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Philip Samaan

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  • Dare To Be A Daniel


    The empowering words of this chorus often reverberate in my mind: “Dare to be a Daniel, dare to stand alone, dare to have a purpose firm, dare to make it known!” In a postmodern age of relativism, moral mediocrity, and low expectations, Daniel inspires and challenges us to advance higher in our spiritual quest and advancement. The purposefulness in his heart to do the utmost for the cause of God encourages us to aim higher, and spurs us on to excellence. Exiled Daniel lived in the scrutinizing public eye, surrounded by power struggle and political intrigue, yet without any hint of compromise or corruption. Even his envious enemies, who thoroughly investigated his life, “could find no charge or fault, because he was faithful” (Dan. 6:4). The only charge they could accuse him of was his devotedness to God.

    Numerous books have already been written about Daniel’s prophecies, but this book focuses more on Daniel’s character as an empowering model for the final remnant. Prophecies, however, will be discussed as they relate to his exemplary life of being God’s beautiful showcase in the world. Daniel is certainly a true representative of Christ, and an excellent model for the final remnant to emulate. Repeatedly, we hear others testify of his “excellent spirit.”

    By beholding Christ, he became transformed into His image. He was a sparkling star shining to the end, because he basked in the brilliant rays of the Sun of Righteousness. His unassailable integrity, formidable courage, staunch loyalty, resolute faithfulness, and his sterling character is what should characterize God’s final remnant. May our study of Dare to Be a Daniel, in the context of God’s prophecies and promises, inspire and transform us to become His faithful remnant, as we await Christ’s soon coming, May we be the true fulfillment of Daniel’s parting words: “Those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the firmament, and those who turn many to righteousness like the stars forever and ever” (Dan. 12:3).

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  • Abrahams Other Son Islam Among Judaism And Christianity


    The controversial topic of the ever-turbulent Middle East is incessantly bombarding us in the media, and will remain so till the end. The sheer Muslim population on our planet, its globally strategic position, its complex politics, its vast resources, and especially its desperate need for the gospel–all make this crucial subject impossible to ignore. Islam boasts of approximately a fifth of the world population, its regions control most of the world’s oil reserves, and it is the fastest growing religion in the world and in the United States.In his book, Abraham’s Other Son: Islam Among Judaism and Christianity, the author Dr. Philip G. Samaan deals with the enduring legacy of Abraham, and tries to disentangle the misconceptions among the three monotheistic religions, stemming from their ancestral father Abraham. Understanding Islam will be highlighted more than Judaism and Christianity, simply because we are more familiar with the other two. Islam is still shrouded in enigma, veiled in ambiguities, and a greater effort should be exerted in clarifying its beliefs and practices, as compared and contrasted with those of Judaism and Christianity.It is hoped that the Question-and-Answer format, along with the selected glossary at the end, will help make the material easier to understand and assimilate. Hundreds of questions that seem puzzling and confusing will be answered with clarity and objectivity. May this book break new ground in dispelling many misunderstandings about the descendants of the other son of Abraham, and in drawing them to accept Jesus, the true Seed of Abraham. Let us hope that common ground of understanding will replace battlegrounds of misunderstanding as we embark on the exciting journey of earnestly seeking the loving, just and powerful God of our father Abraham. May this homeward journey help to prepare us and all of God’s children to meet Jesus when He comes.

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