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  • Lion Illustrated Bible For Children


    The treasured stories of the Bible make a great story about God and God’s people. In this retelling, each memorable episode can be enjoyed in its own right or read and understood as part of the unfolding story. Christina Balit’s stunning illustrations underline the power and drama of the narrative.

    Starting with the beauty of creation and the tragedy of humankind turning its back on Paradise, the story continues with the lives of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, and Moses. Then come the struggles of the nation during the time of Joshua, Samson, and Gideon; and brief peace under Saul, David, and Solomon. Next it is the turn of the prophets to remind the people of their God–men such as Elijah, Elisha, Hosea, and Jeremiah. After exile in Babylon, those who return to Israel take new hope from the stories of the Fiery Furnace and Daniel in the Lion’s Den. Finally come the stories of Jesus, stories that show people how to walk the good road–the road of love, peace, justice, and eternal life.

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