Bible Dictionaries

  • 9781535934718 Ultimate Bible Dictionary Revised And Expanded

    Ultimate Bible Dictionary Revised And Expanded


    The Ultimate Bible Dictionary is the perfect tool for those who are beginning to study the Bible. Carefully researched and accessible definitions are designed to provide a quick understanding of a term right up front and then, in many cases, go into more detail for those who want this level of description.

    The definitions are further enhanced by the large number of colorful maps, photos, and reconstructions of biblical objects placed on the same page spread as the definition they accompany. The optimal size of the Ultimate Bible Dictionary makes this resource easy-to-carry and easy-to-use in personal study or group activities.

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  • 9780801098864 Dictionary Of Latin And Greek Theological Terms

    Dictionary Of Latin And Greek Theological Terms


    This indispensable companion to key post-Reformation theological texts offers clear and precise definitions of Latin and Greek terms. Now updated and revised throughout.

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  • 9780828025041 Ellen G. White Encyclopedia

    Ellen G. White Encyclopedia


    Everything About Ellen G. White in One Resource

    This masterwork brings together hundreds of articles that describe the people and events in the life of Ellen White, as well as her stand on numerous topics.

    Doctrine and Theology

    use of the Apocrypha
    the holy flesh movement
    the humanity of Christ
    king of the north
    latter rain
    Health and Lifestyle

    dress reform
    use of humor
    milk and cheese
    politics and voting
    “secret vice”
    time management
    Life Events

    her conversion
    General Conference session of 1888
    great controversy vision
    iceberg vision
    San Francisco earthquake

    Gorham, Maine
    Graysville, Tennessee
    Loma Linda Sanitarium
    Oakwood Industrial School

    Elizabeth Harmon Bangs-the twin sister that Ellen worked to bring into the faith
    Fannie Bolton-the literary assistant who was fired a surprising number of times
    John Byington-the militant abolitionist and first General Conference president
    Sylvester Graham-the temperance advocate whose cracker lives on today
    Moses Hull-the evangelist who lost a debate with a spiritualist in more ways than one

    Everything from the hymns Ellen White loved to the homes she lived in are covered in heavily referenced articles. You’ll find a detailed chronology of her life and extensive articles on her ministry, her theology, and her statements in the light of advancing scientific knowledge. Whether you’re preparing a sermon, teaching a class, or finding answers to personal questions, this single resource has the answers you need.

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  • 9780785252443 Compact Bible Dictionary

    Compact Bible Dictionary


    This dictionary is an accurate and thorough A-to-Z resource complete with teaching outlines to make lesson and sermon preparation easier.

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  • 9780310489818 Zondervan Compact Bible Dictionary

    Zondervan Compact Bible Dictionary


    This comprehensive reference tool for Bible students and teachers is arranged by topic and provides over 6,000 entries with more than 100,000 Scripture references. It also serves as a Bible dictionary, listing all proper names, places, objects, and events of the Bible along with their brief definition or description.

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