
  • Faith And Works


    That is the message of these 18 readings (written 1881-1902) on the topic of salvation. The gem of the collection is an 1890 manuscript, perhaps Ellen White’s most definitive statement on justification by faith, written during the theological ferment that followed that Minneapolis General Conference of 1888.

    While emphasizing the importance of obedience, she wrote, “It is not possible to effect anything in our standing before God or in the gift of God to us through creature merit…Justification is wholly of grace and not procured by any works that fallen man can do…Any works that man can render to God will be far less than nothingness.”

    This volume portrays a God of grace who embraces every sinful, struggling soul who accepts His offer of righteousness by faith.

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  • Ellen G White Sermons And Talks 2


    “Listen” to Ellen White Preach
    During the 70 years of her ministry, Ellen White was called upon to speak in just about every imaginable situation. In these volumes we can read her transcribed material as she originally gave it. (Few of these messages have been previously published.)

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  • Ellen G White Sermons And Talks 1


    “Listen” to Ellen White Preach
    During the 70 years of her ministry, Ellen White was called upon to speak in just about every imaginable situation. In these volumes we can read her transcribed material as she originally gave it. (Few of these messages have been previously published.)

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  • Index To The Writings Of Ellen G White 4


    The index is divided into three parts-scripture, topical, and quotation-with an appendix containing glossaries, tables, and supplementary statements. Four volumes in all.

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  • Index To The Writings Of Ellen G White 3


    The index is divided into three parts-scripture, topical, and quotation-with an appendix containing glossaries, tables, and supplementary statements. Four volumes in all.

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  • Index To The Writings Of Ellen G White 2


    The index is divided into three parts-scripture, topical, and quotation-with an appendix containing glossaries, tables, and supplementary statements. Four volumes in all.

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  • Index To The Writings Of Ellen G White 1


    The index is divided into three parts-scripture, topical, and quotation-with an appendix containing glossaries, tables, and supplementary statements. Four volumes in all.

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