


Denominational Concerns

  • Abundant Life Bible Amplifier 1 Corinthians


    Explores the people, places, and situations Paul wrote about, and then helps you apply Paul’s instructions to the Corinthians to your life today.

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  • Julius Again


    Julius was nowhere to be found! Mitch looked all over the farm and couldn’t find him anywhere. Blinking back tears, Mitch felt alone. His feathered friend was gone.

    But Julius’ disappearance wasn’t the only thing bothering Mitch. You see, Mitch’s dad had died when Mitch was a baby, and now his mom was dating another man. Would she still have time to spend with Mitch? Would he get a new dad? Mitch wasn’t sure if he liked that idea.

    In this newest adventure of the pesky pet parrot, Julius returns, full of surprises. But the biggest surprise is when another parrot shows up on the scene.

    Through all the “feather-brained” experiences, Mitch understands why things in life change and makes room in his heart for a new dad.

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  • Messenger Of The Lord


    This new, comprehensive study of Ellen White’s life and her gift of prophecy will give you a complete look at her ministry and the time in which she worked. In its pages, you will find yourself becoming personally acquainted with Mrs. White herself.

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  • Preparation For The Final Crisis


    SKU (ISBN): 9780816315642C.J. RitchieBinding: Trade PaperPublished: July 1998Publisher: Pacific Press Publishing Association

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  • God Cares 2


    A best-selling classic in two volumes, God Cares, contains the latest research on the fascinating prophetic books of Daniel and Revelation. The author unites the most recent scholarship with a compassionate pen as he speaks to all who search for meaning in world history and current events. Recognizing that both Roman Catholic and evangelical Protestant attitudes and emphases have changed over the past century, Dr. Maxwell speaks sympathetically to these various shifts in thought and feeling. He provides careful answers to those particular question of interpretation that have become increasingly important in the last half of the twentieth century.

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  • God Cares 1


    The Message of Daniel For Your and Your Family.
    A best-selling classic in two volumes, God Cares, contains the latest research on the fascinating prophetic books of Daniel and Revelation. The author unites the most recent scholarship with a compassionate pen as he speaks to all who search for meaning in world history and current events. Recognizing that both Roman Catholic and evangelical Protestant attitudes and emphases have changed over the past century, Dr. Maxwell speaks sympathetically to these various shifts in thought and feeling. He provides careful answers to those particular question of interpretation that have become increasingly important in the last half of the twentieth century.
    God Cares lets the books of Daniel and Revelation speak directly to the minds and heart of modern men and women. The reader of these volumes will discover that prophecy not only foretells the future, but that it clearly reveals God and His infinite care for us. How god provides for His people- Pleading with them to accept His forgiveness and power to like changed lives- is a theme the author traces unfailingly throughout his exposition of these two dramatic books of the Bible.
    In God Cares, Vols. 1 and 2, you will read the fascinating story of how God revealed to both Daniel and John the Revelator the rise of great world empires centuries in advance. You will read what the end of the world will be like, and how truth has withstood constant attack by earthly powers. The longest time prophecy in the Bible – which ended in 1844-will be explained, and you will learn how the judgment now going on in heaven personally affects you.
    After reading this easily understood, yet scholarly book, you will appreciated more than ever God’s care for you, and you will understand with new insight the meaning of world history and events.

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  • Finding The Right Path


    Just because your parents probably gave this book to you, don’t assume it will put you to sleep.

    Finding the Right Path is filled with entertaining stories that show how the Pathfinder pledge and law really work and can make an exciting difference in your life. Enjoy!

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  • Here I Come Ready Or Not


    SKU (ISBN): 9780816307333Morris VendenBinding: Trade PaperPublished: June 1998Publisher: Pacific Press Publishing Association

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  • Your Friend The Holy Spirit


    One of the mysteries of the Bible concerns the office and work of the Holy Spirit. In the New Testament a mystery is not something that is wholly inexplicable, but something that can be understood by those who have been initiated. In this book the author initiates the reader into the mysterious operation of the Holy Spirit.

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  • Sanctuary And 2300 Days


    SKU (ISBN): 9780945383840John Nevins AndrewsBinding: Trade PaperPublished: 1997Publisher: TEACH Services, Inc. Print On Demand Product

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  • 7th Day Adventist Elders Handbook


    SKU (ISBN): 9780963496829VariousBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 1994Publisher: TEACH Services, Inc.

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  • Christs Object Lessons ASI


    In this devotional classic, the author plumbs the depths of the best-loved teachings of Jesus, offering a deeply spiritual understanding of the parables of Christ as they apply to the life today, providing practical applications in a way that touches the heart.

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  • Great Controversy ASI


    The Great Controversy gives a startling overview of the mighty conflict between Christ and Satan from its origins in heaven thousands of years ago to its conclusion on earth in the days just ahead of us. This still-timely book reveals how God will ultimately rid the universe of evil and make all things new

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  • Doctrine Of The Sanctuary


    Volume 5 of the Daniel and Revelation Committee Series. What is the Old Testement sanctuary message? Is the sanctuary message really biblical, or based on Ellen White’s conclusions? A thorough discussion of these and many other topics. The Daniel and Revelation Committee Series, most thorough investigation of the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation ever published by any denomination, with more than 2,400 pages of enlightening discussion by 30 outstanding specialists.

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  • Early Writings


    Adventist Faith in the 1850s

    This volume is a comprehensive selection of Ellen G. White’s published writings from the 1850s, along with a prologue explaining the historical background of the text. The autobiographical section of the book describes the author’s conversion experience, the Millerite movement of 1840-1844, and the early visions that formed the foundation of her theology and ministry. A second section contains counsel on various matters pertaining the experience of the early Adventist believers.

    The final half of the book traces salvation history from the fall of Satan in heaven to the final end of sin and sinners. This material forms the core of the later five-volume Conflict of the Ages Series.

    Ellen White’s bold apocalyptic imagery helped to shape a movement centered on the hope of the Second Coming. This volume bears witness that God continues to reveal Himself through dreams and visions to chosen individuals today.

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  • Counsels On Stewardship Study Guide


    Managing God’s Blessings

    Stewardship is properly managing the resources that God has committed to our care. This volume gathers together all of Ellen White’s published statements on the subject.

    Topics discussed include tithing, indebtedness, charity, making a will, and soliciting funds from outside sources. What about speculating in the markets? Does God require us to dispose of our property? How can children be taught economy? What is the divine antidote for covetousness?

    God promises those who use the talent of wealth to bless others: “Give, and it will be given to you” (Luke 6:38, NIV)*. “A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed” (Proverbs 11:25, NIV). The inspired principles of sound economy in this volume will pay rich dividends.

    You can’t take it with you. But you can send it ahead before you go. This book tells how. A study guide, Spirit of the Pioneers, is also available.

    *Texts credited to NIV are from the Holy Bible, New International Version. Copyright (C) 1973, 1978, 1984, International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Bible Publishers.

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