

Harmony of the Gospels

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  • Savior : Four Gospels One Story


    Book Description
    The four gospels tell one story. A story about Jesus. Combining these accounts chronologically and using contemporary language, Jack Blanco weaves Matthew, Mark, Luke and John together to help create a complete picture of our Savior’s life on Earth.

    From the Back Cover
    Take a fresh look at Jesus Christ, His ministry, and His teachings. This is the story of Jesus, the Messiah, God’s beloved Son.

    With this simple introduction the story unfolds. But not as you’ve ever read it before. Written in modern language without the disjointed interruption of chapter or verse, this fresh, unified narrative merges the four Gospel accounts into one. No long genealogical lists. No confusing, archaic words. Just the timeless, captivating story of Jesus, our Savior.

    From the creator of the popular paraphrase The Clear Word, comes this powerful new look at the four gospels. The book takes something from each gospel’s perspective on Christ and combines the various stories chronologically to form one beautiful account on the life of Jesus.

    Sure to lift your devotional life to another level, the blended account in Savior makes a wonderful devotional, inspirational book, or will enhance any Bible study of the Gospels.

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