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  • Sale! 9780828004251 Companion To The Seventh Day Adventist Hymnal

    Companion To The Seventh Day Adventist Hymnal

    Original price was: $48.09.Current price is: $48.09.

    Learn More About the Great Hymns of the Church!

    For many worshipers, hymn singing is a mere routine in the church service, accepted but not necessarily enjoyed. For others, the pleasure of making a joyful noise to God often obscures the words that are being sung, and thereby this essential part of worship loses its full significance.

    The Companion to the Seventh-day Adventist Hymnal seeks to remedy these two defects by calling attention in particular to the words of the hymns so that the hymns will be much more appreciated and their spiritual effect heightened. Comments, where appropriate, have also been made on the tunes, so that both authors and composers will come to life, so to speak, In this way, attention will be focused on the hymn-singing part of divine service.

    The Companion may also serve as a resource for ministers and lay persons to illustrate their sermons and to enable them to make a wise choice of hymns.

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  • 9780828015417 Search For Identity

    Search For Identity


    How did we come to believe what we believe? How have those beliefs changed over the years? With compelling candor George Knight captures the ebb and flow of the doctrinal currents within Adventism, including controversies over the shut door, the law in Galatians at the 1888 General Conference, the Trinity, pantheism, Fundamentalism, the nature of Christ, and inspiration.The Adventist Church was founded by independent thinkers who would have disagreed with several of the church’s current 27 fundamental beliefs. But over the years strength arose out of contention, and consensus out of debate. From William Miller to Desmond Ford, Knight catalogues the colorful personalities who shaped the discussion, and shows how God has led His church into broader and deeper understanding of His eternal truth. “This book has the potential of being one of the most influential books written within Adventism in the past 75 years.”–Willmore Eva, Editor, Ministry Magazine

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  • 9780828013253 User Friendly Guide To The 1888 Message

    User Friendly Guide To The 1888 Message


    SKU (ISBN): 9780828013253George KnightBinding: Trade PaperPublished: October 2019Publisher: Review & Herald Publishing

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  • 9780828011761 Counsels To Writers And Editors

    Counsels To Writers And Editors


    SKU (ISBN): 9780828011761Ellen WhiteBinding: Cloth TextPublished: October 2019Publisher: Review & Herald Publishing

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  • 9780828011426 Story Of Redemption

    Story Of Redemption


    In the mid-nineteenth century Ellen White experienced a series of visions concerning “the great controversy of the ages between Christ and Satan.” These visions inspired a small work entitled Spiritual Gifts, which was later expanded into a four-volume work, The Spirit of Prophecy. Later this material was further amplified and published in the five-volume Conflict of the Ages series.

    This volume contains the heart of The Spirit of Prophecy, with additional material. In chronological order it covers God’s dealings with humanity from the primordial fall of Lucifer to the new earth, with behind-the-scenes glimpses often supplying details not found in Scripture.

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  • 9780828009751 Lifeline 2 : Adventist Resource

    Lifeline 2 : Adventist Resource


    This Bible study guide is designed for those who want to study the key doctrines of the Bible in an easy-to-use format. Book 2 includes studies on signs of Christ’s coming; the second coming; understanding death the millennium and hell, heaven and the new earth; the Old Testament sanctuary; end-time prophecy; stewardship of life, heath and lifestyle issues, Christian fellowship, the gift of prophecy, the Holy Spirit and spiritual gifts, and a summarizing study.

    This interactive guide can be used either for personal or small group study, although it and its companion, Book 1, have been specially created with small groups in mind.

    Each study contains three sections: Group Life (an opportunity for sharing and getting acquainted with other group members), Scripture and Life (the Bible study itself), and Application to Life (in which the topic under study can be applied to daily living).

    Whether exploring these Bible teachings for the first time or reviewing them, you will find this LifeLine guide to be a significant help in your growth as a Christian.

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  • 9780828009744 Lifeline 1 : Adventist Resource

    Lifeline 1 : Adventist Resource


    This study guide is designed for those who want to study the key doctrines of the Bible in an easy-to-use format. Book 1 includes studies on the origin and use of the Bible; Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; creation of the earth, God’s plan for man; how sin began; understanding Jesus; the plan of salvation; baptism; God’s church; the ten commandments, law and grace, and two studies on the Sabbath.

    This interactive guide can be used either for personal or small group study, although it and its companion, Book 2, have been specially created with small groups in mind.

    Each study contains three sections: Group Life (an opportunity for sharing and getting acquainted with other group members), Scripture and Life (the Bible study itself), and Application to Life (in which the topic under study can be applied to daily living).

    Whether exploring these Bible teachings for the first time or reviewing them, you will find this LifeLine guide to be a significant help in your growth as a Christian.

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  • 9780828008877 Home At Last

    Home At Last


    From the Back Cover:

    The time of trouble is ended. God’s people, so long outcasts, gaze expectantly at the sky, where even now appears their Redeemer. At last they are going home.

    What will it be like to actually see Jesus, to travel with Him heavenward at many times the speed of light? And heaven itself-and those mansions-will there be enough to do to occupy the time and interest of people who have always been busy?

    This book is an inspiring compilation and paraphrasing based on the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy. It tells, so far as human language is able, just what awaits us in that eternal future when we shall mingle with dear friends, cherished loved ones, Bible heroes, angels, Jesus, and our heavenly Father Himself.

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  • 9780828005845 Retirement Years

    Retirement Years


    In the present volume Ellen White offers many inspired and inspiring answers to questions raised by golden-agers. These gems of thought have been gleaned from her letters, manuscripts, books, and periodical articles, many of which were written after she was 65-the 23 years from 1892-1915.

    It is hoped that this collection of letters, articles, and messages from the pen of God’s devoted servant will be a practical and cherished source of wisdom and guidance to people of retirement years, as well as to those of pre-retirement times who wish to grasp more fully the statement of Christ: “I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly” (John 10:10).

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  • 9780828005692 Bible Sabbath

    Bible Sabbath


    A clear and conclusive overview of the Sabbath.

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  • 9780828002295 Gift Of Light

    Gift Of Light


    Introduces your non-Adventist friends as well as new church members to the gift of prophecy as exemplified in the life of Ellen White. Updated 1998.

    Roger W. Coon served for many years as associate secretary of the Ellen G. White Estate.

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  • 9780828001991 52 Things To Do On The Sabbath

    52 Things To Do On The Sabbath


    Remember those long summer Sabbath afternoons

    when the sun seemed nailed to the sky? Your children were soon climbing the walls from inactivity, and you had run out of ideas for things for them to do-things that not only would keep them occupied but were worth doing and were enjoyable besides. Here is the book that will keep such days from happening again.

    Born out of a desire to make Sabbaths enjoyable for the author’s own family, this 52 Things to Do on the Sabbath offers practical suggestions for things that will involve both adult and child and turn the day into a delight. Each idea can be adapted to fit your needs and situations. Many of the concepts come from successful Adventist families who have experienced the Sabbath as a truly happy family day.

    Here’s to wonderful Sabbaths!

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  • 9780828001151 God Has Promised

    God Has Promised


    “There hath not failed one word of all his [God’s] good promise, which he promised by the hand of Moses his servant” (1 Kings 8:56), King Solomon declared to the nation of Israel at the dedication of the Temple called by his name.

    The faithful people of God who lived before Solomon, fourscore generations later, and down to our own day will add their testimony to the king’s. For while, in the words of the poet, “God hath not promised skies always blue,” there are in His Word unnumbered pledges of His love, care, and concern that are ours.

    Seventh-day Adventists find a great number of promises they know are of God in the writings of Ellen G. White. A few of the hundreds in those writings are brought together here for comfort, consolation, encouragement, and to meet many other needs of God’s children as they travel the sometimes dark road to heaven.

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  • 0816306699 Greatest Sermon Ever Preached

    Greatest Sermon Ever Preached


    Ellen G. White

    Thoughts From the Mount of Blessing is presented in a new low-cost edition for mass distribution.

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  • 0816300461 Steps To Christ

    Steps To Christ How to Know Him Better


    Thousands have become acquainted with Jesus through this little book, Steps to Christ. And it has helped many more, including those who have walked with Him for years, to know Him better. In just thirteen short chapters, you’ll discover the steps to finding a forever friendship with Jesus. You’ll read about His love for you, repentance, …

    Steps To Christ How to Know Him BetterRead More

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  • 0816300453 Steps To Christ

    Steps To Christ


    Thousands have become acquainted with Jesus through this little book, Steps to Christ. And it has helped many more, including those who have walked with Him for years, to know Him better. In just thirteen short chapters, you’ll discover the steps to finding a forever friendship with Jesus. You’ll read about His love for you, …

    Steps To ChristRead More

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  • 0816309612 How Dare You Judge Us God

    How Dare You Judge Us God


    With words that often bite with the raw reality of life on a sinful planet, best selling author Clifford Goldstein steps into the arena of human misery and uses the book of Job as a scalpel to reveal both the cause of our sickness and its cure. How Dare You Judge Us, God! Won’t answer all your questions about suffering. It will give you fresh insights into the unseen battles behind your pain and a new love for the God who suffered the horrors of hell in order to end it. Forever

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  • 0816307989 1844 Made Simple

    1844 Made Simple


    What significance, if any does the year 1844 and the oft attacked events surrounding it have for Christian today? Is there a way to make sense for the confusing maze of beasts, dates, and kingdoms in Daniel?

    From a man who came unbearably close to denying the validity of an investigative judgement and leaving the church that taught it, comes the boldest, most simple explanation and ringing endorsement of this paramount biblical teaching. In this his latest book, Clifford Goldstein, best-selling author of The “Saving” of America, solves the maze f Daniel’s prophecies. He reveals the truth about 1844 and the investigative judgment in stunning clarity and unashamed passion.

    1844 Made Simple is destined to be one of the most important books you, as a Christian awaiting the imminent return of Christ, will ever own. If you’ve wondered whether you’d ever get it all straightened out, look no further. The key to solving 1844’s maze and becoming grounded in present truth is now in your hands.

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  • 9780816363155 Boldly Brave : God's Courageous Champions

    Boldly Brave : God’s Courageous Champions


    God asks each of us to be boldly brave in the ongoing struggle between good and evil. However, warriors for God do not always fight with swords or spears. God gives each of us weapons of faith. In Boldly Brave you will find stories of girls and women, men and boys of the Bible who used their weapons of faith kindness, prayer, love, trust, and hope to win battles for God. You can use your weapons of faith, too, when you face problems in your life. God promises to help you win the victory, because when you are victorious, He is victorious! Read the stories of Rebekah and Ruth, Miriam and Esther, Samuel and Solomon, Isaac and Josiah, and many more, to learn how they stepped out boldly with their faith-weapons to win victories for Jesus. Then look for the questions and activities following each story questions to make you think, fun activities to help you understand the story better, and suggestions of how to be God s warrior every day. Be brave and courageous. Psalm 27: 14, NLT

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  • 9781513803166 Homespun : Amish And Mennonite Women In Their Own Words

    Homespun : Amish And Mennonite Women In Their Own Words


    37 Chapters

    Additional Info
    Ever wish you could visit with a group of Amish or Mennonite women over a cup of coffee? In the pages of Homespun, Amish and Plain Mennonite women swap stories and spin yarns while we listen in. Lorilee Craker, bestselling author of Money Secrets of the Amish, collects these personal writings about hospitality, home, grief, joy, and walks with God. Hear from one woman who struggles with feeling inferior to her sister, from another about her longing for a baby, and from a third who accidentally bought stretchy material to sew her husband’s pants. Each woman’s story is a testament to the grace of God and the blessings of community. Behind Amish romance novels and tourist spots and television shows stand real people, with longings and loves just like the rest of us. Every Amish and Mennonite woman has a story. In Homespun, you get to hear some of them.

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