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Denominational Concerns

  • Touched By A Miracle


    Author and compiler Nathalie Ladner-Bischoff brings to light another collection of true miracle stories to show us once again how near heaven is to earth. Like her first book, An Angel’s Touch, these stories of divine interventions, angel encounters, and prevailing prayer show what can happen when God touches human beings and the ordinary becomes extraordinary. They also open our eyes to the truth that there’s more to life than what we can see, touch, and feel.

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  • S N Haskell


    Table Of Contents:

    Why Elder Haskell?
    Preaching And Peddling
    Layman Leader
    The “Child Of His Hope”
    That New England School
    Across The Waters And Back
    Pioneering In Australia
    In New Zealand
    Again In Europe
    Scouting For Missions
    An Adventurous Journey
    Calcutta And Beyond
    Alone, Yet Not Alone
    With The Pioeners In Africa
    Teaching At Avondale
    The Sure Foundation
    Meeting The Holy Flesh Fanaticism
    The New York City Mission
    The Crisis In New York
    Traveling Teacher
    At Loma Linda
    Leading California
    The Temperance Campaign
    Workers Together With God
    Finishing The Course

    Additional Info
    Among the most colorful of the early Seventh-day Adventist church workers was Stephen Nelson Haskell. A self-made man, fearless, and endowed with ingenuity, courage, and vision, Haskell led in a number of enterprises that were accepted and established by the denomination. He was the first to make an around-the-world trip in the interest of Adventist missions, taking almost two years. He was a leader in city mission work, and we think of him as the father of the tract and missionary societies from which developed the Book and Bible Houses and two departments of the church–Publishing and Home Missionary.

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  • Guides Greatest Sabbath Stories


    “I will give you people exactly five minutes to decide whether or not you will work on Saturday.”

    Within five seconds came their determined but respectful reply. “We cannot and will not work on the Sabbath, though the heavens fall!”

    “What?” screamed the astonished Nazi, almost dropping his eyeglasses. “Well, then,” he stammered, “I hope your God can hear through the walls of a concentration camp!”

    Here is a collection of amazing but true stories about God’s faithfulness to those who honor His holy day. A father has no money to send his children to church school until his boss offers him a raise-if he will work on Sabbath just this once. A son is offered a stack of money if he will forget his Adventist scruples. A man with a gun aimed at his heart has to decide whether to honor his conscience.

    Seventh-day Adventist athletes face Sabbath tournaments, musicians face Sabbath recitals, and students face Sabbath exams. Fishermen leave huge fish waiting in their nets at Friday sundown. Even inanimate objects honor the Sabbath-like the hammer that wouldn’t work on that day, the thick harness torn in two by an invisible hand, and one super capacity water jug.

    Sometimes angels get into the act. One explains the seventh day in a dream. Helpful guides appear and disappear. A mysterious porter brings baked potatoes to a young man bleeding from the lash of his chief who demands he carry a load on the Sabbath. In each case God provides for His own.

    Taken from 50 years of Guide, a magazine for Christian youth, these stories prove God’s promise: “Those who honor me I will honor” (1 Samuel 2:30, NIV).

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  • Peace Is An Inside Job Bible Study Guides


    Stress-Who Needs It?
    Fear IS Not a Laughing matter
    Don’t Worry-Be Happy!
    Coping With Guilt
    Grief: Power to Cope
    Steps to Peace With God.

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  • Christ Our Righteousness


    Stresses the meaning of the fundamental doctrine of righteousness by faith as it was emphasized at the historic Minneapolis General Conference of 1888/

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  • Studying Together : A Ready Reference Bible Handbook


    This pocket-sized Bible handbook (3 1/2″ x 7″) is packed with information to assist you in studying the beautiful Christ-centered truths of the Bible with your friends and neighbors. It is divided into three main sections:

    Section I: Bible Studies You Can Give

    This section contains thirty-two doctrinal Bible studies. Each study presents on aspect of Bible truth. Texts are linked together in a systematic way so each link in the chain of truth carefully fits with the succeeding link. Text summaries follow each Bible reference so you will know clearly what is in the text. You will find straightforward Bible answers to sometimes difficult questions immediately following each doctrinal Bible study.

    Section II: Practical Christianity

    The problems of life find practical answers in the Word of God. This section provides God’s answers to our daily difficulties (15 topics covered). It reveals a Christ who is not far distant but one who is near at hand-a Christ who is both interested in and capable of solving our daily problems.

    Section III: Understanding Churches, Denominations, and Other Religious Groups

    The alphabetical list of twenty-two denominations and religious groups includes information on heir origin, major doctrinal beliefs, doctrinal beliefs held in common with Seventh-day Adventists, and suggested methods of approach.

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  • Healing Prayer


    “The prayer of faith shall save the sick”
    (James 5:15)

    That promise is the subject of this book. After offering a collection of pertinent biblical passages, Ellen G. White sets forth conditions for answered prayer and explains why God does not always say Yes to every request for healing.

    She also discusses the preparation necessary on the part of those who pray, the importance of submitting to God’s will, and the relationship between miraculous healing and physical remedies. The book includes an illuminating case history in which God revealed why He declined to answer a prayer for healing.

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  • Testimonies To Ministers And Gospel Workers


    Ellen White’s vital messages to church leaders following the historic 1888 Minneapolis General Conference session, were published as Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers in 1923. Now these powerful messages calling for regeneration and reformation of life are reintroduced in a beautiful new binding for the Christian Home series.

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  • Prophecy Made Easy


    From the back cover:
    Does “black” mean “white”? Does “happy” mean “sad”? Then how on earth do some scholars expect us to believe that “reveal” means “hide”?
    Yet that’s exactly what many so-called Bible scholars say about the prophetic book of Revelation–that it’s a book God never intended to be understood, that its prophecies are mysteries that God intended should remain hidden from us. But again, what does the word “revelation” suggest to you? “Revealing” or “hiding”?

    In Prophecy Made Easy, the author maintains that Bible prophecy is not impossibly complex and mysterious. He says that it doesn’t take a doctorate or seminary degree to understand God’s messages in the book of Revelation and its companion prophetic book–the Old Testament book of Daniel. He shows how the Bible itself provides all the keys necessary to understanding the times and symbols of Bible prophecy.

    Among the most successful books in print these days are those that promise to simplify various topics so that even “dummies” or “idiots” can understand them! No one needs to feel like a dummy or idiot when it comes to Bible prophecy–it is accessible to every one of us, no matter what our intelligence or education. And understanding Bible prophecy has never been more critical and urgent. We’ve now crossed over into a new millennium. Our world is clearly in trouble. Where are we headed? Could we be witnessing the final days of Planet Earth? How will the future affect you and your life plans?

    This book and your Bible will help you find answers to these questions–and help you experience the future–now!

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  • What The Bible Says About


    What the Bible Says About . . . contains two powerful aids to Bible study in one compact package. First, there are 31 actual Bible studies on important topics such as The Origin of Sin, Life After Death, Steps to Christ, Angels, The Bible Sabbath, and more. Then there’s also an easy-to-use Bible marking plan that will help you transform your own Bible into a virtual encyclopedia of biblical information that you can share with others.

    By using this simple color-coded plan, you can follow key subjects throughout your Bible, learning and teaching what God’s Word has to say about each important topic.

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  • That I May Know Him


    From the “Foreword”

    More than half of the book is drawn from the wealth of inspired material in the articles from her pen that appeared during her long lifetime in such periodicals as the Review and Herald, Youth’s Instructor, and Signs of the Times. About one third is drawn from unpublished manuscripts and letters in the custody of the trustees of the Ellen G. White writings, under whose direction the volume has been prepared.

    Many of these unpublished items are from personal heart-to-heart messages sent to individuals-messages that come to us today with the same earnest appeal, the same tender admonition and encouragement, as when they were written. Of special interest are several pages which contain extracts from early morning entries in Ellen White’s diary, and give the reader significant glimpses into her personal prayer life.

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  • Revelations Three Most Wanted


    SKU (ISBN): 9780816319978Mark Finley | Steven MosleyBinding: Trade PaperPublished: May 2003Publisher: Pacific Press Publishing Association

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  • Heaven


    This brand-new compilation for the Christian Home Library gathers the choicest statements and descriptions Ellen White has given through the years about heaven–the future home of the redeemed. Also available in Spanish.

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  • Ministry Of Healing


    In this book Ellen White deals with sickness of the soul and the healing balm to be found by trusting God for all things. Written in simple, beautiful language, Ministry of Healing will point you to a life full of joy and gladness-a life in touch with the Source of healing power.

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  • James White : Innovator And Overcomer


    Gerald Wheeler provides a fascinating look at James White, the man from Maine who organized a denomination, served as its leader, and founded four journals, two publishing houses, and one university.

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  • Medical Ministry


    Ellen White placed great importance on obedience to God’s law as a foundation for good health. She believed that disregarding God’s moral law leads to disregard for His physical laws that govern the health of body and mind. This comprehensive view of health-one that involves body, mind, and spirit-is set forth in this book.

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  • History Of Redemption


    The greatest devotional books written by Ellen White in one convenient volume.

    You can now carry with you the complete text of Patriarchs and Prophets, Prophets and Kings, The Desire of Ages, Thoughts from the Mount of Blessing, Christ’s Object Lessons, The Acts of the Apostles, The Great Controversy and Steps to Christ, in an attractive single volume no bigger than your Bible. The History of Redemption is a remarkable product at a remarkable price. Paperback with a protective clear-plastic slip cover.

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  • Prophets And Kings


    Burgundy HC

    Volume 2, Prophets and Kings, traces the history of a favored and chosen people, vacillating between allegiance to God and to the gods of the nations around them.

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  • Patriarchs And Prophets


    Patriarchs and Prophets is the first volume in the Conflict of the Ages series. It covers the sweeping panorama of human history from the creation of Earth to the reign of Israel’s King David.

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  • Acts Of The Apostles


    SKU (ISBN): 9780816320929Ellen WhiteBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 2003Conflict Of The Ages # 4Publisher: Pacific Press Publishing Association

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