


Family Concerns

  • 5 Love Languages Coupon Book


    Based on one of the five love languages written about by Gary Chapman in his bestselling book, The 5 Love Languages, this coupon book includes 32 ways to bless your loved one. Keep the book in a location where each of you can tear out an appropriate coupon for one another from time to time…and enjoy the blessing of God’s love in your relationship.

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  • 8 Great Smarts


    Help your children be smart with “their “smarts
    At one time or another, most kids will ask (or secretly wonder), Am I smart’ But a better question is, In what “way” am I smart’ Dr. Kathy Koch s down-to-earth and practical guide to the theory of multiple intelligences helps parents and teachers discern and develop their children s unique wiring.

    “8 Great Smarts “will help you:
    *Identify how your child can best learn and study
    *Explore your child s characteristic spiritual struggles and his or her ways of connecting to God
    *Learn how you can awaken and nurture your child s weaker intelligences
    *Uncover how your behavior can paralyze your child s smarts, and what to do about it
    *Recognize how your child s misbehavior may be connected to his or her strengths
    *Discover creative teaching methods and potential careers that are ideal for each intelligence

    Every child is some combination of the following smarts: “word, logic, picture, music, body, nature, people, “and” self.” The sooner you and your child discover his or her best smarts, the sooner you can nurture their potential and help them to flourish and use their gifts for God and others.

    “Revised and updated version of “How Am I Smart'”

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  • 5 Reasons For Spiritual Apathy In Teens


    When teens are struggling, disconnected, and apathetic, they need parental engagement more than ever. Parents must fight the temptation to passively accept the behavior as normal and ignore the situation. Instead it is time to press in to the heart of your teen, and push past the emotional struggle that often occurs in this phase of growing up. The Rienow’s understand what families are facing and share practical steps parents can take to cultivate faith and character during the challenging teen years.

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  • Marriage Moments : Mad Marriage


    Love Is a Journey

    Are you still madly in love like you were in the early days? Are you excited about the future of your relationship? Or are you bored, indifferent-even scared? If your relationship isn’t where you want it to be, here is some practical marriage advice from the hosts of “Mad About Marriage,” Mike and Gayle Tucker.

    In Marriage Moments, the Tuckers offer realistic and down-to-earth insight into what makes a great relationship and how to deal with sensitive issues such as forgiveness, jealousy, financial difficulties, anger, communication, illness, addiction, extramarital affairs, and much more.

    Remember, you and your spouse are a work in progress. You really can create the marriage of your dreams, so why not take action and get started today!

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  • Invisible Woman : A Special Story For Mothers


    There is nothing like the pain of feeling invisible to those around you. It especially hurts when you are serving, giving, and loving, and no one seems to notice or even care.

    In creating The Invisible Woman, Nicole Johnson shows how much she understands the difficulty of living with great responsibility without receiving any recognition. Nicole puts us inside the mind and heart of Charlotte Fisher.

    And as we walk through Charlotte’s story of feeling invisible, we experience the comedy and loneliness of her life. The invisibility that at first feels inflicted ultimately brings her real significance and meaning.

    Drawing her strength from the invisible builders of the great cathedrals, Charlotte realizes she is not invisible to God, and this simple truth changes everything for her. Faith is rekindled in her heart as she seeks to love her family in ways that only invisibility makes possible.

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  • 30 Ways A Father Can Bless His Children


    Easily give your kids the affirmation and relationship that your kids need and desire in 30 easy, affordable, and practical ways. Based on biblical elements, “The Blessing” isn’t just another parenting tip or formula-it’s a powerful, yet simple, biblical concept that will strengthen all your relationships. Perfect for parents with children of any age.

    Statistics show that a father’s presence in the lives of his children promotes higher levels of school performance, better psychological development, positive relational skills, and decreased exposure to violence, substance abuse, and poverty.

    With 30 Ways a Father Can Bless His Children, fathers can be empowered to make a difference in the lives of their children in real and practical ways using the 5 Elements of the Blessing.

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  • Same Dress Different Day


    Owl Of Hope
    People affected by a loved one’s addiction suffer silently in church pews. I was one of them. I’m Juliet. Sometimes I wish I could be someone else, with another name altogether, someone whose life is more comedy than tragedy. During the twelve years I was married to a cocaine-addicted Christian, I was overwhelmed with isolation and shame as I sat next to my ex-husband in church week after week. No one fathomed our family skeletons. How could I tell anyone? God stirred my spirit to seek personal healing and give voice to my reality. Through Him, I found freedom from silence and redemption for the life dreams I thought were forever lost. Same Dress, Different Day: A Spiritual Memoir of Addiction and Redemption chronicles my journey from victim to victor as I struggled to break free from codependency’s suffocating cycle. I learned to see my Savior as the soul mate and provider my chemically dependent spouse could never be. God’s healing grace is not only for the addicted, but also for the broken ones who love them.

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  • Dad Book


    Younger dad, older dad, in-the-middle dad…what father couldn’t use a quick-access resource called The Dad Book?

    Raising children can be mysterious, even downright frustrating sometimes. So Jay Payleitner, bestselling author of 52 Things Kids Need from a Dad and veteran dadmeister of five grown kids, has packed even more resources in this handy volume of quick, inspiring help:
    *fresh ideas to engage your kids
    *dad-to-dad humor to give a lift to your perspective
    *pick-me-up reminders that God’s in the fathering trenches with you
    *ways to teach your kids by showing them instead of telling them
    *encouragement to connect your kids with the God who sees inside their hearts and your heart

    You’ll get a big confidence boost from Jay’s straightforward, man-friendly advice. A terrific way to lift your outlook above the fray and help you build lifelong positives into your family!

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  • When Jesus Speaks To A Fathers Heart


    SKU (ISBN): 9781630587345David McLaughlanBinding: Cloth TextPublished: March 2015Publisher: Barbour Publishing Inc.

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  • Marriage Biblical And Theological Aspects Vol. I


    This book offers thoughtful and detailed studies on several areas of concern for the individual Christian and the church at large. After showing the beauty of marriage and the relevance of Scripture to a sound understanding of marriage and sexuality, this volume tackles crucial topics such as singleness, gender and roles in marriage, sexuality, religiously mixed marriages, and divorce and remarriage.

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  • Youll Laugh About This Someday


    Life is often a blur for busy moms.

    Rushing kids to school, to the doctor, to the dinner table, to bed-only to repeat it again the next day. And the next.

    So what’s a mom to do?

    Mother of four, Melissa Howell speaks to the mess of madness and mayhem that is life with littles, and says, “God calls me into His presence to be still. ‘Be still and know that I am God,’ He invites (Psalm 46:10, NIV)…. This is good news for those of us in mommy-land, who find stillness and quiet hard commodities to come by. Because it means that even if our surroundings are in chaos, our souls can be anchored deep in the stillness that comes from certainty in God’s power.”

    You’ll Laugh About This Someday is filled with humor, life lessons, and deeply spiritual insights into the world of motherhood that will encourage and bless moms everywhere. It’s not your typical devotional book. But then again, there’s nothing typical about the adventure we call motherhood!

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  • Interactive Family Worship


    Has it been awhile since you actually surprised your kids at family worship time?

    Do you laugh together?

    Do you sense God’s joyful presence?

    Get ready to wake up your old traditions. If you want to spend less time planning and more time worshiping you’ll love this book of family-tested fun.

    Have a rope and some clothespins? That’s all you need to get moving with a brand-new style of Bible baseball.

    Need more ideas? Stretch your brain with a three-second Bible quiz. Turn backyard nature items into a creative Scripture night memory game.

    Throw out fresh conversation starters that lead you closer to your family and your God.

    Some of these worship ideas take just a few minutes. Others could involve bathrobes, dish towel turbans, and a half hour of hilarious role-playing. You’ll find activities perfect for Friday family reunions or Sabbath schools. Interactive Family Worship Ideas for Kids will turn worship into everyone’s favorite part of the day.

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  • Real Family Talk


    The most challenging and the most important aspects of people’s lives the world over are having meaningful and happy relationships. What God meant for harmony and symphonic communication often turns to frustration, fear, and despair.

    Being intentional about connecting and creating a positive and safe environment for the people we have relationships with are what make marriage, families, and friendships worthy and worthwhile ventures. This kind of relationship makes for happy and productive people, who contribute to the well-being of the home, church, and society. But it is not possible without the power and help of our heavenly Father.

    In Real Family Talk, Willie and Elaine Oliver answer questions from real people with problems just like yours on dating, doctrines, infidelity, parenting, and sex–anything and everything relating to relationships.

    “It is our hope that the information shared in this volume will serve as a catalyst to enhance your relationships, as you trust God to give you the desire and strength to honor Him in your most important daily interactions.”–Willie and Elaine Oliver

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  • Power Of A Praying Parent


    Stormie Omartian’s bestselling The Power of a Praying(R) series (more than 23 million copies sold) is rereleased with fresh new covers and new material to reach a still-growing market of readers eager to discover the power of prayer for their lives.

    After 20 years of raising her son and daughter alongside her husband, Michael, Stormie looks back at the trials and joys of parenting and the power in praying for her children. In these easy-to-read chapters, Stormie shares from personal experience as to how parents can pray for their kids’
    *character development
    *peer pressure
    *school experiences
    *relationship with God

    This resource will help you to be an amazing praying parent whether your kids are three or thirty-three.

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  • Bible Promises For Couples


    SKU (ISBN): 9781433682414Karen MooreBinding: Cloth TextPublished: January 2014Bible Promises – B And H PublishingPublisher: B and H Publishing Group

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  • Christian Mamas Guide To Babys First Year


    An entertaining, practical guide for first-time mamas and those who need a baby refresher course.

    The new mom initiation ritual involves sleepless nights, an inexplicable obsession with baby booties, and more questions than answers. This take on everything baby offers new moms the Christian girlfriend advice she needs to feel confident in her new role, including:

    getting into the motherhood groove
    breastfeeding advice
    suggestions for losing the baby weight-before your baby is no longer a baby
    time management tips that may just help you find time to do laundry-before you run out of clean underwear
    how you can manage to be a godly mother and a good wife on less than three hours of sleep a night

    Easy-to-read and relatable, this been-there-done-that guide answers these questions and more with a dose of humor an a lot of grace so that new moms can become the moms that God intended them to be during their baby’s first year.

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  • Wisdom For Fathers


    SKU (ISBN): 9781620297285Produced by: Barbour PublishingBinding: Cloth TextPublished: March 2013Publisher: Barbour Publishing Inc.

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  • Sparkly Green Earrings


    Women love to read about other women. They want to know they’re not alone-that others have been where they are and struggled with the things they’ve struggled with. And when those stories are told in a way that can make us laugh at all our insecurities, even better.Written in the familiar, quirky style of the ever-popular Big Mama blog, Sparkly Green Earrings is an honest-to-goodness look at motherhood from someone who has been there. Filled with personal stories from Big Mama herself-from her decision to become a mother to the heartbreak of miscarriage and ultimately, to the joy of raising a baby and living to tell about it-Sparkly Green Earrings is a must-read for every woman.

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  • 5 Money Personalities Guidebook


    SKU (ISBN): 9781401678333Scott Palmer | Bethany PalmerBinding: Trade PaperPublished: December 2012Publisher: HarperChristian Resources

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  • Father Hunger : Why God Calls Men To Love And Lead Their Families


    We live in a culture in which absentee fatherhood is the norm. Pastor and parenting authority Douglas Wilson brings a powerful message about its true costs to our families and society and encourages men to be the fathers God calls them to be. When we hear the word fatherless, our minds usually turn to orphans, to children who have lost their fathers to tragic accidents. For most of us, that seems to be a problem outside our own families, a painful reality with which others must deal. “Not so,” says Douglas Wilson. “Most of our families are starving for fathers, even if Dad is around, and there’s a huge cost to our children and our society because of it.” Why Fathers Really Matter is a thoughtful and timely excursion into our culture of fatherlessness, what Wilson calls “the central malady of our time.” Central because it is the cause of so many of the ills we face-everything from atheism and crime to joyless feminism and paternalistic government expansion-but most important because of the effect it has on families, children, wives, and husbands. Bottom line: when fathers are checked out, left out, or ruled out, it hurts literally everyone.

    We need our fathers, and all too often they are nowhere present. Indispensible Dad has one basic goal: to encourage and empower men to be the fathers that God calls them to be and that their families and culture desperately need them to be.

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