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Denominational Concerns

  • Radical Protection


    Are you aware that a great cosmic battle is being fought over your soul? While the attacks from the enemy can be subtle, the results can be disastrous if you are not properly armed.

    Discover the reality of the conflict and how to embrace the essential radical protection that only God can provide in these perilous times of earth’s history.

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  • True Revival


    “A revival of true godliness among us is the greatest and most urgent of all our needs.” –Ellen G. WhitePerhaps you’ve been praying to experience the power of the Holy Spirit and the latter rain. Get ready to have your prayers answered, because Jesus is coming soon! This volume collects Ellen White’s most important writings on revival. She helps us distinguish between true and false revival, and talks about how revival reveals itself in our Christian walk. Can you picture how revival will change your church? Imagine being filled to overflowing with heavenly love and power. Could it be that you will be the only one through whom God will do something special? Why not give Him a chance?

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  • From The Heart


    “Soon the many mansions that our Savior has gone to prepare will burst upon our sight. . . . We may now have in our hearts joy and peace that is unspeakable and full of glory; and soon, at the coming of Christ, the prize that lies at the end of the Christian race will be ours to enjoy throughout ceaseless ages.”Ellen G. White’s regular contact with Seventh-day Adventist church members during much of her ministry was through the articles she wrote for the various church journals. Woven throughout every message was her earnest desire to lead searching hearts and minds to Jesus and to prepare each believer for His soon return.Drawn exclusively from those thousands of articles, her words of encouragement, guidance, and caution will inspire you to an ever closer walk with God.

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  • Old Testament Stories


    This nine book collection retells stories from the Old Testament for young children. Each sturdy little book has simple text and bright illustrations. Plus children can turn all the books over to make a fun picture puzzle. Stories include: In the Beginning, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Joshua, David, Solomon, Daniel, Jonah

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  • Search For Certainty Sample Set


    Set includes all 30 lesson studies, newly updated and prepared by Mark Finley:
    1. How to Understand the Bible
    2. Our Day in the Light of Bible Prophecy
    3. A World in Turmoil
    4. The Manner of Christ’s Coming
    5. How to Find Personal Peace
    6. The Secret of a New Life
    7. Good God! Bad World! Why?
    8. Revelation’s Most Thrilling Message
    9. The Bible’s Longest and Most Amazing Prophecy
    10. A Date with Destiny: the Judgement
    11. What’s Behind Rising Crime, Violence and Immorality?
    12. Christ’s Special Sign
    13. Tampering with Heaven’s Constitution
    14. Modern Cults Identified Five Ways
    15. Our Greatest Need New Lifestyle!
    16. The Real Truth About Death
    17. God’s Love in the Fires of Hell
    18. How to Successfully Bury the Past
    19. A Financial Secret20. Growing as a Christian
    21. God’s Church Identified
    22. Prophets and Prophecy/Visions and Dreams
    23. The Mystery of Spiritual Babylon Revealed
    24. Holy Spirit and Unpardonable Sin
    25. From Disappointment to Triumph
    26. The Mark of the Beast and the Mystery Number 666
    27. The United States in Prophecy
    28. Armageddon and the Seven Last Plagues
    29. Revelation Predicts 1,000-Year World Blackout
    30. Revelation’s Glorious Climax

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  • Lewis C Sheafe Apostle To Black America


    “My heart’s desire and prayer is that this message may go to my people all over the United States.” Lewis C. Sheafe.Born just as the Civil War began, Lewis Sheafe grew to manhood at a pivotal moment in American history. But instead of racial equality, the nation offered its freed slaves further oppression and injustice. Sheafe strong-willed, dynamic, and seemingly tireless had but two main objectives: uplift his people spiritually and socially, and consistently adhere to biblical principle in all aspects of life.His thirst for truth led him first to the Baptists, where he became both an eloquent minister and a prominent leader of the Black community. Then his poor health led him to Battle Creek Sanitarium, where he encountered Seventh-day Adventism. Sheafe saw in the Adventist message the tenets of race relations he already championed, and he embraced it wholeheartedly. He was sent to lead the Black work in Washington, D.C., in 1902, and his evangelistic campaigns drew standing-room-only crowds of both Black and White listeners. But during his turbulent years of Adventist ministry, he and church leaders could not agree on how to apply biblical principles of racial equality. The conflict eventually proved fatal to his ties with the denomination. In this gripping biography Douglas Morgan pieces together the life of this forgotten leader whose story sheds light on the reason that no lasting, separate Black Adventist denomination ever formed.

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  • Global Cafe


    Bring your appetite! This mouthwatering collection of nutritious meals includes recipes from nine different cultures of the world:

    * Asian and Pacific Island
    * Indian
    * Mexican
    * North American
    * Ukrainian
    * German
    * French
    * Mediterranean and Middle Eastern
    * Italian

    Darlene Blaney has adapted many of these regions’ most popular ethnic dishes to include more healthful ingredient choices essential to a plant-based diet. And to simplify your quest for a healthy lifestyle, the recipes are grouped into 52 complete menus-one new tasty global experience for each week of the year!

    Don’t get stuck in a rut by preparing the same meals over and over-break out of your comfort zone and indulge your curiosity with the rich flavors and aromas of international cuisine. You’ll discover that the food that’s good for you really does taste good!

    Nutritional analysis for each recipe, helpful tips, glossary of special ingredients, and suggested variations included.

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  • Positive Church In A Negative World


    Learning and improving leadership in every experience of your church. This book will enrich all aspects of your church-going experience no matter whether you are the pastor, an elder, a Sabbath school teacher, or the sound technician. If you are involved at all in your church, you should read this book.

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  • Lydia A Story Of Philippi


    Lydia was only the first of many converts to the Christian faith in Philippi. The new religion attracted quite an assortment of individuals–slaves, masters, Jews, Gentiles, wealthy, and penniless. Yet the believers were supposed to be unified in Christ–equal–no matter their class, gender, or race. Easier said than done! Those in the volatile first-century Greco-Roman society sometimes got along better with the new believers than they did with each other. Driven by personality conflicts and misguided ambition, heated quarrels splintered the group into warring factions. Only God could salvage this wreckage. Trudy J. Morgan-Cole’s skillful touch transforms the New Testament narrative of Lydia and the people of Philippi into a vibrant story of challenges and triumphs. You know, of course, the dual problem and solution to their irreconcilable situation: “Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus . . .”

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  • Body Of Christ Library Of Adventist Theology


    The church is the body of Christ God’s people. With a clear, straightforward definition such as this, the subject of the church isn’t one that most people would consider a “doctrine.” For this reason, there aren’t many books that deal with this crucial fundamental belief. This very readable and informative treatment of such a vital topic fills an important gap in Adventist literature. Reinder Bruinsma’s far-ranging look at the doctrine of the church moves from Old and New Testament foundations for this doctrine up through church government and on to controversial issues such as ordination and church discipline. Fittingly, he concludes with the mission and future of the church. His fourfold approach biblical and theological, historical, practical, and with an Adventist perspective ensures that every facet of the doctrine is explored in detail. This thought-provoking discussion challenges those who call themselves “God’s people” to examine their current understanding of the church and to prayerfully consider their roles as part of the body of Christ.

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  • 40 Days : Prayer And Devotions To Prepare For The Second Coming


    SKU (ISBN): 9780828025447Dennis SmithBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 2010Publisher: Review & Herald Publishing

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  • Surprised By Love


    When was the last time it happened to you? Perhaps your husband sent you flowers for no reason at all, your child turned around and blew you a kiss from the steps of the school bus, or your parents sent you on a cruise, just because.

    This is the story of our Creator-Redeemer and the greatest “love surprise” of all time. It surprised Adam and Eve. It surprised the deceitful serpent. It surprised the adulterous woman of John 8. It surprised the Pharisees. It surprised the disciples. It even surprised the heavenly angels. And it continues to surprise us today.

    “The deceiver thought that he had outsmarted God! He never expected that love would win. Perhaps, humans themselves thought that they were beyond redemption! But, ‘where sin increased, grace abounded all the more’ (Romans 5:20)

    Maybe you’ve heard the story before. Maybe this is your first time. Either way, when you behold the unexpected rescue of God’s children, you will be amazed at His love – at His passion for His children, and you will be surprised by love.

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  • Sharing Jesus Is Everything


    Why are you and I called to share our faith? The answer is simple: our own spiritual growth and even our eternal destiny depend on it. Outreach is not about filling a church with new members. It’s not about institutional growth or reaching goals. We share the gospel in order to glorify God and to prepare the church to meet Jesus when He comes back. We do this by sharing Jesus.

    Sharing Jesus Is Everything recovers the ancient biblical method of spiritual growth, so that every believer can apply it in his or her life and as part of God’s church.

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  • Prophets And Kings ASI


    The Israelites were not only children of Abraham, they were children of destiny. Heroes like Elijah and Daniel championed God’s plan for the world but occasionally the chosen nation strayed to lesser gods. However, remorse always followed and a pursuing Father welcomed them home. Firm in His love. Firm in His discipline.

    Beginning with the reign of King Solomon and continuing down through the Exile, Prophets and Kings tells this gripping story – the tale of kings and faithful prophets. In bold strokes, it describes the raging battle between good and evil during a crucial period of salvation history. Through triumph and tragedy, it shows God’s love for a wayward people and offers a resounding call to heed the prophets they so often ignored.

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  • Mad About Marriage


    The Tuckers deal with some of the big issues that are wreaking havoc in American homes today, such as pornography, abuse, infidelity, forgiveness, and negative communication. For the success of a marriage, it’s important to identify and remove negative factors from your relationship and add the positive factors that will make your marriage sweet. You can “flip the switch” from just plain mad to madly in love. Why settle for anything less!

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  • Ellen White Under Fire


    During her lifetime, Ellen White withstood wave upon wave of personal criticisms. Yet the historical records confirm her as a person of integrity, and her writings confirm her loyalty to the Bible. In Ellen White Under Fire, Dr. Jud Lake provides a comprehensive assessment of Ellen White critics, past and present, as well as her defenders – all the while building confidence in her prophetic gift.

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  • Caught Between Two Worlds


    Pastor Karl takes the reader verse by verse and explains the circumstances behind Peter’s letters and the condition of the early church. “Is it possible,” he asks, “that you could be called upon to choose life or death by your actions, as the early Christians were?”
    In Caught Between Two Worlds Karl Haffner reminds us that the apostle Peter’s words were written as encouragement and instruction for a people surviving unbelievable hardships and trials. This is a timely message for God’s people today. For whenever trouble stares us in the face – and it will – we need to know for certain that even though we’re caught between two worlds, there is hope: a Living Hope.

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  • John : God Became Flesh


    From creation to redemption, Jesus did it all! From the beginning – with God, yet separate – was the Word. John introduces Jesus immediately as God. He reveals a new reality, something deeper than we normally view with our physical eyes: the reality of the Divine as revealed in Jesus – God became flesh. John wants us to see beyond Jesus’ humanity because when we see Him in this light, we will behold His glory and recognize the beauty of what He accomplished for us all.

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  • Gods 10 Promises


    Our portrayal of the Ten Commandments can often seem negative to a kid.
    In God’s Ten Promises you will find a refreshingly different approach to learning about this important topic. Join twins Cameron and Kaitlynn as they discover something exciting – the commandments are not a list of do’s and don’ts. Rather, they are promises. In them, God I saying, “If you let Me, I’ll make you into someone who wouldn’t even think of stealing.”
    The Teaching Tips at the end of each chapter will assist teachers, parents, or caregivers to help children recognize that God is love and that His law shows how much He loves us and always wants the best for us. Filled with practical applications, God’s Ten Promises shows exactly what the Ten Commandments are all about.

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  • Thoughts From The Mount Of Blessing


    The Sermon the Mount has been called ‘The Manifesto of the King’ and ‘The Magna Carta of the Kingdom.’ It is the essence of the teaching of Jesus presented to His disciples.

    To those who heard it on the hill overlooking Galilee it had an immediate impact. In some respects it was revolutionary, overturning accepted ideas. It packs a powerful punch today, especially as it is expounded in this classic by Ellen White.

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