

Christian Living

  • 90 Days Of Believing God Devotional And Journal


    Every flower petal is unique, just as each of our lifestories is unique. In the blink of an eye, Anne Alexander’s world was turned upside down and inside out when her thirty-seven-year-old husband suddenly died of a massive heart attack-in a movie theater-and she was left to raise two young children. If you are looking for some realistic guidelines regarding the grieving process, this book is for you.

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  • Dark Clouds Deep Mercy


    Where do you turn when the dark clouds of pain, suffering, and loss roll into your life? In a broken world, difficult trials can lead quickly to discouragement and despair-even for Christians. But the Bible sets forth an oft-neglected practice for dealing with such trials: lament. To lament is to turn to God in honest, desperate prayer, giving voice to the reality of our emotions-as intense and tumultuous as they may be. Ultimately, lament is an expression of faith in the God who hears our cries and responds with mercy and grace. Drawing on examples from the Bible and his own story of loss, pastor Mark Vroegop walks through steps of lament (Turn, Complain, Ask, and Trust) to show what lament is, why it is important, and how to enter into it-helping readers learn to live between the poles of God’s goodness and a hard life.

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  • Discovering The Good Life


    The human heart is always searching for satisfaction, always longing for “the good life” in the things of this world. But Christians and non-Christians alike experience dashed dreams, ruined relationships, failures, regrets, and discouragement. Daily disappointments leave everyone wanting something more. In this book, Tim Savage sets forth a distinctly Christian vision of “the good life,” explaining what the Bible means when it says that Christians are “in Christ” and why that is the most liberating and fulfilling experience any human could have. This book invites readers to tap into the abundantly full life that Christ offers each day, characterized by rest, joy, contentment, peace, and thanksgiving.

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  • Start With The Heart


    Parenting strategies you can be proud of

    You know the feeling. You got frustrated, desperate, or overwhelmed and you reacted before you could think it through. Whether it’s a one-time thing or it becomes a habit, we all parent in ways we don’t like. But it doesn’t have to continue. Whether it’s bribery, yelling, counting to three, or threats of punishment you didn’t mean to make, reacting never feels good. But if you can learn to act with intentionality, you’ll feel better about your choices and be grateful for the results.

    Dr. Kathy Koch (pronounced “cook”), author of Screens and Teens and 8 Great Smarts, will teach you proven strategies for training your child’s heart and parenting in a way that honors God. She’ll help you move your child from, “I can’t, I won’t,” to “I can, I will, and I did.” We can do better than “Because I said so.” or “No screen time for 3 days.” We can do better than mere behavior modification. We can change our children’s hearts and teach them to do what is good, godly, and right even when we’re not around. Once you’ve learned to put these motivation strategies in place there’s no more need to nag, you’ll be astounded at what your kids will do without being asked. Dr. Kathy doesn’t offer a quick-fix. Starting with the heart is all about changing what children believe in order to change their behavior. And learning to use this kind of motivation takes effort, consistency, and strategy, but it works. And it’s never too late! If you’re willing to commit to a little hard work up front, you’ll enjoy your kids, your life, and yourself much more when you learn to start with the heart.

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  • Stages Of The Soul


    How can you tell if you’re actually growing?

    Sure, when you’re working on getting rid of a huge character flaw you can see progress, but do you ever wish you had a roadmap for the spiritual journey for the rest of the time? Do you ever feel spiritually dry-or like something’s just not working anymore in your spiritual life? If you find yourself longing for more satisfaction, joy, and intimacy with Christ, this book is for you.

    Stages of the Soul is about making tangible spiritual progress. It’s about truly understanding-understanding like you’ve never understood before-that you are deeply loved. Nancy Kane walks you through five stages of the soul’s journey toward embracing God’s love. As you learn about each stage you’ll be able to:
    *identify where you are in the process of spiritual growth
    *understand the role of pain and suffering in your life
    *experience God’s love in the radically deep way you were designed to experience it.

    Imagine loving God in a way that fills you up from the moment you wake up to the moment you go to bed. Imagine having Christ’s love for the world flow out of your heart without insecurity, anxiety, or selfishness getting in the way. That what this bookis all about: radically deeper love. This book will help you see more clearly how the Lord tenderly guides us to greater wholeness, holiness, and love. But Stages of the Soul is not just another book, it will become both your companion and guide as you walk day by day in greater intimacy with Christ

    There is nothing more valuable than help in your journey toward spiritual wholeness. Receive that gift today.

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  • Dont Give Up


    The parent with the wayward child. The couple whose marriage is in jeopardy. The man who is out of work. The woman stuck in crushing debt. The patient with a bad diagnosis. The student who can’t get a fair shake. People hanging by a thread, losing faith and short on strength. What do they all need to hear?

    Don’t give up.

    Our lives are minefields of challenges that take their toll on our courage, our conviction, and even our faith. But God whispers to the weary, Don’t give up. Drawing from inspiring biblical stories and first-person testimonies of perseverance, bestselling author and pastor Kyle Idleman encourages readers to cast their concerns on God, trust in his love and timing, pray for patience and strength, and seek out support in the family of God.

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  • Breakthrough To Your Miracle


    Throughout his ministry, Pastor Jason Noble has witnessed miracles. And he was there when John Smith–a young boy who had fallen through ice and been declared dead–walked out of the hospital two weeks after being surrounded by prayer. Why, he asks, don’t believers see more wonders like this one?
    In this powerful companion to the major motion picture Breakthrough, Noble
    – reveals the heart of miracles
    – explores biblical and present-day accounts to inspire readers
    – shows how God works in believers to invade the natural with the supernatural
    – provides principles and tools to help readers welcome the miraculous
    God longs to work wonders in your life, too. Let this book help you believe with boldness!

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  • Satan Fears Youll Discover Your True Identity


    Satan knows something that most of us fail to consider: human beings are the crown of God’s creation. It is this position of honor in all the cosmos that draws Satan’s ire.With thoughtful and encouraging insight into our position of value in God’s eyes, Charles Kraft explores the overt attacks that destroy our self-image–and the hidden ones too. In his powerful and fortifying book, he answers these and other questions:- What does our existence mean to God?- What does it mean to Satan?- How can we stand strong in the warfare raging around us?It is time to stop letting the enemy dominate our lives. The battle can be won as we stand strong in our awareness of who we are. The enemy knows. Do we?

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  • Cloud By Day A Fire By Night

    Original price was: $18.49.Current price is: $0.95.

    How can I know God’s will for me, personally? It’s a question that haunts us all at times–maybe when we’re looking for the right job, thinking about moving to a new city, or deciding whether or not to get married. At every stage we have difficult decisions to make, and we long for God’s direction and his warm reassurance that we’re heading the right way.

    A Cloud by Day, a Fire by Night captures Tozer’s teaching on the will of God taken from sermons he preached just before he left his successful church in Chicago. Tozer was no stranger to facing difficult decisions, and his wisdom and biblical insight will help guide you in decisions of your own. The title comes from the story of God leading his people out of Egypt into the promised land. In the same way, let this book help reveal where he is leading and reassure you that he will be by your side every step of the way.

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  • This Outside Life


    Get Outside to Feed Your Inside

    Has your breath ever caught at the sight of a sunset? Have you ever stopped in your tracks to listen to a birdsong? When was the last time you stood in awe of the world around you?

    When you dive into this spiritual trail guide, the wonders of God’s creation will unfold before you–from the broad strokes of a painted sky, to the fine-tipped detail of a dragonfly wing.

    Join Laurie Ostby Kehler as she explores the connection between nature and soul and learn to…

    reset your spiritual compass so you’re heading in the right direction explore pathways of peace through God’s revelations in nature enjoy a life of plentiful expectation of God’s promises
    You will find rest from the stress of everyday life when you learn to delight in God and his creation.

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  • When God Becomes Real


    Bethel Book Publishing Title

    When God Becomes Real shares Brian Johnson’s descent into anxiety and panic disorder, and how he discovered God’s presence in the darkest night. After struggling with panic and anxiety from a very young age, Brian had been panic free for most of his adult life. Then, in the most successful season of his career, he suffered a debilitating break-down. In the midst of that attack, Brian gathered his children and said, “This is when God becomes real.” Over the course of the next year, as waves of panic crushed him, Brian only found relief through worship and the reading of the Word. As he examined the panic of his youth, Brian found that the darkness of his own anxiety was an invitation to find the real presence of God. Come with Brian on this journey as he invites you into an experience of God’s presence, even in the darkest hour.

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  • For This He Came


    Jesus’ death on the cross and resurrection from the grave are the cornerstone of our Christian faith. But it’s important to remember the events leading up to that time–the ones in which Christ taught His disciples important lessons that should still be imprinted on our hearts today. Bill Crowder walks you through those key moments of the Last Supper, the garden of Gethsemane, and the trial before Pilate, as well as Christ’s death and resurrection, to give you a complete picture of the Savior.

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  • Good Grief Devotional


    A wise, honest companion for the journey through grief

    Whether you are struggling with your own grief or walking with a friend or family member who is grieving, you know the journey is not smooth or straightforward. The Good Grief Devotional offers wise, honest companionship to those who are struggling with the death of a loved one, a divorce, the loss of a job, or another major life transition.

    Pastor Brent D. Christianson’s fifty-two devotions follow the ten stages of grief outlined in Granger Westberg’s helpful book Good Grief, published in 1968. Millions of people have found in it validation for their grief, understanding of their feelings, and a way to live through grief and into a new reality.

    Christianson begins each stage with a reflection on that aspect of grief and then considers what the stage means for the reader’s self-understanding and relationships with other people, creation, and God. Each devotion ends with questions to think about and talk about with another person, healing actions one might take, and a prayer.

    The Good Grief Devotional provides pastoral care, faces the reality of loss, and points the way to hope. Readers will want to return to this collection year after year as they are changed by their journey.

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  • Love Kindness : Discover The Power Of A Forgotten Christian Virtue


    Kindness is not what we have been taught it is. It isn’t a soft virtue, expressed only by sweet grandmothers or nice Boy Scouts. Kindness is neither timid nor frail. Instead, it is brave and daring, willing to be vulnerable with those with whom we disagree. It is the revolutionary way that Jesus himself called us to live. The way of selfless risks. The way of staggering hope. The way of authenticity. Dr. Barry Corey, president of Biola University, believes we tend to devalue the importance of kindness, opting instead for caustic expressions of certainty that push people away. We forget that the essence of what God requires of us is to “love kindness.”

    In this book, filled with stories from his travels around the globe, Barry shows us the forgotten way of kindness. It is a life that calls us to put ourselves at risk. A life that calls us to hope. A life of a firm center and soft edges. It is the life Christ invites us to follow, no matter what the cost.

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  • Prayers Of Jesus


    How should Christians pray? There is no greater example than Jesus Christ himself, whose prayer life while on earth reveals a pattern of seeking God’s help that believers can emulate. Written in a devotional tone, this book reflects on the content and structure of Jesus’s prayers, showing just how important prayer was to him during his earthly ministry. Drawing on wisdom from church history and offering practical steps for prayer in each chapter, this book teaches readers why, how, and what to pray, helping them follow in Jesus’s footsteps and imitate his example when it comes to relating to our heavenly Father.

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  • Winning The Heart Of Your Child


    Many of us enter parenthood with a perfect vision of what our family will be. But along the way we discover that the children we’ve been blessed with are real human beings, with their own minds, ideals, and views of the world. Our influence only goes so far, and when those children reach the pre-teen and teenage years, it may seem to have disappeared completely. Yet at no time in a kid’s life is their parents’ positive, godly influence more critical.

    For parents who are concerned that their child is pulling away, following poor role models, or making choices that will lead to pain and difficulty, Mike Berry has good news: it’s not too late. He offers parents six keys to maximizing and leveraging their influence to help their children through these difficult years and develop a relationship with them that can weather any storm.

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  • My Name Is Jesus


    Hello . . . My name is Jesus. There are many ways to learn about Me. You can study how I lived, or My miracles, or My sermons, or the way I talk to people. You can see My full deity in the things I said, and you can also see my full humanity in the gospels.

    But I want to tell you about all My names, offices, titles, and pictures of Me in scripture. Each one gives a glimpse of who I am and what I do. When you put all of them together, you begin to grasp who I, the Son of God, am.

    Why are there so many names about Me? Because I am God. My many names reflect My many qualities, even then there are many things about Me you will never know. Remember, as God I am eternal . . . omniscient . . . omnipresent . . . and omnipotent. These are qualities that humans can’t comprehend . . . measure . . . or fully understand.

    You can never completely know Me because you don’t have a divine mind to know all things. Only the Father and the Holy Spirit know Me completely and understand every aspect of My life.

    There are over 700 names-references to Me in scripture. Some of these are names I gave Myself, some are names given to Me by the Father, or the Holy Spirit. Other names are given to Me by humans who spoke under divine inspiration and/or direction by the Father or Holy Spirit. They spoke so people would know things about Me that were previously unknown.

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  • Show Up For Your Life


    From popular author Chrystal Evans Hurst comes Show Up for Your Life, a topical teen book that empowers readers and reminds individuals who they are in God’s eyes. Crystal keeps it real, exploring the daily ups and downs of life as a teen today. Readers will discover how to shift their focus from everyday moments gone wrong to a mindset that celebrates the simple yet beautiful things in life. Crystal’s conversational tone, honesty, and humble wisdom make this book perfect for teen readers who seek to be all God intended them to be while living a positive, impactful life.

    Show Up for Your Life: What the Girl You’ll Be Tomorrow Wants You to Know Today includes stories from Chrystal’s adventure-some life geared specifically for readers 13 and up, and touches on content related to the #1 adult nonfiction bestseller She’s Still There.

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  • Moms Guide To Lies Girls Believe


    You can’t change the world, but you can prepare her for it.

    Your daughter is facing challenges you never dealt with at her age! From skyrocketing anxiety rates to bullying on social media, the Enemy’s lies are everywhere. How do you help the girl you love walk in freedom?

    Mom’s Guide to Lies Girls Believe, the companion book to Lies Girls Believe is your tool to come alongside your daughter in the fight against the lies the world is telling her. Based on in-depth research and focus groups led by Dannah Gresh, author of Secret Keeper Girl and Lies Young Women Believe (Coauthored with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth,) Lies Girls Believe teaches your daughter the Truth she will need to navigate the challenges she is facing. The Mom’s Guide provides research, cultural trends, and case studies about the problems tween girls face, but also offers encouragement and biblical insight to empower you to talk with your daughter about God’s truth.

    Together, these books give you the tools you need to start important conversations at an age-appropriate pace. Topics include:
    *Lies about God
    *Lies about Friendship
    *Lies about the Future
    *Lies about Myself
    *Lies about Boys

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  • Life Of Lovely Journal


    A Place to Collect the Moments That Matter

    Perfect for gathering thoughts, dreams, study notes, or prayers, A Journal for a Life of Lovely can be used alone or as a happy companion to the other products in Annie F. Downs’s Looking for Lovely family of books. Included are journaling prompts pulled from A Life of Lovely for young women, but most of the page is dedicated to journaling space, ready to collect the thoughts and moments that matter most to you.

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