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  • Sigue La Estrella – (Spanish)

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    A great book of exciting stories, with a huge fold-out wall-poster with a map, plus reusable stickers to decorate it.

    Follow the story of Jesus’ birth from Mary and Joseph’s journey to Bethlehem to Jesus being born in a stable and the visitors that come to see him. Take part in this special event by adding stickers to the poster to illustrate the story.

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  • Cook 30


    The Cook:30 cookbook and 3ABN program by the same name will show you how easy it is to cook healthy food at home. This 288 page book includes full color photographs of each recipe, in addition to over 500 preparation photographs to show you how it’s done, and give you confidence to try them out!

    Cook:30 also includes:

    26 chapters, one for each episode of the “Cook:30” 3ABN program.
    Every episode has around 5 different meal components to prepare.
    Each chapter has a flowchart of how to multi task and prepare a meal the way a chef would.

    Cook:30 makes a beautiful gift or is simply an easy way to begin learning how to cook healthy delicious meals in minutes!

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  • No Heil Hitler


    September 1, 1939: “The stillness of the morning was suddenly shattered when three German fighter planes appeared from behind the mountain of Kubalonka. They were in strict formation, one slightly in front of the others, as if taking part in a demonstration, barely above ground level. I could see the grey fuselage, the pilots in the cockpits and the ominous black crosses on the wings. The noise was deafening. The three planes were flying toward me at terrific speed. The noise alone felt like it would shake all my teeth out. I saw the flicker of flames as the first plane fired its guns, and heard the trees above my head splintering as the stream of bullets hit them. Branches toppled down. Cattle panicked. Leaves and twigs sprayed across the field. The ricocheting bullets whined around the valley.”

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  • Jesus Puzzle Bible Jesus Our Teacher


    The Puzzle Bible: Jesus Our Teacher

    In The Puzzle Bible: Jesus Our Teacher you’ll find word for word Bible passages telling about Jesus’ ministry. Some pages contain a fun puzzle for little hands to put together. By hearing the stories and then putting together the puzzles, your child will take to heart the words of Jesus.

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  • Jesus Puzzle Bible Jesus Loves You


    he Puzzle Bible: Jesus Loves You

    In The Jesus Puzzle Bible you’ll find word for word Bible passages telling about Jesus’ ministry. Some pages contain a fun puzzle for little hands to put together. By hearing the stories and then putting together the puzzles, your child will take to heart the words of Jesus.

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  • Jesus Puzzle Bible Jesus Cares For Me


    In The Jesus Puzzle Bible you’ll find word for word Bible passages telling about Jesus’ ministry. Some pages contain a fun puzzle for little hands to put together. By hearing the stories and then putting together the puzzles, your child will take to heart the words of Jesus.

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  • Carry Along Bible


    This little board book for children presents 23 Bible stories retold in simple sentences. The very young will love carrying this Bible with them as they start off learning some of the best-loved Bible stories.

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  • Hello Healthy : Strategies To Reach Your Full Health And Wellness Potential



    “Poor health is the modern world’s ‘plague’, literally destroying mankind’s potential to live a productive, satisfying life. This book explains in simple, practical terms how to reverse that plague and achieve optimal health. Read it. Live it. Share it. It just might be the best thing you’ll ever do.”

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  • Truth The Whole Truth Nothing But The Truth


    Is there a place where you can TRULY find the meaning of life and the path to eternity?

    Is there a message that contains the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?

    This book turns to the thousands of pages of the Bible, from which so many people have found answers to their most profound questions. The Scripture, the most widely distributed book of all time, continues to be as true today as when it was written, and as vital for our generation as for those past.

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  • Ecomomy Bible


    Whether it’s welcoming new church members, used as the Bible text in Christian schools, or is an integral part of your outreach program, the NIV Holy Bible includes the full-text of the New International Version and delivers at a great low cost.

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  • Sanctuary Pure And Simple


    Sitting in the middle of the camp of Israel was the tabernacle of Israel, the center of everyday life with its rituals that pointed forward to the Lamb of God. This the people accepted by faith.

    Elder Cox looks at how the plan of salvation has not changed. Today, by faith we look back to His life and death and forward to His second coming. Written for anyone who wants to understand the Sanctuary and learn the lessons for today from the object lessons God gave the children of Israel.

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  • Dare To Be A Daniel


    The empowering words of this chorus often reverberate in my mind: “Dare to be a Daniel, dare to stand alone, dare to have a purpose firm, dare to make it known!” In a postmodern age of relativism, moral mediocrity, and low expectations, Daniel inspires and challenges us to advance higher in our spiritual quest and advancement. The purposefulness in his heart to do the utmost for the cause of God encourages us to aim higher, and spurs us on to excellence. Exiled Daniel lived in the scrutinizing public eye, surrounded by power struggle and political intrigue, yet without any hint of compromise or corruption. Even his envious enemies, who thoroughly investigated his life, “could find no charge or fault, because he was faithful” (Dan. 6:4). The only charge they could accuse him of was his devotedness to God.

    Numerous books have already been written about Daniel’s prophecies, but this book focuses more on Daniel’s character as an empowering model for the final remnant. Prophecies, however, will be discussed as they relate to his exemplary life of being God’s beautiful showcase in the world. Daniel is certainly a true representative of Christ, and an excellent model for the final remnant to emulate. Repeatedly, we hear others testify of his “excellent spirit.”

    By beholding Christ, he became transformed into His image. He was a sparkling star shining to the end, because he basked in the brilliant rays of the Sun of Righteousness. His unassailable integrity, formidable courage, staunch loyalty, resolute faithfulness, and his sterling character is what should characterize God’s final remnant. May our study of Dare to Be a Daniel, in the context of God’s prophecies and promises, inspire and transform us to become His faithful remnant, as we await Christ’s soon coming, May we be the true fulfillment of Daniel’s parting words: “Those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the firmament, and those who turn many to righteousness like the stars forever and ever” (Dan. 12:3).

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  • Marriage Biblical And Theological Aspects Vol. I


    This book offers thoughtful and detailed studies on several areas of concern for the individual Christian and the church at large. After showing the beauty of marriage and the relevance of Scripture to a sound understanding of marriage and sexuality, this volume tackles crucial topics such as singleness, gender and roles in marriage, sexuality, religiously mixed marriages, and divorce and remarriage.

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  • Great Controversy And The End Of Evil


    If God is good, why is there so much suffering and evil in this world?

    This is one of the issues addressed in this Festschrift in honor of Angel Manuel Rodriguez, who spent his life witnessing for his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ as a pastor, teacher, writer, and administrator. Written by his fellow scholars, the other topics addressed in this book are the sanctuary, salvation, and eschatology. Millions of Adventists around the world have been blessed by Dr. Rodriguez’s books, his columns in the Adventist Review and Adventist World, and his teaching and preaching.

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  • Uriah Smith Apologist And Biblical Commentator


    Interrupted on his path to Harvard, a young Uriah Smith threw in his lot with the first Sabbath-keepers. Soon his talents became indispensible to the growing church. He was put in charge of the church paper, the Adventist Review and Sabbath Herald, and his sharply worded opinions became familiar to thousands of readers. He had much to say about prophecy and sharply-worded criticism of slavery and Catholicism. Often he found himself brought into controversy–and sometimes booted out of his position as top editor–but he continued to “stand by the pillars.”

    Gary Land creates a detailed portrait of this brilliant writer and inventor. We see how he frustrated other church leaders–including the Whites–and yet was always able to mend fences with those he had angered. We see how his understanding of justification by faith changed and how his statements on prophecy have held up over time. And finally, we measure the legacy of this man whose voice narrated the early years of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

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  • Finding A Better Way


    When was the last time you experienced a life-changing event? A wedding . . . the birth of a child . . . a death. Perhaps you inherited a large sum of money, or met your favorite sports hero. The stories in this book are about life-changing encounters. Interruptions, if you will, to the everyday norm.

    When Jesus found Himself in the midst of people, His very presence demanded change. Not everyone reacted alike-some left angry, some left disappointed, some left leaping for joy-but none was ever the same.

    Are you searching for a better way? More than twenty centuries have passed since Jesus walked this earth, but He is still changing lives today. As you experience Him in Finding a Better Way, what will your reaction be? He looks forward to a life-changing encounter with you.

    “Jesus said . . . , I am the way” John 14:6, (NASB).

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  • En Busca Del Amor Perdido – (Spanish)


    We all need fatherly consideration. This book tries to express the consideration of a heavenly Father who loves His children.

    Ricardo intertwines Jesus’ prayer with testimony from his own life and the cardinal truths of the Word of God for man’s salvation. Thus the book is a colorful journey with vibrant stories, poetry, and reflections.

    This is an exquisite, amenable book full of intimate personal anecdotes, written with emotion and reason, clarity, and simplicity. These reflections are extracted from the struggles and crises of life and include topics of deep theological profoundness rooted in personal experiences.

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  • Preguntas Y Respuestas Acerca – (Spanish)


    In Questions and Answers About Women’s Ordination, Martin Hanna, PhD and Cindy Tutsch, DMin take an indepth look at this much discussed issue of women’s ordination in the Seventh-day Adventist church.

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  • Yo Os Hare Descansar – (Spanish)


    “Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls” (Matthew 11:28, 29, NASB).

    When my mother breathed her last, “one reality trumped all my other thoughts, feelings, and beliefs: She was resting in Jesus; evil could no longer touch her, pain could no longer reach her, the devil could no longer bother her. She was in complete rest in Jesus. And that was true not merely because she had died, but because she had passed away with the full assurance of her eternal salvation.”

    This true rest is available to each of us today! The full assurance of salvation can be ours when we accept the rest God offers at the foot of the cross.

    When the rubber meets the road, when we are at our wit’s end, when we come to the end of our journey, or when the life of a loved one is about to slip away, we must have a clear, unquestionable, and assured reality: rest in Jesus, because Jesus wins!

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  • Persuasion : How To Help People Decide For Jesus


    The goal of all evangelistic preaching is to present the Christ-centered truths of the Bible so plainly and so powerfully that people surrender their lives to the living Christ. Persuasion is all about how to preach life-changing, effective sermons and make powerful personal appeals. In this short volume, I have condensed nearly 50 years of personal research and experience helping my evangelistic audiences make decisions for Christ.

    Although the Holy Spirit convicts and empowers seeking people to accept the truths of God’s Word, as soul winners we cooperate with the Spirit in leading people to Jesus. In this book you will discover Jesus’ witnessing techniques. You will learn the seven most effective evangelistic appeals, the four reasons why some people hesitate in making decisions, how the mind processes information when making decisions, and the single most important factor in influencing people to make positive decisions.

    As you read this book and put Jesus’ principles into practice in your evangelistic outreach, they will make a significant difference in your effectiveness for Christ. They have made a difference for me, and they can do the same for you.

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