


  • All Things New


    Starting in Genesis and working through the Scriptures, All Things New takes you on a journey into the very heart of God and His relentless passion to redeem lives, heal the nations, rewire the culture and bring renewal to all of creation. As we immerse ourselves in the greatest story ever told, we find our ultimate sense of belonging. We become actors in this unfolding drama, pushing forward God’s purposes for the world and joining His mission to make all things new.

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  • Here I Am


    Here I Am fills readers with a passion for God, personal holiness, and the renewal of the church and wider world. It captures the tension between the power of God’s Word and that of personal stories, combining fresh teaching from Andy Hawthorne with first-hand testimonies from people transformed by Jesus Christ.

    Equipped with relevant and thought-provoking discussion questions and a series of short videos for personal reflection or group discussion, this resource provides an encouraging reminder of the impact the gospel can have.

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  • Glad News : God Loves You My Muslim Friend


    The ideal book for leading Muslims to Christ

    With over 100,000 copies sold in eleven languages, Glad News! has helped bring hundreds (if not thousands) of Muslims to Christ.

    Answering Muslims’ biggest questions about Christianity, Glad News! shares Jesus and His teachings with Muslims in the clearest and most attractive, convincing ways, all without compromise. It also equips Christians to understand the common sticking points that Muslims have about Christianity so they can share Jesus more effectively.

    Muslim readers of Glad News! will:
    *Encounter the beauty and legitimacy of the Christian faith
    *Receive answers to their most burning questions
    *Grapple with evidence that proves Jesus is more than a prophet
    *Know all that they need to for believing in Jesus as their Lord and Savior

    The gap between Muslims and Christians is wide, as are the many cultural gaps that may exist between them. Glad News! will bridge those gaps, giving Christians insight into Muslim convictions and language for dialoguing about matters of faith and belief.

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  • Persuasion : How To Help People Decide For Jesus


    The goal of all evangelistic preaching is to present the Christ-centered truths of the Bible so plainly and so powerfully that people surrender their lives to the living Christ. Persuasion is all about how to preach life-changing, effective sermons and make powerful personal appeals. In this short volume, I have condensed nearly 50 years of personal research and experience helping my evangelistic audiences make decisions for Christ.

    Although the Holy Spirit convicts and empowers seeking people to accept the truths of God’s Word, as soul winners we cooperate with the Spirit in leading people to Jesus. In this book you will discover Jesus’ witnessing techniques. You will learn the seven most effective evangelistic appeals, the four reasons why some people hesitate in making decisions, how the mind processes information when making decisions, and the single most important factor in influencing people to make positive decisions.

    As you read this book and put Jesus’ principles into practice in your evangelistic outreach, they will make a significant difference in your effectiveness for Christ. They have made a difference for me, and they can do the same for you.

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  • Christian Muslim Friend


    Can Christians and Muslims be friends? Real friends?

    Even in a post-September 11 era of alienation and religious violence, David Shenk says yes.
    In Christian. Muslim. Friend., Shenk lays out twelve ways that Christians can form authentic relationships with Muslims, characterized by respect, hospitality, and candid dialogue.

    Rooted in his fifty years of friendship with Muslims in Somalia, Kenya, and the United States, Shenk invites Christian readers to be clear about their identity, develop trust, practice hospitality, confront distortions of both faiths, and seek out Muslims committed to peace.

    He invites readers to both bear witness to the Christ-centered commitments of their faith while also reaching out in friendship with Muslims. Through astounding stories of his animated conversations with Muslim clerics, visits to countless mosques around globe, and pastors and imams who join hands to work for peace, Shenk offers tested and true paths to real relationships.

    A compelling resource with practical application for mission personnel, Sunday school classes, and any Christian who rubs shoulders with people of Islamic faith in their neighborhood or workplace.

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  • Changed Too : Real Lives In A Real World


    * You think you have it bad? Think again!
    * Who is God really, and what does He want from me?
    * Is Change really possible?
    * Do you feel yourself at a crossroads and don’t know where to go?
    Life can get messy. There aren’t always easy answers. Are you there? Then Changed Too is exactly what you’re looking for. It tells stories of real people, in real trouble, who cried out to a real God for answers. Eleven people share their own personal struggles and challenges, their doubts and disasters, and the faith that grew out of these tough experiences. They have been where you are. They’ve done what you’ve don. And after meeting Jesus, their lives were changed forever. Read their stories and see why it makes so much sense to give Jesus a chance.

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  • Lovangelism : Love Makes Evangelism Work


    “What the world needs now is love, sweet love, it’s the only thing that there’s just too little of.” These lyrics are from a popular song in 1965, but they still ring true today. As Christians we should have a different perspective on love. God loves us unconditionally, and as we bask in that love and strive to be like Christ, we should in turn love like He loves. Whether it’s our family, church members, co-workers, neighbors, or community members, we need to learn to love them like God loves us. Lovangelism addresses the subject of love and how it relates to evangelism and winning souls for Christ.

    The author asks thought-provoking questions and provides personal experiences, biblical instruction, and practical advice in regards to loving those around us and deepening our spiritual relationship with God. Has God’s love transformed your life? Let it transform the lives of those around you. Read Lovangelism today, and change the way you interact with those around you and transform your approach for reaching souls for Christ. God calls us to love without limits. Let us embrace that commission!

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  • Sharing Jesus Is Everything


    Why are you and I called to share our faith? The answer is simple: our own spiritual growth and even our eternal destiny depend on it. Outreach is not about filling a church with new members. It’s not about institutional growth or reaching goals. We share the gospel in order to glorify God and to prepare the church to meet Jesus when He comes back. We do this by sharing Jesus.

    Sharing Jesus Is Everything recovers the ancient biblical method of spiritual growth, so that every believer can apply it in his or her life and as part of God’s church.

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  • Call To Medical Evangelism And Health Education


    In these last days of earth’s history, those who meet the medical needs of others will have the door opened to meet spiritual needs as well. Christ Himself “went about doing good, healing all who were oppressed by the devil.” His healing was not only physical, but spiritual as well.

    This exceptional book by Ellen White is a call to-the church and to individuals-help others with medical and spiritual needs. When we follow this counsel, we are heeding the advice of Isaiah 58, which outlines our responsibility to help those who are sick and needy. This is the true service that God wants from us, and that is so powerfully called for in this timeless book.

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  • Compassion Revolution


    SKU (ISBN): 9780736927970Dave DonaldsonBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 2010Publisher: Harvest House Publishers

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  • Changed : Real Lives In A Real World


    Changed is the the book you’ve been waiting for?and didn’t even know it! It’s a book about cold, hard realities (you might say R-rated). It’s not a work of fiction, because hearsay is not allowed in the court of life. Eleven writers testify about their lives and their truths; their messes and their messages. Read their stories and find out why it makes so much sense to give Jesus a try. Changed is targeted as a youth sharing book, and youth will certainly identify with these stories, but anyone who reads them will be moved and inspired.

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  • How To Grow An Adventist Church


    The Adventist Church faces its greatest-ever opportunity to grow! In this highly motivating book, author Russell Burrill sets forth an urgent challenge to Adventist churches to reach the legions of the unchurched. Along with this call the book outlines simple principles for making it happen.

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  • Lessons From A Third Grade Dropout


    Go from making an impression to an impact. Six simple lessons modeled by an uneducated man were powerful enough to produce a PhD, a judge, an orthopedic surgeon, and a lifetime of wisdom. Imagine how these lessons will impact you!

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  • Patriarchs And Prophets ASI


    Patriarchs and Prophets covers the sweeping panorama of human history from the creation of Earth to the reign of Israel’s King David. With unusual insights, the author describes the role of our planet in the cosmic conflict between right and wrong, truth and error. She describes the tragic rebellion that took place in heaven many thousands of years ago and makes plain that this ongoing conflict between Satan and God affects each person who lives on Earth. Patriarchs and Prophets shows how this conflict worked itself out in the lives of men and women in Old Testament times. It answers such questions as: Where did we come from? Where are we going? If God is all-powerful, why doesn’t He prevent the spread of evil and its tragic results?

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  • Why Didnt They Tell Me


    Pastor Venden challenges the fear and guilt tactics used in the church to coerce people into sharing their faith and promotes the real reason the Lord calls us to witness and to serve.

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  • Ministry To Muslim Women


    Edited by Fran Love and Jeleta Eckheart, this book is a compilation of real-life experiences by women actively involved in reaching Muslim women for Christ. These articles approach the question of the gospel and Islam from a female perspective.

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  • Light Your World For God


    For the last thirty-five years, we have marveled at the sight of tens of thousands led to Christ. Successful soul-winning is not an accident. Churches do not grow by chance. Communities cannot be impacted with God’s last-day truth without careful planning.

    In Light Your World for God, we present practical, field-tested, proven principles that can make a dramatic difference in your church and community. These “Biblical Keys” to successful soul-winning will revitalize your church. This may be the most important manual on witnessing you will ever read. Inside, discover how to:

    Lead your church into a spirit-filled revival
    Organize and sustain powerful intercessory prayer groups
    Equip and train each member to use his/her spiritual gifts in service
    Develop an ongoing, effective Bible study ministry outreach
    Foster weekly witnessing activities
    Reap the greatest results from public evangelistic meetings
    Nurture new believers to become solid members of the body of Christ

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  • Evangelism


    Handbook for the Joyful Work of Soul Winning

    Presenting God’s last warning message to a doomed world is the “highest, greatest work” ever given to human beings. This comprehensive handbook on evangelism shows how appropriate strategies and personal preparation of both head and heart empower the Christian to lead people to accept Christ and prepare for His soon return.

    Topics covered include planning, organizing, and conducting public evangelistic campaigns; how to present distinctive truths and oppose popular errors; the role of music; medical evangelism; reaching special classes of people; holding new converts; working the cities; and personal witnessing

    Jesus said, “Go and teach all nations.” His followers obeyed, and “returned with joy.” The guiding principles and detail advice in this volume will enable the reader to avoid many pitfalls and succeed in the joyful work of soul winning.

    Now you can download a study guide to print out that will help you with your study of Evangelism. Click on the link in the title bar to view and print the study guide.

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  • Path To The Heart


    SKU (ISBN): 9780828007849 Glenn Coon Binding: Trade Paper Published: January 2003 Publisher: Review & Herald Publishing

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  • Almost Home


    SKU (ISBN): 9780828015134G. Edward ReidBinding: Mass MarketPublished: May 2000Publisher: Review & Herald Publishing

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