
  • See With New Eyes


    See With New Eyes, by Ty Gibson, is about God. It’s not about people or religions that claim to represent God, but about God Himself, as He has represented Himself in the One true portrait of His character.

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  • Christmas In My Heart 8


    SKU (ISBN): 9780828014595Compiled by: Joe Wheeler | Editor: Joe WheelerBinding: Trade PaperPublished: June 2001Christmas In My Heart # 8Publisher: Review & Herald Publishing

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  • Shades Of Grace


    Surprised by grace . . . again.

    It has been said, “The genius of a good book is that it explains a familiar subject with unfamiliar newness.” Such is the case with this book. The incredibly vital topic of divine grace is opened here, layer after layer, until one feels as though a whole new dimension of thought and feeling has flooded into the soul. Like the multi-hued richness of the color spectrum, there are various Shades of Grace which compose the beautiful character of God. To say, “Grace is unmerited favor,” and then move on as if understanding had been achieved, would be like merely saying of space, “It’s big.” True, but so very lacking in real meaning.

    Grace is unmerited favor, and so much more, as you are about to discover. Find a quiet place and join the author, Ty Gibson, for an empowering series of intimate penetrations into the mind and emotions of God. And be prepared to be surprised by grace . . . again.

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  • Guides Greatest Miracle Stories


    The silent swish of paddles in the darkness told Karsatoa that his enemies had him surrounded. Suddenly his canoe began to fly over the water-atop a giant stingray. The God of the Bible is still in the miracle business. These thrilling reports from around the world show that He still reveals His power and care today.

    You will read of dollar bills that multiplied. A prayer written on a kite. Prison doors that opened. A self-healing radiator, and a self-filling gas tank. Rain that fell only on mission property. A book that refused to burn. A clock that struck 13. Manna from heaven–in Africa. A gentle ride inside a tornado. Invisible hands that lift a car. And lots of mysterious strangers, sometimes visible only to some and not others. But always protecting, guiding, saving.

    If you wonder whether God still cares, or if your faith needs a shot in the arm, you will cherish these believe-it-or-not true stories from Borneo to Kalamazoo to Venezuela that show that, when we need Him most, God is there.

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  • Christmas In My Heart Book 9


    Hard to believe, but here it is: Christmas in My Heart, book9. They keep coming because so many readers like you find it inconceivable to enter another Christmas season without a new Christmas in My Heart transfusion.

    Oh, ’tis true that the now “old” collections are still treasured, are reread again and again, becoming in a very special way Christmas velveteen rabbits, all the dearer for their dog-eared coves and creased pages. Yet at the same time that the first eight collections are returned to, there is an innate need to expand the core collection, to greet with delight new writers with fresh approaches and, even more significant, to listen once again to writers now believed to us-each additional story by such a writer but deepens the bond, that voice that can never be stilled as long as we refuse to let it die.

    That is the magic of Christmas in My Heart!

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  • Just Plane Crazy


    This is the wonderfully fun, true story of three boys’ adventures one summer as they attempt to raise enough money to buy a mission plane. Rick, Tim, and Marcus are obsessed with flying. So much so that they decide to begin raising money for a real mission plane. With their allowance only trickling in, they set out to earn as much as possible. The adventures mount as they attempt to secure the needed fortune as fur trappers, hang glider manufacturers, and breeders. It is unbelievable they survive, let alone come away with any mission money. You’ll love this story of chasing dreams, staring danger in the eye, and becoming a little more grown up.

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  • This Day With God


    This daily devotional is unique in that the reading are not clustered around a central theme, but are arranged according to the day on which they were originally written.

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  • Christmas In My Heart 6


    SKU (ISBN): 9780828013109Compiled by: Joe Wheeler | Editor: Joe WheelerBinding: Trade PaperPublished: October 1999Christmas In My Heart # 6Publisher: Review & Herald Publishing

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  • Christmas In My Heart 5


    SKU (ISBN): 9780828011396Compiled by: Joe Wheeler | Editor: Joe WheelerBinding: Trade PaperPublished: October 1999Christmas In My Heart # 5Publisher: Review & Herald Publishing

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  • Christmas In My Heart 2


    SKU (ISBN): 9780828007931Compiled by: Joe Wheeler | Editor: Joe WheelerBinding: Trade PaperPublished: October 1999Christmas In My Heart # 2Publisher: Review & Herald Publishing

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  • Christmas In My Heart Book 7


    When the first Christmas in My Heart book rolled off the press seven years ago, initial sales were modest. By late November, however, the books really began to move, and by Christmas we were gearing up for a third printing. Because of widespread interest in the stories, Wheeler was asked to compile another collection each year.

    Along the way the series was a Gold Medallion finalist at the Christian Booksellers Association; it became a much-loved part of Focus on the Family Christmases; Doubleday began a hardback series; and Tyndale House began distributing the paperback editions to the Christian market.

    So it is today, in thousands of homes, the Christmas in My Heart books have become part of the very fabric of Christmas.

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  • Christmas In My Heart Book 4


    Outside it may be cold and snowy, but on these tapes you’ll find stories that will set your heart ablaze with the warmth of Christmas. Stories so powerful, so touching, they’ll leave you with a lump in your throat, tears in your eyes, and in irresistible urge to share them with someone you love.

    Many families make Christmas in My Heart part of their Christmas tradition. They decorate the house for Christmas, then sit down by the fire and share stories from the newest book. Some families read one story a day during the Christmas season. You’ll find that these heartwarming stories add a special touch to your holiday season too.

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  • Christmas In My Heart Book 3


    Here are Christmas stories for all generations, and each will tug at your heartstrings in just a little different way. In fact, only a certified Scrooge could possibly read them dry-eyed!

    Many families make the Christmas in My Heart collection part of their Christmas tradition. As soon as Thanksgiving dinner is over they decorate the house for Christmas, sit down by the fire, and share stories from the newest book. Some families read at least one story a day during the Christmas season. You’ll find these heartwarming stories add a special touch to your holiday season too.

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  • Christmas In My Heart Book 1


    Dr. Wheeler has dedicated a lifetime to tracking down elusive Christmas stories. From several thousand, he has chosen those that, for generation after generation, have continued to be most loved and cherished. Powerful and emotive, they are timeless in their ability to help us experience the joy, wonder, and true meaning of Christmas. Their message of unselfish love and personal involvement turns our thoughts to Christ, and reminds us every time we read them, that this is really what Christmas-and life itself-is all about.

    It is Dr. Wheeler’s sincere wish that these stories will become your friends too, to be read and reread as you and your loved ones make them an integral part of your own Christmas traditions and memories.

    Some of the fondest memories of my childhood are tied to hearing my mother read Christmas stories to our family. Not one of them was just a Christmas story; each had the ability to make us laugh or cry, to tug at our heartstrings, to remind us that only a Christ-filled Christmas had any meaning at all.-Joe L. Wheeler.

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  • Richest Caveman


    SKU (ISBN): 9780816308767Marilyn TookerBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 1991Publisher: Send The Light Distribution – No Active Product

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