


Denominational Concerns

  • Shadow Emperor : The Rise And Fall Of Religious Freedom


    Born under the cloud of illegitimacy.

    His real father far more powerful than anyone could imagine.

    The unlikely king who ignited a global movement.

    The world forever changed.

    His legacy–An empire reaching across centuries.

    His name?


    It’s not what you’ve been told.

    This short volume was written as a companion to the Voice of Prophecy documentary series Shadow Empire, and provides a thumbnail sketch–a review, really–of the content covered in that production.

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  • Family Faith 2017 Family Devotional


    Family Faith is a journey through God’s Word that uncovers beautiful, gemlike truths that families will be able to apply to living life in today’s crazy, busy, and sometimes overwhelming world.

    King Solomon was right when he said that there is nothing new under the sun. Everything we need to know about how to raise strong, resilient families can be found in the Bible. Through the stories of these ordinary people who, just like us, faced challenges and triumphs, tears and laughter, exuberance and exhaustion, we will learn how to honor God in our homes.

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  • Marriage Moments : Mad Marriage


    Love Is a Journey

    Are you still madly in love like you were in the early days? Are you excited about the future of your relationship? Or are you bored, indifferent-even scared? If your relationship isn’t where you want it to be, here is some practical marriage advice from the hosts of “Mad About Marriage,” Mike and Gayle Tucker.

    In Marriage Moments, the Tuckers offer realistic and down-to-earth insight into what makes a great relationship and how to deal with sensitive issues such as forgiveness, jealousy, financial difficulties, anger, communication, illness, addiction, extramarital affairs, and much more.

    Remember, you and your spouse are a work in progress. You really can create the marriage of your dreams, so why not take action and get started today!

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  • Heartlift Workbook


    Honesty. Accountability. Transparency. These are rare words today, but so important as we seek to be authentic daughters of God. With candor and sensitivity, Jill Morikone invites you to address some of the difficult issues and emotions that we all face. Can I be forgiven, and, if so, how do I forgive those who have hurt me the most? How do I break free from fear, lust, or shame? And, most importantly, who am I in Christ?

    This interactive workbook, designed to be a companion study guide to the book, HeartLift, is full of practical tools and promises from the Word of God that can revolutionize the way you think and feel. Perfect for a women’s study group, it easily transitions to individual use, as well.

    Begin your journey now toward healing and wholeness!

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  • Scrap Talks With God


    “Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.'” Matthew 19:14, NIV

    “This journal is meant to encourage imagination and experiences that will connect the heart of your child more intimately with the heart of God. The suggested activities, Bible verses, and prayer starters are intended to draw them into a real and lively relationship with the Almighty.”

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  • Ending The Pain


    Nineteen-year-old Lindsey found herself at a Bible retreat desperate to hear something- anything- that would make her want to live. As the music played and the speaker claimed they could all be “free in Christ, right here, right now,” Lindsey silently screamed, How? How can I be free in Christ right now, when all my life I’ve heard that answer at church, and it hasn’t fixed me yet?

    She left.

    Headed to the computer lab on campus.

    And sat down to write her suicide note.

    In Ending the Pain, Lindsey Gendke examines some of the tough questions most of us don’t ask out loud. She addresses the lies that are whispered and believed by too many hearts and minds, by good Christians, in good Christian homes.

    Ending the Pain is the compelling account of a young woman’s journey from desperation to hope. It traces how she moved away from the destructive lies that crippled her faith toward the only Truth that could set her free. Lindsey’s story will resonate with anyone who has ever felt overwhelmed, discouraged, or tired of playing church.

    The chances are high you already know someone facing this same struggle.

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  • Cappy The Arctic Tern


    It was pitch black, and the wind screamed across the wild ocean creating huge waves. Cappy was weary and lost. As the freezing spray silently thickened on his wings, he slowly began to glide downward to the fury of the sea. With a desperate burst of energy he beat his wings, trying to stay aloft, but it was no use. He glided closer and closer to the waves and certain death.

    Follow the adventures of Cappy, the arctic tern, as he struggles through ferocious winds to find his summer home, searches for a new mate, battles the selfish jaegers, befriends Eskimo children Ory and Em, and starts a family of his own.

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  • Gold Star For Eric


    “Eric’s story is terrific. I laughed and cried the first time I read it. A Gold Star for Eric originally was published as two ten-part series for Primary Treasure. After reading it in book form, I knew Colleen Reece had written a classic-one that children will pick up again and again.

    “Eric has a lot to say to children who struggle in school, children who are poor, children who must live away from Mom and Dad, children who are lonely, and children who are searching for Jesus. And what gets said is simply wonderful!”

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  • Little Maid Little Lad


    Little Maid is a slave girl for Captain and Lady Naaman. Little Maid knows how to wash dishes and sweep floors. But that’s not all she knows. When the captain gets sick, she knows who can make him well!

    Little Lad is happy. He is on the grassy hillside listening to Jesus tell stories. Many, many people are there with Jesus. Can the day get any better? Yes, it can! When Little Lad shares his lunch with Jesus, a very big thing happens!

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  • My Favorite Prayer Stories


    Dusk was approaching as Lynn set out. The path lay before him dark and mysterious, but he was a good woodsman, and without hesitation struck out rapidly, making surprising progress through the quiet forest.

    Snap! The sound of a twig breaking some distance to the right broke the stillness. Again, some moments later, the same sound came from ahead of the lone boy. Every nerve in his body grew tense. .a mountain lion was following him!

    With a whispered prayer, Lynn asked God to protect him from this danger and to allow him to fulfill his mission and bring help for his stricken comrade. . .

    The crackling of the brush made by the stealthy march of the prowler told Lynn that the lion was walking around him in a large circle. It was still fully a mile to the ranger’s cabin. Could he make it? Round and round him the lion crept, making each circle smaller than the preceding one.

    It seemed to Lynn that he had gone miles at that furious pace. In vain his eyes searched for the light of the cabin he knew must be near, but he could see only deep blackness on all sides of him. Then he heard the soft padding of the mountain lion’s paws. How close the animal was! He knew that the beast might spring at almost any moment now…

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  • Prayer That Moves Mountains


    Author and speaker Diane Pestes says, “I believe God has a plan for your life. Together we need to keep our eyes on heavenly goals, not on the frightful things we call obstacles. If we pray, ‘Use me,’ instead of asking ‘Why me?’ then God will bless others through us in wonderful ways.”

    “We are encouraged and excited by these words, ‘Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me….And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back’ (John 14:1, 3). Our Jesus-help is coming!”

    Prayer That Moves Mountains is an inspiring book on prayer that demonstrates what God longs to do in us and through us. It will challenge you to deepen your faith experience through the gift of prayer. What is God calling you to do?

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  • A. G. Daniells Shaper Of Twentieth-century Adventism


    A consummate administrator, a man of committees and budgets, A. G. Daniells was also a man of passion.

    At the turn of the twentieth century, the Seventh-day Adventist Church and the nation found themselves entering a new world-one requiring multi level, specialized administration. America had become a major player on the world stage and was becoming predominantly urban. New ways of thinking were demanded if Adventism was to fulfill its commission to take an end-time gospel to a rapidly changing world.

    In 1901, during this crucial moment in the development of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, Arthur Grosvenor Daniells was elected president of the General Conference, and Adventism desperately needed his gifts of leadership. In the manner of many effective administrators, Daniells possessed quiet, often underappreciated qualities: a capacity for work-the hard unrelenting labor of chairing endless committees, daily attending to copious amounts of correspondence, traveling across the country and across oceans; the ability to discern danger or opportunity in situations where others might see only confusion; the maturity to let others rail at him without responding in kind; a self-confidence tempered by an awareness of his limitations and need for advice; an unwavering loyalty to Ellen G. White; and above all, a commitment to his vision of an Adventist presence throughout the world. He engineered sweeping structural reforms in 1901 and 1903, and influenced the general shape of the denomination for that century and beyond.

    Decisions made, precedents set, budgets allocated, personnel appointed, and goals envisioned over the next two decades with Daniells at the helm created the modern Adventist Church. Daniells was undoubtedly one of Seventh-day Adventism’s greatest administrators, and McArthur delivers a fascinating biography of this spiritual giant.

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  • Love You More 2017 Womens Devotional


    “Love you more,” is often our response when someone says, “I love you.”

    It’s another way of saying “I love you more than you can imagine.”

    Have you ever wondered if that’s how God feels about us?

    Thousands of years ago God put it in writing, so to speak, when He gave Jeremiah these words,

    “Yes, I have loved you with an everlasting love; Therefore with lovingkindness I have drawn you” (Jeremiah 31:3, NKJV).

    Oh if we could fully grasp the extent of His love for us! Once we look for it we’ll see it everywhere. As you read through these stories you will be captivated anew by the God who says, “I love you more!”

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  • Reformation And The Remnant


    In The Reformation and the Remnant, author Nicholas Miller examines crucial issues and questions facing the Adventist Church today through the lenses provided by the thoughts and ideas of various Protestant reformers. Miller discusses such topics as biblical authority and inspiration, the great controversy theme, religious liberty and public morality, last day events and Sunday laws, and righteousness by faith and perfection, as he reveals why the ideas that shaped the Christian church still matter.

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  • Moving Your Church


    When did you last invite someone to attend church?

    Research reveals that only 2 percent of members invite an unchurched person to church in a given year. That means 98 percent of churchgoers never invite a seeker to church.

    If your church were to disappear, would the members of your community miss it?

    Seventy-five percent of the Seventh-day Adventist church members in North America who were asked this question responded, “They don’t even know we are here.” That’s what happens when members view evangelism as something only pastors and professional evangelists do. Only when the members believe evangelism to be a way of life does the church begin to flourish.

    Moving Your Church was written to encourage and equip members and leaders to successfully carry out the vision and mission of Christ in their local community. Dr. Kidder offers us this encouragement:

    “Through the power of the Spirit, ordinary people like you and me can do extraordinary things for God.”

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  • Family Guide To Sabbath Nature Activities


    “What can we do on Sabbath?”

    This question is raised all too often by both children and parents. This book is a guide to help parents to develop in their children a love for God and nature, and it provides a means whereby parents and children can share in the joys of true Sabbath keeping. The ideas proposed within these pages have been tried by the author, who is a mother herself, as well as by others. They can be easily adapted to your environment.

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  • Llamas Leopards And Lizards 2016 Junior Devotional


    Get ready to trek across the desert, climb the mountain peaks, dive deep into the ocean, and fly high into the sky- all to discover the marvelous things that God has created.

    From comet dust to flying squirrels and lizards to llamas, the great outdoors is filled with wonders. You won’t believe what you read about worms that build tents, orcas that like to play, and animals that take seven-month-long naps. And just wait until you hear about starfish that grow new arms and crabs that look like they’re playing the violin!

    God has hidden fascinating lessons in the details of His creation. So explore, enjoy, and praise the Creator of all!

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  • Daring To Ask For More


    If you are looking for keys to answered prayer or success in ministry, or if you are tired of just getting by spiritually and long for more in your walk with God, Daring to Ask for More is exactly what you need. Expect a paradigm shift in faith and prayer!

    Daring to Ask for More will challenge you to recognize the unlimited possibilities that are within your grasp if you will only pray in faith. If you will put into practice the principles outlined in this book-seeking for more of Christ, removing the spiritual breaches and compromises, and moving forward in faith, no matter the circumstances-your life will change. Your faith will grow, and you will receive answers and will be prepared for the latter rain outpouring that will equip God’s people to finish the work so we can all go home!

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  • Caring Its Not A Spectator Sport


    The statistics are overwhelming and disturbing. Disasters strike randomly and with increasing frequency. The images of starving children, wounded civilians caught in the crosshairs of conflict, and violence on our streets and in our schools fill our homes in news broadcasts every evening. Unfortunately, this can lead to information overload and compassion fatigue. What’s a Christian to do?

    As Christ’s followers, we can find His footprints beside hospital beds, in poverty-blighted ghettos, in the crowded slums of great cities, or wherever human hearts are in need of hope and sympathy. We can feed the hungry, clothe the naked, and comfort the suffering. We can minister to the discouraged and inspire hope in the hopeless.

    We can make caring a habit and should never, ever underestimate what one person can accomplish. Most important of all, we can choose to engage with a hurting world because Jesus has shown us that caring is not a spectator sport!

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  • Steps To Christ Gift Edition


    Thousands have become acquainted with Jesus through this little book, Steps to Christ. And it has helped many more, including those who have walked with Him for years, to know Him better.

    In just thirteen short chapters, you’ll discover the steps to finding a forever friendship with Jesus. You’ll read about His love for you, repentance, faith and acceptance, growing like Him, the privilege of prayer, what to do with doubt, and how to spend your days rejoicing in your best Friend, Jesus.

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