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Christian Living

  • Standing Firm


    SKU (ISBN): 9780828016735Richard O’FfillBinding: Trade PaperPublished: December 2002Publisher: Review & Herald Publishing

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  • Counsels On Sabbath School Work


    Just One Hour

    That’s all the time a Sabbath school leader has to make a lasting impression on minds exposed to many hours of secular indoctrination by the media each week. To help make the most of that hour is the purpose of this book.

    The author provides inspired instruction on the qualifications of a teacher, appropriate attitudes, methods of teaching, discipline, gaining respect, encouraging generosity, meeting controversy, and many other practical topics.

    Rather than merely conveying information, the Spirit -controlled teacher may impart a spark of holy fire, making the Bible come alive so that its principles are reproduced in the life. This book explains how to achieve that result make the Sabbath school a soul-winning agency.

    Counsels on Sabbath School Work incorporates the instruction by Ellen G. White recorded in Testimonies on Sabbath School Work as well as added counsel pertaining to this line of activity which has appeared since then in her writings.

    The material in this volume has been topically arranged to make it more readily accessible for study or reference and includes these sections:

    The Importance and Purpose of Sabbath School Work
    A School for Bible Study
    A Soul-winning Agency
    The Teacher and His Work
    Gathering Weekly Mission Offerings
    Guiding Principles in Administration
    Sabbath school officers and teachers, church officers, and conference workers will find this book invaluable in their endeavors to build a stronger Sabbath school. Teacher training classes will find it an essential part of their source material, and every church member may study it with great profit.

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  • Praying Gods Will For My Life


    Whether you are praying for specific needs–confidence, protection, forgiveness–or for you to experience the presence and power of God, you will find the perfect prayers contained in this book. With hundreds of prayers grouped according to topic and based entirely on Scripture, you will have within your reach a rich resource of personal, inspirational prayer.

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  • 5 Steps To Christlike Living


    SKU (ISBN): 9780816318162Randy MaxwellBinding: Trade PaperPublished: June 2001Publisher: Pacific Press Publishing Association

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  • See With New Eyes


    See With New Eyes, by Ty Gibson, is about God. It’s not about people or religions that claim to represent God, but about God Himself, as He has represented Himself in the One true portrait of His character.

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  • Embracing Diversity


    Written by Seventh-day Adventist leaders from many cultural backgrounds, this book describes the values, beliefs, morals, and perspectives that motivate people groups and provides a rich resource for effective cross-cultural service. Groups discussed include Asians, Africans, Hispanics, African-Americans, European Caucasians, Native Americans.

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  • My Life Today


    A daily devotional book drawn from Mrs. White’s writings, this volume touches every part of the Christian’s life.

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  • 13 Life Changing Secrets


    Filled with Bible secrets that can make a difference in the lives of your friends and neighbors. They’ll discover the peace of forgiveness, the joy of the Sabbath rest, the promise of heaven, the power of prayer, and urgent Bible truth for these last days.

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  • Man In The Mirror


    SKU (ISBN): 9780310234937Patrick MorleyBinding: Mass MarketPublished: February 2000Publisher: Zondervan

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  • Perseverance : 6 Studies Based On A Long Obedience In The Same Direction


    1. Repentance/Psalm 120
    2. Help/Psalm 124
    3. Joy/Psalm 126
    4. Patience/Psalm 129
    5. Hope/Psalm 130
    6. Faith/Psalm 132

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    When the going gets tough, what does a Christian do?

    This world is no friend to grace. God has given us some resources, however. As we grow in character qualities like hope, patience, repentance and joy, we will grow in our ability to persevere. The biblical passage in these studies offer encouragement to continue in the path Christ has set forth for us.

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  • Treasure Principle : Unlocking The Secret Of Joyful Giving (Audio CD)


    2.5 Hours On 2 CDs

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    : Discover a joy more precious than gold! Priceless treasure is within your reach. And with it, liberating joy. In Randy Alcorn’s The Treasure Principle, you’ll unearth a radical teaching of Jesus – a secret wrapped up in giving. Once you discover this secret, life will never look the same. And you won’t want it to!

    “Supercharged with stunning, divine truth! Lightning struck over and over as I read it.” John Piper, senior pastor, Bethlehem Baptist Church, Minneapolis

    “The Treasure Principle will change your life! This book is destined to become a classic.” Howard Dayton, CEO Crown Financial Minstries

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  • My Heart Christs Home


    The Study
    The Dining Room
    The Living Room
    The Workroom
    The Rec Room
    The Bedroom
    The Hall Closet
    Transferring The Title

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    In this booklet, Robert Boyd Munger emphasizes the need for Christians to be wholeheartedly devoted to Christ.

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  • In The Light Of Gods Love


    Every now and then a book is written that penetrates beyond the head and speaks to the inmost heart. Page by page the reader senses the distinct moving of God’s Spirit. Christ, in all His matchless glory, is exalted until self fades into insignificance.

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  • Even The Angels Must Laugh Again


    “WARNING! Do not read this book in church! Trying not to laugh out loud when reading these stories may result in ruptured internal organs!

    Have you ever been in church and witnessed something so funny you almost suffocated trying to contain yourself? And because it happened in church, where the tone is typically solemn and worshipful, it was all the more comical.

    This hilarious book is back in print! Jan Doward has added more stories that will really crack you up! Baptisms that boggle the mind, church bloopers that almost bring down the house, evangelism beyond belief–each chapter is filled with the joy of worshiping with human beings.

    Story by story, this collection of humor will remind you of the joy of being a Christian and the wonder of a God who created laughter.”

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  • God Says But I Think


    “Has God’s Word taken a back seat to our opinion?

    What do you believe in and why? Who is setting your spiritual agenda? The pastor? Church leaders? Our church institutions? Or you yourself? And as you consider these questions, ask yourself one more: Who cares what God says anymore?

    The question is valid because an increasing number of Christians today are depending on someone else to do their spiritual thinking for them. As a result, we are becoming a highly opinionated, confused, and spiritually weak people who are vulnerable to deception and to “every wind of doctrine” blowing about today.

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  • How To Know Gods Will In Your Life


    In this thought-provoking book about divine guidance, Morris Venden, in an approach that is both practical and spiritual, leads you not only to an understanding of God’s will in your life but to a better understanding of God Himself and your relationship to Him.

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  • Gods Joyful Surprise


    257 Pages In 16 Chapters

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    This book makes an important statement about devotions to God rather than activity. Strands of humor and warmth woven throughout make it a joy to read from beginning to end.

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