
  • The Seventh-day Adventist Hymnal Black Cover


    This hymnal, published in 1985, includes favorites from the Church Hymnal, plus American folk hymns, modern gospel songs, compositions by Adventists, contemporary hymns, and expanded worship aids. Regular church pew size. Black cover.

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  • En Busca Del Amor Perdido – (Spanish)


    We all need fatherly consideration. This book tries to express the consideration of a heavenly Father who loves His children.

    Ricardo intertwines Jesus’ prayer with testimony from his own life and the cardinal truths of the Word of God for man’s salvation. Thus the book is a colorful journey with vibrant stories, poetry, and reflections.

    This is an exquisite, amenable book full of intimate personal anecdotes, written with emotion and reason, clarity, and simplicity. These reflections are extracted from the struggles and crises of life and include topics of deep theological profoundness rooted in personal experiences.

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  • Yo Os Hare Descansar – (Spanish)


    “Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls” (Matthew 11:28, 29, NASB).

    When my mother breathed her last, “one reality trumped all my other thoughts, feelings, and beliefs: She was resting in Jesus; evil could no longer touch her, pain could no longer reach her, the devil could no longer bother her. She was in complete rest in Jesus. And that was true not merely because she had died, but because she had passed away with the full assurance of her eternal salvation.”

    This true rest is available to each of us today! The full assurance of salvation can be ours when we accept the rest God offers at the foot of the cross.

    When the rubber meets the road, when we are at our wit’s end, when we come to the end of our journey, or when the life of a loved one is about to slip away, we must have a clear, unquestionable, and assured reality: rest in Jesus, because Jesus wins!

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