


Family Concerns

  • Its Your Kid Not A Gerbil


    Do you sometimes feel like a gerbil running on a wheel inside a cage as you scurry from place to place, chauffeuring your children from one endless activity to another? What if, for one moment, you could just step off of the wheel . . . and relax? How would you feel then? And what if that single moment could stretch into an hour, or even a whole day? It’s Your Kid, Not a Gerbil will provide practical solutions and helpful insight to get off the activity wheel so that you can put your time and energies where they really count: in establishing strong character and a love for home and family that will serve your kids well for a lifetime.

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  • Bible On Marriage Divorce And Remarriage


    SKU (ISBN): 9781580193788Doug BatchelorBinding: Trade PaperPublished: May 2011Publisher: Spring Arbor Distributors

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  • 99 Ways To Raise Spiritually Healthy Children


    SKU (ISBN): 9780664235369Kathleen BostromBinding: Trade PaperPublished: November 2010Publisher: Westminster John Knox Press

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  • 5 Love Languages Of Teenagers


    Socially, mentally, and spiritually teenagers face a variety of pressures and stresses each day. Despite these peer pressures; it is still parents who can influence teens the most. Are you equipped to love your teenager effectively? Dr. Gary Chapman is here to help, with a special edition of the #1 New York Times bestselling book The Five Love Languages. Get equipped to be a better parent as The Five Love Languages of Teenagers explores the world in which teenagers live; explains the developmental changes; and give tools to help you identify and appropriately communicate in your teens love language. Get practical tips on loving your teen effectively and explore key issues in your teen’s life including anger and independence. Finally learn how to set boundaries that are enforced with discipline and consequences, and discover useful ways for the difficult task of loving when your teen fails. With more than 250,000 copies sold, learn the secrets to loving your teenager effectively through real life stories from the counseling office of Dr. Gary Chapman. Get ready to discover how the principles of the five love languages can really work in the lives of your teens and family. Do you know your teenagers love language?

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  • Parenting Boot Camp


    Most parents learn by trial and error-and you can learn a lot that way-but every new recruit needs basic training strategies to be successful at the job of parenting. The objective of Parenting Boot Camp is to give parents the information they need to be an effective parent of their children. The goal is not to be a “perfect” parent but to have fun, be an effective teacher, and create positive relationships. This book will be useful for conducting seminars and small group studies, as well as a stand-alone guide for parents.

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  • Love Sex And God Boys Edition


    SKU (ISBN): 9780758614131Bill Ameiss | Jane GraverBinding: Trade PaperPublished: July 2008Learning About SexPublisher: Concordia Publishing House

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  • Marriage At Risk


    Join Pastor Greg Laurie as he uncovers the danger of adultery and how to overcome it through the biblical accounts of David and Bathsheba and Samson and Delilah. Full of insightful statistics on marriage, adultery, and divorce, Pastor Greg’s counsel will help keep you from putting your marriage at risk.

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  • My Single Mom Life


    The day Angela Thomas sold the only thing she had, the diamond from her engagement ring, to take care of her kids was the day she began to believe they were going to make it. In that decision, the faith she had always talked about became the faith she was going to learn how to live. In the years since, God has given Angela a passionate desire . . . to live an amazing life, even while raising four kids as a single mom. In this book she shares her hard-earned wisdom on loneliness, dating, finances, and parenting, encouraging every solo mom. “As a gift to our children,” she says, “we can become healthy moms who are strong and amazing women in spite of our circumstances.”

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  • Minivan Years


    SKU (ISBN): 9781931722766Olivia BrunerBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 2008Publisher: Center Street/Hachette Book Group

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  • Complex Religion Of Teens


    A lifetime of research reveals how adolescents relate to spiritual matters. This book provides insight into our teenagers. You’ll learn about their brand of religion, how they express it, and how to nurture and mold it successfully.

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  • Laws Of Dating


    You can find your Mr. Right, or Ms. Right, and experience a satisfying, joyful, and lasting marriage!

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  • You Have What It Takes


    Every boy wants to be a hero. He wants to be powerful, he wants to be dangerous, he wants to know … Do I have what it takes? Conversely, every girl wants to believe that she is captivating and worth fighting for. She wants to know … Am I lovely? Only you, Dad, can answer those questions. That makes you the most powerful man in your child’s life. Now with a new cover, this booklet will show that You Have What It Takes.

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  • Parenting Your Teen By The Spirit


    Provides a firm but loving approach to parenting teens that encourages them to live up to their God-given potential.

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  • To Own A Dragon


    SKU (ISBN): 9781576837313Donald Miller | John MacMurrayBinding: Trade PaperPublished: February 2006Publisher: NavPress

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  • 100 Creative Sabbath Activities For Kids


    Need creative ideas for making Sabbath special? How about 100 of them?

    Karen Holford has become the friend of Adventist families everywhere with her creative activity books on prayer (100 Creative Prayer Ideas for Kids). Now she seeks to restore Sabbath joy for twenty-first century families in 100 Creative Activities for Sabbath.

    In classic Holford style, Karen piles on the creativity with outdoor activities, such as “Pond-Dipping,” “Bug Safari,” “Art Galleries,” and “Prayer Walking.” Then she keeps it coming with indoor activities like “Bible Video Clip Quiz,” “Scripture Sculptures,” “Spiritual Family Tree,” and “Musical Mimes.” Each activity has a simple explanation, a list of what you will need, what you do, things to talk about, and alternative ideas to help customize the activity.

    For parents and caregivers who want their children to treasure our Sabbath heritage, yet struggle with the challenges of modern living, this book is a cause for rejoicing!

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  • 1st Seven Years


    Dr. Kay Kuzma’s most important book about a child’s most important years.

    Known to countless parents as “Dr. Kay,” child development specialist, broadcaster, and author Kay Kuzma has distilled the best of her life’s work and research into The First 7 Years. In this ambitious book, Kay gives parents the information they must have for meeting children’s needs in the critical areas of love, individuality, emotions, discipline, cognitive learning, moral character, and personal value.

    No parent of a preschool aged child will want to be without this guide to parenting that contains some of Dr. Kay’s best-known and battle-tested child-rearing principles.

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  • 120 Quick And Easy Object Lessons For Childrens Story Time


    A dog leash, a candle, a flashlight, a bull’s-eye, an apple, sugar, balloons, a banana, a bell, paper, building blocks, a compass, measuring cups, a rock-what do all these things have in common? They are used as object lessons to illustrate the spiritual truths we can learn from everyday life in a way children can understand.

    Each story in 120 Quick and Easy Object Lessons for Children’s Story Time is drawn from an item the children are familiar with and is perfect for use during children’s story time in church or for demonstrating important points during Sabbath School.

    Week to week, as you teach extraordinary lessons from ordinary things, the children will be intrigued by the objects and images that surround them, and they will be excited to find out what’s in your bag!

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  • Parenting Your Child By The Spirit


    Gives parents the spiritual tools they need to re-create their children’s character.

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  • Child Guidance


    Child Guidance covers the essentials of parenting, with chapters on specific building blocks of character, such as purity, cheerfulness, self-control, reverence, respect, honesty, cleanliness, and courtesy. Includes guidance on how to teach self-denial, how to mold the will, reinforce good habits, evoke penitence without resentment, and conduct effective family worships.

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  • Parenting By The Spirit


    Parenting by the Spirit is a refreshingly practical and spiritual approach that helps you discover that your own vital connection with Jesus is the greatest secret to winning the hearts of your children. If you’ve tried and failed to live up to your own and everybody else’s unrealistic expectations, and are willing to follow God’s plan, this book will show you how to be the parent He designed you to be.

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