



  • God Makes A Promise


    “God’s Plan.” God has just promised to send His Son to live on earth and save people from sin and Satan! In “The First Baby” they meet Cain, Abel, and Seth, and learn the meaning behind sacrificing a lamb. “One Little Star.” God promises one of Abraham and Sarah’s descendants will be the promised Saviour! In “The Offering” children wait breathlessly as Abraham makes the hardest decision of his life.

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  • Horse Called Blackberry


    It’s summer, and this year there’s no dirty dishes for Tory!

    She’s back at camp to fulfill her dream of being a wrangler! And she’s decided to join the prayer group-clueless as to how this special time with God will affect the lives around her.

    Seven rambunctious sightless campers, a flighty horse named Blackberry, and a head wrangler with dashed hopes give her plenty to talk to God about. His answers help her discover the power of prayer and make for an incredible summer!

    Collect all the books in this series and you’ll have all the information you need to complete a horsemanship and horse husbandry honor in Pathfinders (minus the hands-on experience, of course!). (For ages 13-16.)

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  • Secrets Of The Canyon


    Hooray! A grand expedition to Albuquerque promises to be a great adventure for the Reynolds family. When Dad announces a surprise vacation, Cari and Andy can hardly wait to find new secrets while exploring forests, mountains, deserts, and canyons.

    Join them as they discover all kinds of exciting things about nature and its Creator. You’ll visit Yellowstone, Mount Rushmore, the Grand Canyon, and Mesa Verde, and meet fascinating creatures with amazing secrets around every bend.

    So grab your binoculars and hiking boots. Wedge your sleeping bag behind Andy’s guitar and fasten your seat belt. An adventure awaits you in Secrets of the Canyon.

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  • Marked Bible


    When Harold Wilson found a Bible hidden away in his sailor’s chest, he flung the book over the ship’s railing and into the sea. Harold would have nothing to do with the Bible. But like Jonah the runaway prophet, Harold couldn’t run from God.

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  • Danger On Seventh Street


    SKU (ISBN): 9780816316588Jerry ThomasBinding: Trade PaperPublished: July 1999Great Stories For Kids # 2Publisher: Pacific Press Publishing Association

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  • Skeeter The Wildly Wacky Raccoon


    One boy. One baby raccoon.

    A whole summer full of fun.

    Skeeter! What are you doing now?”

    When Chris adopts an abandoned baby raccoon, he finds out how much fun-and how much trouble-a raccoon can be.

    From a tiny baby whose eyes aren’t open, to a busy and curious raccoon whose eyes never seem to close, Chris’s pet keeps the whole family busy.

    “Skeeter, come back here with my crystal peacock!”

    “Skeeter, stop changing the channels on the TV!”

    “Where are my . . . Skeeter!”

    Skeeter seemed to believe that Chris was her mother. But when Skeeter learns to open the screen door by herself, Chris suddenly has a lot more to worry about. What if she gets hurt out there in the woods all alone? What if she gets lost?

    When Chris’s brother begins to feed other wild raccoons at the creek, Chris just knows that these wild raccoons will lure Skeeter away from him. What can he do to make his water-loving, TV-watching, gross-bug-chewing friend stay with him?

    Will Skeeter ever behave? Will God answer Chris’s prayer and keep his pet from running away with the other raccoons?

    Find out when you read Skeeter, the Wild and Wacky Raccoon!”

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  • Julius Again


    Julius was nowhere to be found! Mitch looked all over the farm and couldn’t find him anywhere. Blinking back tears, Mitch felt alone. His feathered friend was gone.

    But Julius’ disappearance wasn’t the only thing bothering Mitch. You see, Mitch’s dad had died when Mitch was a baby, and now his mom was dating another man. Would she still have time to spend with Mitch? Would he get a new dad? Mitch wasn’t sure if he liked that idea.

    In this newest adventure of the pesky pet parrot, Julius returns, full of surprises. But the biggest surprise is when another parrot shows up on the scene.

    Through all the “feather-brained” experiences, Mitch understands why things in life change and makes room in his heart for a new dad.

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  • Thor The Thunder Cat


    When the growly man offered to pay Todd with a Siamese kitten for shoveling snow, Todd pictured himself the proud owner of a sleek, graceful pet. Now, as he looked down at the scruffy runt in his hands, he wasn’t so sure what he was getting into.

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  • Secret Of Blackloch Castle


    Zack and Stef search for a secret passage, a hidden door, or anything that will lead them to the treasure hidden in Blackloch Castle. Soon Zack finds himself looking for answers about how we got the Bibles we have today.

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  • Tina The Really Rascally Red Fox


    Only one pet could be this much and cause this many problems-Tina the Red fox! From the day she came to Sara’s house as an orphan, Tina showed Sara and her brother how to laugh, how to love, and how to enjoy the beautiful animals God created.

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  • Missing Manger Mystery


    Take a church Christmas program, and outdoor Nativity scene, real barking, mooing, bleating animals (including a camel!), a female “wise man,” battling shepherds, a mysterious fire, a missing antique manger-mix them together, and what do you have?

    One of the funniest and most memorable Detective Zack adventures yet!

    It all started when Mrs. Hopkins warned that disaster was certain if the program were to e held outdoors. Truer words were never spoken! The fire nearly destroyed the stable, and Mrs. Hopkins’s 80-year-old manger from Bethlehem was missing! As Detective Zack and his friend Luke hunt for the culprit, they begin finding evidence for the even greater mystery-Santa Claus. Where did he come from, and what do trees, stocking, and presents have to do with the birth of Jesus?

    The trail of clues takes Zack and company on a “wild lamb” chase that eventually leads them to the villain and the true meaning of Christmas.

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  • Julius The Perfectly Pesky Pet Parrot


    Mitch was doomed. He couldn’t believe what his eyes were seeing. The lampshade lay in a pile of dust on the floor, exposing the metal skeleton of the lamp. His mom’s beautiful walnut dining table had become scalloped overnight. Walnut chips lay on the floor accusing the culprit-Julius, the perfectly pesky pet parrot!

    Julius annoyed everyone with his phone imitations, thefts, and ear-splitting squawking. But when Julius scares away a suspicious salesperson and chases two mean dogs away, everyone starts to believe that Julius isn’t as pesky as they thought.

    VeraLee Wiggins’s witty text will appeal to readers of all ages. Preschoolers and early readers will appreciate the easy-to-read sentences and humorous illustrations. Learning the responsibilities of having a pet can often be hair-raising experience, as Mitch found out. But through every incident, he learns valuable lessons in living his life for Jesus.

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  • Man Who Couldnt Be Killed


    An unforgettable story of faith and miraculous deliverance in Communist China at the height of the Cultural Revolution. Mr. Wong’s unflinching courage and the miracles that saved his life will inspire you to believe in God who is greater that any problem

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  • Jesus Takes Us Home


    This delightful, beautifully illustrated book helps preschool and elementary children understand God’s plan of redemption.

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  • New Pilgrims Progress


    Makes the richness of Bunyan’s work readily accessible to readers of all ages and backgrounds. Discover new truths that will enlighten and magnify your views of this encouraging classic.

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  • Pictorial Pilgrims Progress


    Pictorial Pilgrim’s Progress is a classic where Christian and his companions are on their journey to the Celestial City and pass through many experiences common to us all. A timeless allegory of the Christian’s walk with God. For beginners with corresponding sketches on each page.

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