing answers to questions about important spiritual matters. Additional notes are included to help you explain difficult or complex subjects.

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  • From City To Country Living


    How do we people who have grown accustomed to city living, with all its conveniences make the transition to country living? It’s not easy to lay aside one lifestyle in exchange for another. From City to Country Living not only encourages us to comply with the inspired counsel of Ellen White, but also offers helpful tips from two men who have greatly enjoyed the boon of country living.

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  • Dare To Stand Alone


    “Sir, when the regulations of my country clash with the laws of my God, I must obey my God,” Ivan declared.

    The general studied Ivan’s face seriously. “Does that include the regulations of your army?”

    Religion was suppressed. Christians were forced to practice their faith secretly. Yet one teenage boy found the courage to stand up and speak boldly about his God. Not just to his friends or in a private church meeting-but on a military base. In front of nearly 3,000 enlisted men . . . and one colonel.

    Foolish? Maybe. Risky? Definitely. But Ivan Gumenyuk had determined to follow God’s calling, and right then God was calling him to be a missionary in the Soviet army. Like Daniel of old, Ivan faced trials that tested his faith to the limits. And, like Daniel, Ivan accomplished incredible things for God.

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  • Science Discovers God


    Does God exist?

    Did a Master Designer create our universe, or did life spontaneously evolve? Can science retain objectivity in the search for truth while allowing for the possibility that God exists? Does it make any difference?

    Ariel A. Roth, scientist and Christian believer, examines key issues related to the “God question”:

    the intricate organization of matter in the universe
    the precision of the forces of physics
    the complexity of the eye and the brain
    the elaborate genetic code
    the disparity between the fossil record and the vast amount of time necessary for evolution

    Faced with so much evidence that seems to require a God in order to explain what we find in nature, why does the scientific community remain silent about God? Hypotheses and speculations that attempt to fit data into a predetermined conclusion abound. What overriding influence prevents scientists from following the data of nature wherever it may lead?

    Does God exist? This question simply will not go away-and science itself is providing the answer.

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  • Bothersome And Disturbing Bible Passages


    SKU (ISBN): 9780970355355Louis TorresBinding: Trade PaperPublished: September 2008Publisher: Review & Herald Publishing

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  • Judgment And Hell


    SKU (ISBN): 9781933291222Jim AyerBinding: Trade PaperPublished: August 2008Publisher: Review & Herald Publishing

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  • Upward Look


    “Looking unto Jesus, not only as our Example, but as the Author and Finisher of our faith, let us go forward, having confidence that He will supply us with all the strength that is needed for every duty.” Throughout her life Ellen G. White continually pointed to Jesus as our hope and salvation. Whether she was offering messages of reproof for errant believers or providing instruction for the faithful, her recurring theme was Christ and Christ alone. In these excerpts from her letters and manuscripts, our thoughts are lifted heavenward as we are encouraged to “follow on step by step, with our eyes fixed upon our Leader.” Truly, we are capable of being genuine Christians only when our attention is focused on Christ.

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