



  • Even The Angels Must Laugh Again


    “WARNING! Do not read this book in church! Trying not to laugh out loud when reading these stories may result in ruptured internal organs!

    Have you ever been in church and witnessed something so funny you almost suffocated trying to contain yourself? And because it happened in church, where the tone is typically solemn and worshipful, it was all the more comical.

    This hilarious book is back in print! Jan Doward has added more stories that will really crack you up! Baptisms that boggle the mind, church bloopers that almost bring down the house, evangelism beyond belief–each chapter is filled with the joy of worshiping with human beings.

    Story by story, this collection of humor will remind you of the joy of being a Christian and the wonder of a God who created laughter.”

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  • Thor The Thunder Cat


    When the growly man offered to pay Todd with a Siamese kitten for shoveling snow, Todd pictured himself the proud owner of a sleek, graceful pet. Now, as he looked down at the scruffy runt in his hands, he wasn’t so sure what he was getting into.

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  • Secret Of Blackloch Castle


    Zack and Stef search for a secret passage, a hidden door, or anything that will lead them to the treasure hidden in Blackloch Castle. Soon Zack finds himself looking for answers about how we got the Bibles we have today.

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  • Tina The Really Rascally Red Fox


    Only one pet could be this much and cause this many problems-Tina the Red fox! From the day she came to Sara’s house as an orphan, Tina showed Sara and her brother how to laugh, how to love, and how to enjoy the beautiful animals God created.

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  • Missing Manger Mystery


    Take a church Christmas program, and outdoor Nativity scene, real barking, mooing, bleating animals (including a camel!), a female “wise man,” battling shepherds, a mysterious fire, a missing antique manger-mix them together, and what do you have?

    One of the funniest and most memorable Detective Zack adventures yet!

    It all started when Mrs. Hopkins warned that disaster was certain if the program were to e held outdoors. Truer words were never spoken! The fire nearly destroyed the stable, and Mrs. Hopkins’s 80-year-old manger from Bethlehem was missing! As Detective Zack and his friend Luke hunt for the culprit, they begin finding evidence for the even greater mystery-Santa Claus. Where did he come from, and what do trees, stocking, and presents have to do with the birth of Jesus?

    The trail of clues takes Zack and company on a “wild lamb” chase that eventually leads them to the villain and the true meaning of Christmas.

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  • Julius The Perfectly Pesky Pet Parrot


    Mitch was doomed. He couldn’t believe what his eyes were seeing. The lampshade lay in a pile of dust on the floor, exposing the metal skeleton of the lamp. His mom’s beautiful walnut dining table had become scalloped overnight. Walnut chips lay on the floor accusing the culprit-Julius, the perfectly pesky pet parrot!

    Julius annoyed everyone with his phone imitations, thefts, and ear-splitting squawking. But when Julius scares away a suspicious salesperson and chases two mean dogs away, everyone starts to believe that Julius isn’t as pesky as they thought.

    VeraLee Wiggins’s witty text will appeal to readers of all ages. Preschoolers and early readers will appreciate the easy-to-read sentences and humorous illustrations. Learning the responsibilities of having a pet can often be hair-raising experience, as Mitch found out. But through every incident, he learns valuable lessons in living his life for Jesus.

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  • Messenger Of The Lord


    This new, comprehensive study of Ellen White’s life and her gift of prophecy will give you a complete look at her ministry and the time in which she worked. In its pages, you will find yourself becoming personally acquainted with Mrs. White herself.

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  • Preparation For The Final Crisis


    SKU (ISBN): 9780816315642C.J. RitchieBinding: Trade PaperPublished: July 1998Publisher: Pacific Press Publishing Association

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  • Coming Great Calamity


    Are you prepared for your world to be shaken to its very foundations?
    Religion will control the governments of our world just before Jesus comes again. The Bible predicts it. But something drastic will have to happen between now and then to allow spiritual powers to capture not only the attention, but the blind obedience, of the secular masses who today scoff at religion.
    Marvin Moore calls our attention to startling biblical predictions about what lies ahead. Everything could change in the twinkling of an eye–as a response to calamities beyond anything humanity has ever experienced.
    Forewarned is forearmed. Be prepared to live through the events that will usher in a new world order. The Coming Great Calamity is a forewarning. It is up to you to be forearmed.

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  • Man Who Couldnt Be Killed


    An unforgettable story of faith and miraculous deliverance in Communist China at the height of the Cultural Revolution. Mr. Wong’s unflinching courage and the miracles that saved his life will inspire you to believe in God who is greater that any problem

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  • Modern Parables : Stories That Make Spiritual Truth Come Alive


    Because they bring heaven a little closer to earth, people still love parables today. Those who have heard the modern parables Pastor Venden shares in his sermons are constantly asking him for copies, which he has now gathered into this book.

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  • Never Good Enough


    Never Good Enough, by Carol Cannon, looks at the reasons behind addictive and codependent behaviors. Addiction is a no-fault disease, and understanding this can help in overcoming the behavior that ties us down.

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  • Preparation For The Final Crisis


    “Great changes are soon to take place in out world, and the final movements will be rapid ones.
    -Testimonies for the Church, vol. 9, p.11

    Historic, sweeping, and unprecedented change has come to characterize the last decade of the twentieth century. “Who could have guessed that things would change so fast?” is the question being asked by many witnesses to the unbelievable shifts taking place on the world political scene. But what of AIDS, the homeless, and the environment? Are the events now rocking out globe the ones described in Testimonies as “rapid” and “final”? How close are we to the long-awaited return of Christ? What changes will occur in the church before the loud cry is given.

    Preparation for the final Crisis organizes the dramatic events leading up to the second coming in the chronological form using passages from the Bible and the Spirit of prophecy. Its clear presentation of the last-day events is intended to guide the advent people as they prepare to meet their Lord.”

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  • 10 Who Came Back


    SKU (ISBN): 9780816314065Tim Lale | Pat HabadaBinding: Trade PaperPublished: July 1998Publisher: Pacific Press Publishing Association

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  • God Cares 2


    A best-selling classic in two volumes, God Cares, contains the latest research on the fascinating prophetic books of Daniel and Revelation. The author unites the most recent scholarship with a compassionate pen as he speaks to all who search for meaning in world history and current events. Recognizing that both Roman Catholic and evangelical Protestant attitudes and emphases have changed over the past century, Dr. Maxwell speaks sympathetically to these various shifts in thought and feeling. He provides careful answers to those particular question of interpretation that have become increasingly important in the last half of the twentieth century.

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  • God Cares 1


    The Message of Daniel For Your and Your Family.
    A best-selling classic in two volumes, God Cares, contains the latest research on the fascinating prophetic books of Daniel and Revelation. The author unites the most recent scholarship with a compassionate pen as he speaks to all who search for meaning in world history and current events. Recognizing that both Roman Catholic and evangelical Protestant attitudes and emphases have changed over the past century, Dr. Maxwell speaks sympathetically to these various shifts in thought and feeling. He provides careful answers to those particular question of interpretation that have become increasingly important in the last half of the twentieth century.
    God Cares lets the books of Daniel and Revelation speak directly to the minds and heart of modern men and women. The reader of these volumes will discover that prophecy not only foretells the future, but that it clearly reveals God and His infinite care for us. How god provides for His people- Pleading with them to accept His forgiveness and power to like changed lives- is a theme the author traces unfailingly throughout his exposition of these two dramatic books of the Bible.
    In God Cares, Vols. 1 and 2, you will read the fascinating story of how God revealed to both Daniel and John the Revelator the rise of great world empires centuries in advance. You will read what the end of the world will be like, and how truth has withstood constant attack by earthly powers. The longest time prophecy in the Bible – which ended in 1844-will be explained, and you will learn how the judgment now going on in heaven personally affects you.
    After reading this easily understood, yet scholarly book, you will appreciated more than ever God’s care for you, and you will understand with new insight the meaning of world history and events.

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  • If My People Pray


    Randy Maxwell’s If My People Pray, a book infused with a passion for prayer as God’s chosen method for establishing His kingdom through us and supplying our greatest needs, will challenge you to respond to God’s eleventh-hour call to pray as never before

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  • God Says But I Think


    “Has God’s Word taken a back seat to our opinion?

    What do you believe in and why? Who is setting your spiritual agenda? The pastor? Church leaders? Our church institutions? Or you yourself? And as you consider these questions, ask yourself one more: Who cares what God says anymore?

    The question is valid because an increasing number of Christians today are depending on someone else to do their spiritual thinking for them. As a result, we are becoming a highly opinionated, confused, and spiritually weak people who are vulnerable to deception and to “every wind of doctrine” blowing about today.

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  • I Will Die Free


    From a place where death is often preferred to life comes a stunning testimony of persecution and perseverance that will awe and inspire all who read it with the truth that our God reigns.

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  • Finding The Right Path


    Just because your parents probably gave this book to you, don’t assume it will put you to sleep.

    Finding the Right Path is filled with entertaining stories that show how the Pathfinder pledge and law really work and can make an exciting difference in your life. Enjoy!

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