



  • Stories Of My Grandmother


    Mrs. White’s own granddaughter reveals many little-known incidents in the life of this great church leader that will make her seem more real to juniors.

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  • Later Elmshaven Years 1905-1915


    This last volume in the six-volume biography of Ellen White is devoted to the last decade of the fruitful life of this messenger of the Lord. It covers the establishment of the Loma Linda Sanitarium, the San Francisco earthquake, and the establishment of Pacific Union College. During this time she also published the 1911 edition of The Great Controversy, and during the next few years produced several other books.

    Although the author (Ellen White’s grandson) spent his working lifetime involved in the custody of the Ellen G. White writings, as he did the research for this biography, he was amazed at the frequency and number of visions given to Ellen White during the last decade of her life. What did not amaze him, however, was the substantial influence these visions exerted as the counsels given were heeded and the reproofs were received and integrated into the thinking and actions of church members and leaders.

    It was the author’s wish and prayer “that the portrayal presented in this volume, which covers the crowning decade of Ellen White’s ministry and sets forth her optimistic attitudes, her concerns for the church, and her confidence in its triumph, may help us to know her better, understand her ministry more fully, and lead to the reading and rereading of the counsels she has left as a legacy.”

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  • Early Elmshaven Years 1900-1905


    SKU (ISBN): 9780828001236Ellen WhiteBinding: Cloth TextPublished: March 2000Ellen G. White Biography # 5Publisher: Review & Herald Publishing

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  • Australian Years 1891-1900


    The nine years Ellen White spent in Australia introduced her to new and different living and working conditions. It also placed upon her responsibilities in some areas she had not previously borne. Nearing her sixty-fourth birthday, she was reluctant to interrupt her work of writing and leave America for a distant field of labor, but near the close of her sojourn she could write, “God sent me to Australia.”-Letter 175, 1899.

    The resources from which this volume was developed have been full and exceptionally rich. Ellen White, anticipating a published account of her work overseas, reported, “I have kept up my diary, as afar as possible, of our labors in Australia and in Europe.”-Letter 36, 1910. Her experience in producing biographical sketches of her life in 1860, 1876, and 1885 led her to see the value of such records. The manuscript “Australian Experiences”; her diaries; her reports of activities in the Review and Herald; and her correspondence, especially letters to her sons Edson and William and two or three close associates in America, have provided the prime sources

    Ellen White performed a dual ministry in Australia. She virtually pioneered the work in that new field; at the same time she nurtured and counseled, through her letters, the church in America, presenting what God set before her in vision. She wrote carefully and with sympathy and understanding, but at times there were firm message pointing the way God would have His work managed, or correcting a course of action on the part of individuals that if unchanged would be detrimental to them and to the cause of God.

    This volume will help you see Ellen White as an individual-a wife, mother, neighbor, and friend-as well as the messenger of the Lord, laboring tirelessly in the pulpit and on the public platform in declaring God’s message and in counseling often and writing incessantly with an influence felt around the world.

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  • Progressive Years 1863-1875


    Volume two of the Ellen G. White biography traces the development of James and Ellen White’s leadership roles in the infant Adventist church. By 1875, their roles were well-defined-James as apostle and organizer; Ellen as messenger of the Lord.

    The events covered in this volume include the health reform vision of 1863, organization of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, establishment of Battle Creek College, and the beginnings of a church-sponsored journal, a publishing house, and a medical institution in the West. J. N. Andrews was sent as a missionary, camp meetings were introduced, and Ellen White became a much-sought-after public speaker and a prolific author. James and Ellen became advocates of good health and urged reform.

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  • Early Years 1827-1862


    About The Author
    1. The Messenger Of The Lord In Our Midst
    2. Abrupt Changes In Ellen’s Life
    3. 1844–The Year Of Expectation And Disappointments
    4. Make It Known To Others
    5. The Messenger Of The Lord At Work
    6. Sustained In A Continued Ministry
    7. Entering Married Life
    8. Laying The Foundations
    9. The Sabbath And Sanctuary Conferences And The Development Of Doctrines
    10. Heaven-directed Travels And Important Visions
    11. Beginning To Publish
    12. The Summer The Tide Turned
    13. The First Winter Of “The Gathering Time”
    14. Mixed Experiences In “The Gathering Time”
    15. Girding Up For A Mighty Thrust
    16. The Shut And The Open Doors
    17. The Message Pushes To The West
    18. Nurturing The Developing Church
    19. Through Hours Of Darkness
    20. Settling Administrative And Theological Questions
    21. Working In A Changed Atmosphere
    22. Soul-shaking Experiences For The Ministers And Laity
    23. A Year Of Many Visions
    24. The Great Controversy Vision And Broader Concepts
    25. Financial Support For The Cause Of God
    26. Through 1859 With Ellen White’s Diary
    27. The Opening Of The Year Of Little Joy
    28. Initial Steps In Church Organization
    29. Pointed Reproof And Heartfelt Confessions
    30. The Struggle For Church Organization Continues
    31. The Clouds Of War
    32. The Year 1862 Closes On An Upbeat
    Appendix A
    Appendix B
    Apenndix C

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  • When All Alone I Stand


    Drafted! As World War II raged around him,
    Jan Doward fought his own battles to be classified
    as a conscientious objector.

    A wisecracking prankster with acting potential, some of his buddies said he was destined for the stage. But God had another destiny in mind–and a life-changing encounter at sea.

    Some of Jan’s bunkmates knew the Scriptures. One day their testimony hit home. “Oh, God!” Jan prayed, “forgive me for all of my selfish and sinful ways. Forgive me for taking the name of Christ without living His life. You can have all there is of me. It isn’t much–only a tough-talking, smart-acting guy–but You can have me!”

    Jan rose from his knees a new man. But his dream of taking over the family ranch would soon be shattered by a letter from his mother. “I’d rather have you a thief,” she wrote, “than a Seventh-day Adventist!”

    Doward’s remarkably detailed chronicle of Army life shows God’s providential leading and saving grace for those who dare to stand alone.

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  • Jose : God Found Me In LA


    Not promising. That would sum up the childhood of Jose Rojas.

    Born into an abusive home, Jose grew to fear his father’s drunken rampages. “Mama, what’s wrong with me? Why do I make you and Dad fight so much?”

    Then things got worse. In school the other kids laughed at his accent, tormented him, called him “skunk” and “dirty Mexican.”

    His mom called him “my dreamer.”

    Then the Rojas family stumbled onto some followers of an ancient Jewish carpenter. Several of them saw something extraordinary in Jose, this young would-be upholsterer. They mentored him. Believed in him. Encouraged him . . . and prayed with him.

    Jose overcame failing grades, fanaticism, and institutional inertia to develop a life-changing youth outreach based on love and prayer. Follow him through a street ministry in Fresno, where he becomes the target of a gang who trash his house, to meetings with the president of the United States. Today his preaching is in worldwide demand, and he serves a as mentor to others.

    And his dad has become a loving, spiritual presence in the family.

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  • Walking With Ellen White


    Ellen White was a real person who lived in the real world. Too many perceive her as some kind of “vegetarian virgin Mary.” You will be surprised to find that her life was so much like ours. Do you have marriage problems? So did she. Do you have a wayward child? So did she. Do you enjoy a good laugh? So did she. Do you struggle in your Christian walk. So did she.

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  • Beyond The Veil Of Darkness


    “It was a bright and sunny Sabbath morning . . . the day on which I fully expected to die.
    With these words Esmie Branner begins to unfold a story of heart-pounding intrigue and modern-day miracles that will deepen your faith in a God who still intervenes to deliver His children from destruction.
    Beyond the Veil of Darkness is an intimate first-person account of the struggles, opposition, and courageous triumph of a young Christian woman who clung to her faith in Jesus Christ despite the physical and mental abuse of a Muslim husband. Though you will at times be tempted to think you are reading a suspense novel, the events described here are true.
    In these pages you will read of her three sons’ abduction to a foreign country and her flight to Saudi Arabia to reunite her family. Through her words you will experience the persecution and isolation that awaited her in this strange land where open adherence to Christianity could result in death. And you will rejoice in the triumph of her faith that brought about miraculous interventions and Daniel-like deliverance.
    Esmie’s story shows what it really means to surrender “all” to Jesus and to be tried in the fire. The impressions you receive from this thrilling personal testimony will be etched into your mind and heart forever. It is truly an unforgettable and awe-inspiring account of God’s faithfulness and power over the forces of darkness.

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  • Messenger Of The Lord


    This new, comprehensive study of Ellen White’s life and her gift of prophecy will give you a complete look at her ministry and the time in which she worked. In its pages, you will find yourself becoming personally acquainted with Mrs. White herself.

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  • I Will Die Free


    From a place where death is often preferred to life comes a stunning testimony of persecution and perseverance that will awe and inspire all who read it with the truth that our God reigns.

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  • Richest Caveman


    SKU (ISBN): 9780816308767Marilyn TookerBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 1991Publisher: Send The Light Distribution – No Active Product

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  • Early Writings


    Adventist Faith in the 1850s

    This volume is a comprehensive selection of Ellen G. White’s published writings from the 1850s, along with a prologue explaining the historical background of the text. The autobiographical section of the book describes the author’s conversion experience, the Millerite movement of 1840-1844, and the early visions that formed the foundation of her theology and ministry. A second section contains counsel on various matters pertaining the experience of the early Adventist believers.

    The final half of the book traces salvation history from the fall of Satan in heaven to the final end of sin and sinners. This material forms the core of the later five-volume Conflict of the Ages Series.

    Ellen White’s bold apocalyptic imagery helped to shape a movement centered on the hope of the Second Coming. This volume bears witness that God continues to reveal Himself through dreams and visions to chosen individuals today.

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