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  • Spiritual Gifts 3-4



    Volume III. Important Facts Of Faith, In Connection With The History Of Holy Men Of Old. Ellen G. White. Steam Press Of The Seventh-day Adventist Publishing Association. Battle Creek, Mich.: 1864.

    Volume IV. Important Facts Of Faith: Laws Of Health And Testimonies Nos. 1-10. Ellen G. White. Steam Press Of The Seventh-day Adventist Publishing Association. Battle Creek, Mich.: 1864.

    Additional Info
    Preface to Facsimile Edition

    Volumes III and IV of Spiritual Gifts were both issued in 1864, to complete this four-volume series. Except for the last half of Volume IV, these two small works are devoted to a record of the history of mankind from creation to the days of Solomon, the first detailed writing by Mrs. White on this subject.

    Following the historical account, there is in Volume IV an extended article entitled “Health,” in which Mrs. White first presents a comprehensive statement of the momentous health reform vision of June 6, 1863. In this the author passes rapidly from one phase of the great health question to another, laying down the basic principles which form the groundwork of Spirit of prophecy health teaching.

    Volume IV is closed by a grouping of “Testimony” articles selected by Mrs. White from the originally printed pamphlet Testimonies for the Church, Nos. 1 to 10. Her reasons for reprinting the articles in this form she stated at the opening of this last section following page 156.

    Being here reproduced photographically, the pages carry with them, or course, such typographical errors as occurred in the first printing. One outstanding case of this kind will be noted in Volume KKK, page 301, in line 4 of the last paragraph, where, through a printer’s error, a comma and the word “and” were inadvertently omitted, creation a seeming historical discrepancy in an incidental reference, which has given some careless readers, who wholly ignored the plain teaching of the earlier chapters, an opportunity to declare that the book teaches that the tower of Babel antedated the flood. This typographical error was soon discovered and was correct in the next printing of the matter in 1870 in Spirit of Prophecy, Volume I. As corrected in this second printing, the sentence in questions, referring to the sacrificial system established at the gate of Eden, reads: “This system was corrupted before the flood, and by those who separated themselves from the faithful followers of God and engaged in the building of the tower of Babel.”

    Mention should also be made of the relationship of Spiritual Gifts, Volumes III and IV, to the current editions of the E. G. White books. The later and much fuller Spirit of prophecy writings on early Bible history and on health have been widely distributed not only to the Seventh-day Adventist Church but to the general public in Patriarchs and Prophets (189) and Ministry of Healing (1905). In these later books the su

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  • Spiritual Gifts 1-2



    Volume I. The Great Controversy Between Christ And His Angels, And Satan And His Angels, By Ellen G. White, Battle Creek, Mich, Published By James White, 1858.

    Volume II. My Christian Experience, Views And Labors In Connection With The Rise And Progress Of The Third Angel’s Message. Ellen G. White. Battle Creek, Mich., Published By James White. 1860.

    Additional Info
    Preface to Reprinted Edition

    Among the most treasured volumes in the libraries of many of the old Seventh-day Adventist workers are the early editions of the E. G. White books, particularly “Spiritual Gifts,” Volumes I-IV, published from 1858-1864. Through the passage of the years the fuller E. G. White presentations have replaced these small original volumes, which have become quite rare and much sought after. As a service to a greatly expanding worker and student group these original printings are now reissued in facsimile form and made available to all who desire them

    Being photographically reproduced, the pages carry with them such few typographical errors as may have occurred in the first printing. They are bound in a form similar to the original editions. In this reissued form, as was often the case in the early days, they are bound with two volumes in one cover. In the case of Volume II, of which there were two variant printings, a supplement embodies the additional text of the second printing.

    That these volumes not only may be treasured by the present generation of Seventh-day Adventist workers, but in some sense may carry the reader back to the atmosphere of the days of small beginnings is the sincere wish of the publishers and
    The Trustees of the
    Ellen G. White Publications

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  • Helps To Bible Study


    Using simple symbols, the author explains how to mark a Bible to facilitate giving a study without notes. Includes 28 studies of SDA beliefs.

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  • Christmas In My Heart 5


    SKU (ISBN): 9780828011396Compiled by: Joe Wheeler | Editor: Joe WheelerBinding: Trade PaperPublished: October 1999Christmas In My Heart # 5Publisher: Review & Herald Publishing

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  • Christmas In My Heart 2


    SKU (ISBN): 9780828007931Compiled by: Joe Wheeler | Editor: Joe WheelerBinding: Trade PaperPublished: October 1999Christmas In My Heart # 2Publisher: Review & Herald Publishing

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  • Bible Handbook


    This pocket-size handbook contains outlines for 220 Bible studies.

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  • Christmas In My Heart Book 7


    When the first Christmas in My Heart book rolled off the press seven years ago, initial sales were modest. By late November, however, the books really began to move, and by Christmas we were gearing up for a third printing. Because of widespread interest in the stories, Wheeler was asked to compile another collection each year.

    Along the way the series was a Gold Medallion finalist at the Christian Booksellers Association; it became a much-loved part of Focus on the Family Christmases; Doubleday began a hardback series; and Tyndale House began distributing the paperback editions to the Christian market.

    So it is today, in thousands of homes, the Christmas in My Heart books have become part of the very fabric of Christmas.

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  • Christmas In My Heart Book 4


    Outside it may be cold and snowy, but on these tapes you’ll find stories that will set your heart ablaze with the warmth of Christmas. Stories so powerful, so touching, they’ll leave you with a lump in your throat, tears in your eyes, and in irresistible urge to share them with someone you love.

    Many families make Christmas in My Heart part of their Christmas tradition. They decorate the house for Christmas, then sit down by the fire and share stories from the newest book. Some families read one story a day during the Christmas season. You’ll find that these heartwarming stories add a special touch to your holiday season too.

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  • Christmas In My Heart Book 3


    Here are Christmas stories for all generations, and each will tug at your heartstrings in just a little different way. In fact, only a certified Scrooge could possibly read them dry-eyed!

    Many families make the Christmas in My Heart collection part of their Christmas tradition. As soon as Thanksgiving dinner is over they decorate the house for Christmas, sit down by the fire, and share stories from the newest book. Some families read at least one story a day during the Christmas season. You’ll find these heartwarming stories add a special touch to your holiday season too.

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  • Christmas In My Heart Book 1


    Dr. Wheeler has dedicated a lifetime to tracking down elusive Christmas stories. From several thousand, he has chosen those that, for generation after generation, have continued to be most loved and cherished. Powerful and emotive, they are timeless in their ability to help us experience the joy, wonder, and true meaning of Christmas. Their message of unselfish love and personal involvement turns our thoughts to Christ, and reminds us every time we read them, that this is really what Christmas-and life itself-is all about.

    It is Dr. Wheeler’s sincere wish that these stories will become your friends too, to be read and reread as you and your loved ones make them an integral part of your own Christmas traditions and memories.

    Some of the fondest memories of my childhood are tied to hearing my mother read Christmas stories to our family. Not one of them was just a Christmas story; each had the ability to make us laugh or cry, to tug at our heartstrings, to remind us that only a Christ-filled Christmas had any meaning at all.-Joe L. Wheeler.

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  • Sabbath Songs For Tiny Tots Cradle Roll (Printed/Sheet Music)


    SKU (ISBN): 0828012210Media: PrintedReleased: October 1999Review & Herald Publishing

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  • Home For The Holidays


    SKU (UPC): 026297202323Artist: Glen CampbellMedia: CDReleased: August 1999Provident Distribution Songs

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  • Marked Bible


    When Harold Wilson found a Bible hidden away in his sailor’s chest, he flung the book over the ship’s railing and into the sea. Harold would have nothing to do with the Bible. But like Jonah the runaway prophet, Harold couldn’t run from God.

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  • Great Controversy Red Gift Edition


    The Great Controversy gives a startling overview of the mighty conflict between Christ and Satan from its origins in heaven thousands of years ago to its conclusion on earth in the days just ahead of us. This still-timely book reveals how God will ultimately rid the universe of evil and make all things new.

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  • Desire Of Ages Red GIft Edition


    This devotional classic by Ellen White tells the life story of the greatest spiritual leader the world has ever known–Jesus Christ. In these pages you will understand the true, underlying significance of Christ’s deeds and their bearing on your own life.

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  • Index To The Writings Of Ellen G White 4


    The index is divided into three parts-scripture, topical, and quotation-with an appendix containing glossaries, tables, and supplementary statements. Four volumes in all.

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  • Index To The Writings Of Ellen G White 3


    The index is divided into three parts-scripture, topical, and quotation-with an appendix containing glossaries, tables, and supplementary statements. Four volumes in all.

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  • Index To The Writings Of Ellen G White 2


    The index is divided into three parts-scripture, topical, and quotation-with an appendix containing glossaries, tables, and supplementary statements. Four volumes in all.

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  • Index To The Writings Of Ellen G White 1


    The index is divided into three parts-scripture, topical, and quotation-with an appendix containing glossaries, tables, and supplementary statements. Four volumes in all.

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  • Danger On Seventh Street


    SKU (ISBN): 9780816316588Jerry ThomasBinding: Trade PaperPublished: July 1999Great Stories For Kids # 2Publisher: Pacific Press Publishing Association

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