



  • 9780830773169 Biblia En Accion - (Spanish)

    Biblia En Accion – (Spanish)


    La Biblia en accion incluye mas de 200 historias emocionantes en orden cronologico, para ayudar al lector a comprender la fluidez historica de la Biblia y a experimentar como la tension dramatica crece hasta culminar en su apogeo conmovedor.

    Las historias de La Biblia en accion comunican la verdad biblica clara y convincentemente a los lectores contemporaneos. Su mezcla absorbente de narrativa comprensible e imagenes dramaticas atraera a personas de todas las edades.

    Sergio Cariello, artista de renombre internacional, ha creado ilustraciones que captaran la atencion, caracterizadas por vivos colores, iluminacion y sombreado dramaticos, y figuras evocadoras.

    Deja que esta interpretacion epica te envuelva en toda la emocion de la historia mas asombrosa del mundo.

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  • 9788472085596 Dinosaurios Increibles - (Spanish)

    Dinosaurios Increibles – (Spanish)


    Who has not dreamed of a trip back in time?

    Fossils, remains of prehistoric living things, carry a message from the past. In Incredible Dinosaurs you will find amazing reports brought by these petrified witnesses from the depths of a distant past.

    As we will not find any other beings besides dinosaurs capable of blowing a person’s imagination of any age, they have become the protagonists of this book.

    Life designs are shown to us again, surprising and full of lessons, whatever their age, as if time has not passed by.

    Enjoy the trip…to the past!

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  • 9788472082304 Sigue A Noe - (Spanish)

    Sigue A Noe – (Spanish)


    A great book of exciting stories, with a huge fold-out wall-poster with a map, plus reusable stickers to decorate it.

    Follow the story of Noah from the building of the ark to the gathering of the animals and the journey through the flood. Take part in Noah’s adventure by adding stickers to the poster to illustrate the story.

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  • 9788472082281 Sigue La Estrella - (Spanish)

    Sigue La Estrella – (Spanish)

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    A great book of exciting stories, with a huge fold-out wall-poster with a map, plus reusable stickers to decorate it.

    Follow the story of Jesus’ birth from Mary and Joseph’s journey to Bethlehem to Jesus being born in a stable and the visitors that come to see him. Take part in this special event by adding stickers to the poster to illustrate the story.

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