
  • Stages Of The Soul


    How can you tell if you’re actually growing?

    Sure, when you’re working on getting rid of a huge character flaw you can see progress, but do you ever wish you had a roadmap for the spiritual journey for the rest of the time? Do you ever feel spiritually dry-or like something’s just not working anymore in your spiritual life? If you find yourself longing for more satisfaction, joy, and intimacy with Christ, this book is for you.

    Stages of the Soul is about making tangible spiritual progress. It’s about truly understanding-understanding like you’ve never understood before-that you are deeply loved. Nancy Kane walks you through five stages of the soul’s journey toward embracing God’s love. As you learn about each stage you’ll be able to:
    *identify where you are in the process of spiritual growth
    *understand the role of pain and suffering in your life
    *experience God’s love in the radically deep way you were designed to experience it.

    Imagine loving God in a way that fills you up from the moment you wake up to the moment you go to bed. Imagine having Christ’s love for the world flow out of your heart without insecurity, anxiety, or selfishness getting in the way. That what this bookis all about: radically deeper love. This book will help you see more clearly how the Lord tenderly guides us to greater wholeness, holiness, and love. But Stages of the Soul is not just another book, it will become both your companion and guide as you walk day by day in greater intimacy with Christ

    There is nothing more valuable than help in your journey toward spiritual wholeness. Receive that gift today.

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  • Dont Give Up


    The parent with the wayward child. The couple whose marriage is in jeopardy. The man who is out of work. The woman stuck in crushing debt. The patient with a bad diagnosis. The student who can’t get a fair shake. People hanging by a thread, losing faith and short on strength. What do they all need to hear?

    Don’t give up.

    Our lives are minefields of challenges that take their toll on our courage, our conviction, and even our faith. But God whispers to the weary, Don’t give up. Drawing from inspiring biblical stories and first-person testimonies of perseverance, bestselling author and pastor Kyle Idleman encourages readers to cast their concerns on God, trust in his love and timing, pray for patience and strength, and seek out support in the family of God.

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  • My Name Is Jesus


    Hello . . . My name is Jesus. There are many ways to learn about Me. You can study how I lived, or My miracles, or My sermons, or the way I talk to people. You can see My full deity in the things I said, and you can also see my full humanity in the gospels.

    But I want to tell you about all My names, offices, titles, and pictures of Me in scripture. Each one gives a glimpse of who I am and what I do. When you put all of them together, you begin to grasp who I, the Son of God, am.

    Why are there so many names about Me? Because I am God. My many names reflect My many qualities, even then there are many things about Me you will never know. Remember, as God I am eternal . . . omniscient . . . omnipresent . . . and omnipotent. These are qualities that humans can’t comprehend . . . measure . . . or fully understand.

    You can never completely know Me because you don’t have a divine mind to know all things. Only the Father and the Holy Spirit know Me completely and understand every aspect of My life.

    There are over 700 names-references to Me in scripture. Some of these are names I gave Myself, some are names given to Me by the Father, or the Holy Spirit. Other names are given to Me by humans who spoke under divine inspiration and/or direction by the Father or Holy Spirit. They spoke so people would know things about Me that were previously unknown.

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  • Womans Battle For Grace


    When Guilt Wages War,
    Fight for Grace

    Christian women repeatedly fall into the trap of self-condemnation. We choose to berate ourselves in our weakness rather than fight through our pride to receive the strength only God can provide.

    Cheryl Brodersen, ministry leader and popular speaker, knows it’s time for us to understand the daily battle we’re facing–to pinpoint our enemies, claim our God-given weapons, and examine the true prize awaiting us. God wants His daughters to live moment by moment in His victory, but first we have to see what’s at stake when we go our own way.

    The truth about grace is simpler–and deeper–than you may realize. Discover how this life-saving, life-sustaining resource can be your motivation and means for living in freedom today.

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  • Enjoying God : Experience The Power And Love Of God In Everyday Life


    Mike And Emma’s Monday Morning
    In Every Pleasure We Can Enjoy The Father’s Generosity
    In Every Hardship We Can Enjoy The Father’s Formation
    In Every Prayer We Can Enjoy The Father’s Welcome
    In Every Failure We Can Enjoy The Son’s Grace
    In Every Pain We Can Enjoy The Son’s Presence
    In Every Supper We Can Enjoy The Son’s Touch
    In Every Temptation We Can Enjoy The Spirit’s Life
    In Every Groan We Can Enjoy The Spirit’s Hope
    In Every Word We Can Enjoy The Spirit’s Voice
    In One Another We Can Enjoy God’s Love
    In Daily Repentance And Faith We Can Enjoy God’s Freedom
    Under The Hood

    Additional Info
    We believe in God, we serve God, we trust God, but would we say that we experience God on a day to day basis? Do we really know him personally? What exactly does a relationship with God look like, and how is it even possible?

    In this seminal work by Tim Chester, we’ll see how the three persons of the Trinity relate to us in our day-to-day lives and how to respond. We’ll discover that as we interact more with God, and understand how awesome he is, we will experience the joy of being known by the creator of the universe.

    Every Christian will benefit from discovering the key to enjoying God in every moment of everyday.

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  • When Your Bad Meets His Good


    *Teaches readers how to change their perceptions regarding the bad things that happen to them

    *Includes tips to help readers shift their minds

    *Provides prayers and declarations for readers to speak over themselves and their families every day

    Imagine a life in which we literally believe God and take Him at His Word, one in which we let the trials and tribulations that hit us roll off our backs. We look at those trials as a “life college” and learn everything we can through them. We get better, not bitter. When relationships fail, instead of looking at them as our personal failures, we believe rejection is God’s protection and that He wanted the people out of our lives.

    The points in this book are all about perception shifts-learning how to take the bad and shift it for our good. Everything happens for a reason, so instead of getting mad at God for not healing our marriages, giving us favor with a promotion, or saving us from bankruptcy, let’s look at everything we experience as a means of advancement in our lives.

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  • Shame Off You


    Learn to recognize and process feelings of shame in a biblical way to restore God-ordained self-worth and hope.

    “There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.” – Romans 8:1

    Shame is an assault on the core of who we are. It assassinates our character, minimizes our worth, and dashes hope. Like Adam and Eve, we often hide shame, but hiding never heals it. Left unattended, shame can develop into a crippling reality that paralyzes us. Like an infectious disease, shame impacts everyone . . . but not all shame is bad.

    Shame can either be an oppressive and powerful tool of worldly condemnation or a source of conviction that God uses to bring his people back to himself. Having the discernment to know the difference and recognize shame in its many forms can change the course of one’s life.

    In a transparently honest style, Pass shares of her experience dealing with shame after learning that her former husband was a sexual offender. Having lived through the aftermath, she leads you into God’s Word where you will see for yourself that God is bigger than your pain, shame, mistakes and limitations.

    Shame Off You shares how freedom can be found in choosing to break the cycle of shame by learning from the past, developing healthy thinking patterns, silencing lies, and overcoming the traps of vanity and man’s opinions.

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  • What Happens When Women Say Yes To God


    The God of the Universe Wants to Use You

    Does the thought of stepping out in absolute obedience feel too overwhelming-simply too much?

    Don’t let fear keep you from knowing the unparalleled joy and satisfaction of following God’s lead! In this book, Lysa TerKeurst will help you…
    *determine what holds you back so you can release excuses and receive God’s best
    *uncover five questions to ask when you need to distinguish between God’s will and your own thoughts
    *find inspiration to serve God in delight-not out of duty-so you will stay the course

    With the encouragement you need and an included Bible study to walk you through each powerful lesson, you’ll be prepared to embrace the growth and blessings God has just for you.

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  • Battlefield Of The Mind For Kids


    The newest edition of BATTLEFIELD OF THE MIND FOR KIDS, based on Joyce Meyer’s most popular book of all time, offers children peace of mind and the spiritual encouragement that’s just right for them.

    Kids will learn:
    *How to identify and be guided by their own thoughts, instead of following the crowd,
    *How to better understand the Bible, becoming secure in God’s best for them,
    *And how to take control of their thought life, a foundation for happy, successful school years.

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  • Friend Of Sinners


    Pastor and writer Rich Wilkerson Jr. shines a spotlight on every Christian’s calling to reach the world, seek the lost, and save sinners with Jesus’ scandalous message of the gospel of grace.

    The Bible calls Jesus a friend of sinners. What does that mean? In Friend of Sinners, Rich Wilkerson Jr. shows readers the profound implications of the reality that Jesus calls us friends not because of who we are or what we have done, but because of who he is. While he was on earth, he knew that people needed to belong before they would want to behave. He understood that the power within him was greater than the darkness around him, so he loved fearlessly.

    By following his example, we can have the same clear conviction and compassion for the lost that he did. His gospel of scandalous grace cannot be overestimated. When we embrace the truth that we all need Jesus equally and when we trust him to bring transformation in people’s hearts, we will walk as Jesus walked, experiencing the glory of God in our own lives and in the lives of those around us.

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  • Stronger Than The Struggle


    Popular Bible teacher and Bethel Church pastor Havilah Cunnington reveals the truth about spiritual warfare, helping readers discern the source of their struggles and how to do battle with good old-fashioned theology and practical tools for their everyday lives.

    Over the years Bible teacher and Bethel Church pastor Havilah Cunnington has talked to people across the spectrum of Christianity–from those who completely avoid mentioning the devil to those who see him lurking around every corner–and she has seen the dangers of ignoring or misrepresenting Satan’s true power. Whether we talk about it or not, every follower of God is in a war against a very real enemy, one who wants to steal, kill, and destroy. In Stronger than the Struggle, Cunnington shows readers what God’s Word has to say about this issue–and what it doesn’t.

    In a down-to-earth, let’s-get-real approach, the author applies good old-fashioned theology to the tough topic of spiritual warfare and helps readers discern whether their struggles are coming from God, themselves, or the enemy. She teaches them the right questions to ask in order to see adversity from a new perspective and helps them to create realistic battle plans to win every day.An inspiring, personal approach to spiritual warfare, Stronger than the Struggle gives readers practical tools to thrive in the face of hardship, enabling them to put the enemy in his place and start living.

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  • Love Is Oxygen


    Love. It’s that thing everyone talks about but very few will ever truly put into action. It’s the fuel with which we are called to live, and it’s the very reason Jesus’ body was brutally broken upon that splintered cross. It’s unbeatable, unrestricted, and hands down the greatest attribute of God. It will transform the way you see life, and it will radically invade the way you see others. The question is, have you discovered and harnessed it the way God intended?

    In Love Is Oxygen, you will engage with the reality of God’s love as something you can know and personally experience. This love transcends fear and circumstances, and it pushes us into places we never imagined. After all, living God’s love is like breathing-it gives life as we breathe it in . . . and then we can’t help but breathe it out to the people around us.

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  • Faith : Believing In The God Who Works On Your Behalf


    Why do some people seem to have more faith?

    No matter what status a person may have, no one is perfect and no one totally walks by faith. Doubt, worry, overwhelming feelings, and sin are part of the human condition. All of us need to trust God as our source, security, and assurance.

    In Faith: Believing in the God Who Works on Your Behalf, Pastor Yonggi Cho shares his experience of miracles and examples of how to understand and grow in faith. As a young man with only weeks to live, Pastor Cho was healed of a terminal illness,
    saw the resurrected Jesus, and quickly began telling people who had no hope that God would provide all they needed. Those few listeners grew to hundreds of thousands and became the world s largest church.

    This book will:
    *Provide principles for a strong daily walk
    *Teach readers how to depend on the Holy Spirit
    *Encourage readers to believe for and trust God s supernatural power
    *Share the truth that God can use any believer to accomplish tremendous things for his kingdom
    *Offer the hope of restoration, forgiveness, and courage to begin again

    With an understanding that all people doubt, Dr. Cho and Dr. Goodall explain how to grow in faith and live in a hope that chooses to believe in spite of our circumstance, occupation, family, finance, or a myriad of other concerns.

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  • ReNew : Breaking Free From Negative Thinking Anxiety And Depression


    Is your life defined by joy?

    So many people miss out on experiencing consistent joy in their lives because the toxic thoughts they embrace open doors to anxiety and depression.

    In ReNew, Julie Winter leads you through the Biblical solution: renewing your mind. Discover how your thoughts can determine the measure of joy you experience and the level of victory you achieve.

    Through easy-to read, powerful chapters, you will learn to:
    *Break agreement with toxic thinking by learning how to take your thoughts captive and surrender them to Christ
    *Understand three “trees of your mind” and protect yourself from poisonous trees of unbelief and unforgiveness
    *Receive healing by releasing forgiveness
    *Keep your thought life healthy, nourished, and destiny-focused
    *Sustain joy through a correct view of your identity in Christ
    *Wear the Armor of God and use each item to dismantle lies aimed at your destiny
    *Activate the power of declaring Scripture, remembering testimonies, and releasing thanksgiving
    *Break free from shame, guilt and other strongholds that the enemy uses to keep you in bondage

    A renewed mind is your weapon against the enemy’s lies and the key to walking in the joy!

    [Featuring Action Points and Reflection Questions for further study and application.]

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  • When Jesus Was A Green Eyed Brunette


    Through poignant, emotional stories of everyday encounters with grace-filled people, readers will come to see and feel God’s outrageous grace. Scandalous grace is the reality of His very presence in our lives. When we get that, it dramatically changes the way we do life. Davis challenges us to do more than simply receive grace – we need to allow grace to soften, change, and shape us.

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  • Journey Of Desire


    Most contemporary Americans share the same dilemma: they long for purpose in life, but they’re not sure how to find it . . . or even what it might look like if they did. Yet the little-known truth is that the secret of a person’s true purpose is coded in the desires of his or her own heart.

    In The Journey of Desire-newly updated and revised for today’s readers-John Eldredge takes seekers to the heart of their persistent longings and reveals a crucial truth: desire can lead them to the life they’ve dreamed of.

    Desire is the language of the heart, and by examining them in light of God’s design for us Eldredge reveals how to discover the best route to an authentic and fulfilling life.

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  • Bind Up Your Broken Heart


    Do you sometimes feel trapped or wounded by painful relationships? You are not alone. The Bible tells the stories of men and women who learned to trust God when they suffered pain at the hands of people they loved.

    Leah was used in a relationship where her husband cared more for another woman-a woman who was actually Leah’s sister. Even Jesus himself was ridiculed by his own brothers, who scoffed at the idea that he was the Savior of the world.

    Chapters Include:

    When you are rejected, the story of Joseph
    When you are shamed, the story of David’s men
    When you need restoration, the story of Samson
    When you are ridiculed, the story of Jesus
    Questions for group study are included.

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  • God At Work


    Discover God’s assignment for you at work. Live each day with purpose. This one statement describes the driving force behind Ken Costa’s foundational book God at Work. Millions of Christians go to work each day and face a seeming divide between the sacred and the secular. They wrestle with the dichotomy of being compassionate in a competitive environment. Does God care about the 40 hours we spend at our office every week? In God at Work, while reflecting on his own experiences in the workplace, Costa says the answer is a resounding “yes”. God does care and He not only wants to be intimately involved He wants to inhabit our workplace. Costa asserts you were made by Him, you are loved by Him, and you are called by Him. God at Work proves faith and work can be reconciled. God at Work highlights the main “Pressure Points” faced by every working person:
    *Does my work matter to God?
    *How am I to handle ambition and failure?
    *Facing tough decisions
    *Stewardship of money and giving

    After decades of rumination on this very thought, Costa shows how God himself is at work and has been since the creation. He invented work. He is active and understands the nature of work. God at Work encourage readers to transform their work station into a “worship station”. Young or old, this timeless message will inspire each of us to truly live each day with purpose.

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  • Searching For Sunday


    New York Times bestselling author Rachel Held Evans embarks on a quest to find out what it really means to be part of the Church.

    Like millions of her millennial peers, Rachel Held Evans didn’t want to go to church anymore. The hypocrisy, the politics, the gargantuan building budgets, the scandals-church culture seemed so far removed from Jesus. Yet, despite her cynicism and misgivings, something kept drawing her back to Church. And so she set out on a journey to understand Church and to find her place in it.

    Centered around seven sacraments, Evans’ quest takes readers through a liturgical year with stories about baptism, communion, confirmation, confession, marriage, vocation, and death that are funny, heartbreaking, and sharply honest.

    A memoir about making do and taking risks, about the messiness of community and the power of grace, Searching for Sunday is about overcoming cynicism to find hope and, somewhere in between, Church.

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  • Altar Ego : Becoming Who God Says You Are


    You are NOT who you think you are. In fact, according to bestselling author Craig Groeschel in Altar Ego, you need to take your idea of your own identity, lay it down on the altar, and sacrifice it. Give it to God. Offer it up.

    Why? Because you are who God says you are. And until you’ve sacrificed your broken concept of your identity, you won’t become who you are meant to be.

    When we place our false labels and self-deception on the altar of God’s truth, we discover who we really are as his sons and daughters. Instead of an outward-driven, approval-based ego, we learn to live with an “altar” ego, God’s vision of who we are becoming.

    Discover how to trade in your broken ego and unleash your altar ego to become a living sacrifice. Once we know our true identity and are growing in our Christ-like character, then we can behave accordingly, with bold behavior, bold prayers, bold words, and bold obedience.

    Altar Ego reveals who God says you are, and then calls you to live up to it.

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