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  • Publishing Ministry


    A LIGHT TO THE WORLDEllen White was deeply interested and involved in broadcasting the gospel to the world through the written word. It is no surprise, then, that her counsel concerning the publishing work covers a wide range of topics: fair treatment of authors and workers, literature evangelism, marketing of books and periodicals, Christlike leadership, high standards for materials published and for individuals who work in the publishing ministry, and the careful management of finances by the institutions and by individual workers.The history of this vital work is also recounted, including the consequences of following worldly business practices and the purpose for which these institutions were established. “We are not only to publish the theory of the truth, but to present a practical illustration of it in character and life. Our publishing institutions are to stand before the world as an embodiment of Christian principles.”

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  • 60 Years Of Guide Anniversary Story Collection


    Thirty of your favorite storytellers appear in this special collection commemorating Guide magazine’s sixtieth year of publication. In addition, you’ll find classic Guide features and columns, such as Andy’s Gadget Magic, It Happened This Month, Just a Minute With Your Bible, and Pen Pals. Each era of the magazine is represented, making this a book that will be treasured by all ages.Whether you’ve been reading Guide from its beginning or have enjoyed it anytime over the past six decades, you’ll find yourself inspired anew by the powerful true stories from its pages. This collection will become a classic in your home, serving as a ready resource for worships, children’s stories, and family devotions.The best storytellers from Guide magazine, all in one place:Arthur MaxwellNorma R. YoungbergGoldie DownLawrence MaxwellJosephine Cunnington EdwardsRandy FishellPenny Estes WheelerKarl Haffnerand many more!

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  • Meanest Man In The Army And Other Grace Stories


    Look at Goliath he’s taller than a house! Watch out for his spear it’s thick like a tree trunk. Can God find a hero to face the giant?Count the soldiers in Gideon’s tiny army. How can 300 men chase away thousands with nothing but torches and trumpets?Listen to chariots rumbling and soldiers marching to capture Prophet Elisha. “We’re surrounded!” cries Elisha’s servant. Who can help them now?Welcome to the wild, wonderful world of the Old Testament.These are the stories Jesus heard at His mother’s knee.Now let them shape the growing faith of your own child.Author Stuart Tyner colors every picture of God with shades of grace. Short chapters adapted straight from the Old Testament are just right for family worship time. Each story opens with a full-page picture for children to color and concludes with endnotes for parents to explore the deeper biblical background.Are you looking for a story time adventure in which good news wins out every time? Sit down with this book and a child you love. Soak up the lifesaving promises together: God is mighty. God is merciful. And God is love. He will never, ever stop loving you.

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  • Battle For You


    You are probably missing the big picture. We are all finite beings, trying to grasp the nature of an infinite God. God’s Word is the revelation of a grand story. The chronicle of a battle between evil and redemption. It’s the only story that really matters.The patterns are not instantly visible, but Gordon Kainer shows us that if we look closer, there is a central narrative that fuels the Scriptures and gives them meaning. This is a conflict not only of cosmic proportion but also of personal significance. We see glimpses of our God’s face only in the dark depths and in the triumphs of this controversy. God’s story and Satan’s story are at war. Whom will you believe?

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  • Living In A Mans World


    “What is it that makes both men and women think that in order to be equal, they must deny that any differences between them exist?”No one will argue that men and women approach life differently. Shields uses her life experiences to take a thoughtful, biblical, and often humorous approach to addressing some of these differences, helping men and women embrace them, and building a bridge in the dialogue between the genders. She also includes questions at the end of each chapter to facilitate that dialogue.

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  • Jesus Loves Trucks


    There are many different kinds of vehicles that are used for spreading the gospel and Jesus uses them all. This book introduces a standard topic like cars and trucks to the child while maintaining a Christ-centered and uniquely Adventist theme. At the same time it introduces them to a world-wide church and reinforces faith in learning and faith in play. Now your child’s favorite book about cars and trucks can be appropriate for Sabbath reading. This book is geared towards 1- to 3-year olds.

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  • God Myth And Other Lies


    These days agnostics are considered open-minded, atheists are considered scientific, Buddhists are philosophical and Christians, well, they’re just considered fools. With so many myths and lies about God and Christianity out there, it’s easy for young adults to start questioning the relevance and certainty of their beliefs. If you feel as if a skeptical world is assaulting your faith, you are not left defenseless. In The God Myth and Other Lies Heather Thompson Day provides clear, well-documented responses to the most common falsehoods. Your own faith will be strengthened as you get solid answers about an array of hot topics, including Creation, Sabbath, Jesus, sex, death, and homosexuality. Don’t let other people’s doubt steal your faith. Instead, let their questions inspire you to study what you believe. As you do, God will turn any shaky faith into holy confidence.

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  • Deliverance


    For years the heart-pounding “edge-of-your-seat survival story” of Alla Czerkasij has captivated audiences everywhere, and now for the first time it is available in print. Alla was just a child when World War II invaded the Ukraine. The blunt horror of war ended her childhood. In 1944 Allied forces made their way toward the German forced-labor camp where she and a handful of family members struggled to stay alive. Under the constant threat of starvation, torture, and death, Alla remembered back to childhood moments on her knees when she had sensed the presence of God. Alla decided that if the war ever ended and she survived to see it, she would find Him again.Haunting and inspiring, this is the true story of a girl who, amid the soul-ravaging horrors of war, came to know the God of hope and deliverance.

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  • Blueprint A Manual For Reaching The Cities


    Imagine standing in the middle of a major city. All of your senses are taken to the limit by the flashing lights, rushing traffic, towering buildings, blaring music, overflowing crowds. Take it all in-the fastpaced, never-slow-down atmosphere.How can we ever reach the people in these cities with the gospel? In The Blueprint: A Manual for Reaching the Cities Rico Hill and Jared Thurmon present the Beehive method, a tried-and-true approach to urban ministry with a new twist. They explain the dream that inspired the method and describe how this model can serve as an effective prototype for modern urban outreach.Now imagine standing in the middle of a major city. Try to see it through God’s eyes-a city filled with His children. Now imagine how you can reach them for Christ.

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  • Transformation


    Ever wonder why your life does not reflect the powerful change that is supposed to be part of a Christian “experience”?Do temptations beat you into submission and leave you wondering if you’re not trying hard enough, or if God isn’t holding up His end of the bargain?Ever wonder if there is some secret knowledge everyone has except you?You’re not alone.”I just know there are thousands of folks just like me who will be transformed if they are but given the chance to see Jesus in your book.”-Richard Peters.Within the pages of this book author Jim Ayer invites you into his own intensely personal journey and unfolds the practical wisdom and understanding God has provided for every person that leads to the re-creation of your whole person-from the inside out.It’s never too late to experience the power of transformation. Welcome to your new life.

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  • New Life Challenge Cookbook


    Are you ready to take the challenge?Often it is a close friend who helps to make life a little easier; the person who knows all about us but faithfully labors to help us see the best in ourselves. This cookbook is designed to be a friend. This is not a huge stretch, considering many have made food their best friend, which led them to a lifestyle that became their worst enemy.We would like to introduce you to your new best friend-THE NEW LIFE Challenge Cookbook.THE NEW LIFE Challenge includes:More than 70 simple, illustrated recipes that turn favorite junk foods into healthier alternatives A meal plan to help you transition to more healthful choices The 10 breakthrough principles that will help you reach your health goals Information and encouragement for achieving lasting weight loss and fighting disease

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  • Our Father Cares


    These selected readings focus on God’s great love for us, reflecting the fact that He is deeply interested in every aspect of our daily lives. We invite you to read each day’s devotional with His great love for you in mind, trusting that as you meditate on each passage you will come to appreciate more than ever how much God cares for you.

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  • Printed Prophets The Vital Role Of Literature In The Last Days


    Books have the power to change hearts, to inspire and instruct, to bring widespread revival.But if they’re so powerful, why aren’t more people sharing them?In these days of earth’s final crisis, God has designed that truth-filled literature will serve as printed “prophets” announcing future events, as “preachers” drawing our attention to the Lord’s soon return, and as “messengers” declaring God’s great love and mercy.The Printed Prophets explores why literature will be so critical in end-time evangelism and how you can help fulfill prophecy by sharing it.The question that remains is Will you share those life-saving pages?

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  • Your Daily Journey To Transformation A Study Guide


    When it comes to experiencing transformation in your life, it’s all about taking the first step-and that first step is always easier when supportive friends walk along beside you.In this interactive workbook, designed to be a companion study guide to the book Transformation, Jim and Janene Ayer journey with you as you explore an honest assessment of your personal relationship with God, and as you make life-altering discoveries through God’s Word, inspiring stories of others’ experience and practical wisdom that will move you out of your comfort zone and into a life that is shaped and powered by the Holy Spirit.You are only 12 weeks away from a deeper, more powerful relationship with God that will impact every aspect of your being and result in a transformed existence.Take the first step.Designed to be used individually or in a small group setting.

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  • Looking For A City


    We know how the story ends we stand before the throne of God on a sea of glass, with voices upon voices of redeemed ones singing 100 billion stanzas of a song of joy. But we’re not there yet. God’s people pilgrims are still finding their way through a mad world, navigating the chaos of militant atheism, evolutionary theory, lies dressed as doctrine, confusion, and the pain of loss and suffering. We are haunted by the ever-present question: How do we make it from where we are now to the glory of the unveiled presence of God? And furthermore, why are we still here? Where is our rescue? And yet the hope that lights our way never flickers. Within the pages of this book you’ll find important briefings for pilgrims inspiration for the quest, course corrections, and peace that defies explanation as we continue looking for a city.

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  • Haystacks Church


    Haystacks are a fitting symbol of the diversity that exists in the Adventist Church. We are all so different-we have assorted talents, perspectives, struggles, and triumphs. And we mingle together in different combinations according to geographic location, preferences in worship style, and even age range. So what does this mixture “taste” like? What does it mean to be Adventist, to be part of the Adventist Church?Andy Nash explores issues that Adventists grapple with collectively. He ponders the reason young people are leaving the church. He studies the backgrounds of various Bible passages. He wonders how Jesus would do church, and challenges us to give up our dream-as part of living out the first commandment. Male or female, young or old, rich or poor, vegan or omnivore, we’re in it together-haystacks.

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  • Guides Greatest Change Of Heart Stories


    There’s more than one way to discover what’s truly important in life.A furious bull convinces a teen to give his heart to God. A song saves a soldier’s life and many years later, the life of the sniper who was about to shoot him. Sally realizes that crocodiles, flip-flops, and gravel are a hazardous mix. An entire family is converted by a parrot. Jack has a bad habit of always asking “Why?” before obeying his parents until he falls off a cliff. (Yeah, he survives! This isn’t that kind of book!)You see, opening your eyes doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with your eyelids. Just ask Kevin about the canoe trip with his mom to the island of snakes. Or Nina with the wimpy stepfather and fugitive cat. Or Liz, the camp counselor who lost her eyelashes because of a horse. (Well, she might think it had something to do with her eyelids!)”What did they finally see?” you demand. There’s only one way to find out open this book and take a look for yourself!

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  • Waiting Heart


    Tranquility Hazelwood is anything but tranquil. Independent, determined, opinionated, talkative, and frustrated, yes. Cool and composed, no. And what’s been ruffling her feathers lately is that question a certain speaker dared tell a group of single women to ask themselves: “Why am I not married by now?”That question sticks in her mind like a thorn. Still unmarried, and with her biological clock ticking, her impatience is rising-someone thinks it’s her fault she’s not married yet?When she finally stops seeing red and really thinks about this audacious question, she discovers she has an irresistible urge to ask other single women the very same thing. Nicely, of course. Sincerely. Maybe their answers will help her figure out some of her own issues, starting with that question of why God hadn’t sent along Mr. Right yet.Two lists and 21 interviews later those answers weren’t exactly what she’d been expecting.

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  • Snapshots Focus On Nature In The Bible


    You probably remember Bible stories by using a sort of “who’s who” process, right? It’s fairly easy to think of stories that feature individuals multiple stories come to mind when Abraham, Moses, Peter, or Paul are mentioned. But what if you want to recall a story based on something in nature?You’ve come to the right place! In this book Laurie Chance Smith groups biblical stories that focus on specific aspects of nature and provides background information and spiritual application. From bugs and birds to seeds and flowers, from fire and water to moon and stars, she explores the wonders of God’s creation as revealed in His Word.Ideal for use in object lessons and illustrations, these snapshots of nature in the Bible encourage curiosity and further study of both the story and the nature subject. Suggestions for prayer focus and ways to make a difference in our world are included in each chapter to bring the spiritual lesson home.

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  • 40 Days Prayers And Devotions On Earths Final Events Book 4


    “Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come” – Matthew 24:42Jesus told His disciples that only God the Father knows the day and the hour of the Second Coming. He didn’t leave His followers in the dark, though, and described the signs that would alert us to the nearness of that glorious event.The devotional studies in this book draw from these signs and other prophecies scattered throughout the Bible to trace the events that will take place just prior to Jesus’ return. Knowing what will happen is only a small part of being ready to meet Him, though, because a genuine, thriving relationship with Jesus is the determining factor of an individual’s readiness. The readings also emphasize the essential elements of personal study of God’s Word, prayer, and understanding and experiencing the baptism of the Holy Spirit and righteousness by faith.As do the previous 40 Days devotionals, this study encompasses a broader mission. It isn’t God’s plan for us to keep to ourselves the knowledge of His Word. We are called to reach out to others with His love and share His promises so that they too may watch and be ready.

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