
  • Desmond Doss Conscientious Objector


    Infantry men who once ridiculed and scoffed at Desmond’s simple faith and refusal to carry a weapon owed their lives to him. In the midst of a fierce firefight on Okinawa that felled approximately 75 men from the 1st Battalion, Private Doss refused to seek cover and carried his stricken comrades to safety one by one. This and other heroic acts earned him the highest honor America can bestow on one of her sons-the Congressional Medal of Honor.

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  • Theyre All Dead Arent They


    The bestseller by Joy Swift is back in print Only a teenager when her children were taken from her in the cruelest ways imaginable, Joy Swift riveted a nation with her gut-wrenching story of love, loss, and renewed hope. That story became the bestselling book, “They’re All Dead, Aren’t They?” Since its publication in 1986, this grieving mother’s journey toward hope has inspired countless thousands around the world.

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  • Christmas In My Heart Book 23


    For twenty-three years now, readers have been writing to Joe Wheeler, letting him know how much the Christmas in My Heart series means to them.”I so enjoy your introductory comments before each story, and since I grew up with Currier & Ives calendars, I love your choice of book covers.””I have collected all of your Christmas in My Heart books–thank you for being ‘America’s Keeper of the Story.'””How [so] many stories of wonderful content are able to come from one person is behond me. Each one has its own special emotion, and I never cease to be drawn into the plot. I am so thankful you make sure God is the center of all you share with us.”In this volume, Joe L. Wheeler gives the reader a treasury of old-fashioned Christmas stories.

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  • I Met A Miracle


    Founder of the It is Written television ministry, George Vandeman, was a man personally acquainted with Christ. A man who met a miracle. Through his own story, and the stories of others, he demonstrates the struggle of surrender, the debilitating result of guilt, the persistence of conscience, the healing power of forgiveness…the miracle of conversion.

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  • Christmas In My Heart Book 22


    “Christmasaholics” will be pleased with the arrival of a new collection of stories. This new volume extends for another year the longest-running Christmas story series in America. As always, great for reading by the fire on a winter night, giving for a gift or sharing with friends during the Christmas season.

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  • Christmas In My Heart Book 21


    It’s truly a miracle in today’s publishing world for any book series to last five – much less twenty years! Yet this is what Christmas in My Heart has done. No one is more surprised at this than Joe Wheeler; he attributes the series’ stubborn refusal to die to be a God-thing. That somehow there is something about each year’s collection of stories that so speaks to hearts everywhere that “completists” (those who have all the books in the series) cannot even imagine facing a new Christmas season without a new collection to feed their souls. This stellar collection features luminaries such as Elizabeth Goudge, Margaret E. Sangster, Temple Bailey, Margaret Weymouth Jackson, Mike Huckabee, David Doig, Christine Whiting Parmenter, Grace Noll Crowell, and Isobel Stewart. In a world where society appears intent on stripping the Christmas season of the divine reason for its very existence, spiritually based Christmas stories such as these may provide a refuge from electronic strangulation, and an opportunity to read aloud heart-tugging stories incorporating values worth living by to children, teens and adults of all ages. Since we become our favorite stories, the right or wrong story-choices will inevitably determine our eternal destinies. – Joseph Leininger Wheeler.

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  • More Amazing True Mission Stories


    A second collection of remarkable mission stories from around the world. God still works miracles today. This follow-up to Zachary’s first Amazing True Mission Stories book proves it.

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  • Battered To Blessed


    Known to thousands of 3ABN viewers as “Miss Brenda,” the singing, cooking, and smiling children’s program host remembers a time when smiling wasn’t easy.

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  • Conversations With Jesus


    Just as surely as Jesus spoke to Peter, or Martha, or a paralyzed man lying on a stretcher, He will speak to you. Author Jerry D. Thomas allows us to listen in on real conversations the Son of God had with ordinary people. People who struggled with the same issues we struggle with today.

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  • Christmas In My Heart 13


    SKU (ISBN): 9780828018593Compiled by: Joe Wheeler | Editor: Joe WheelerBinding: Trade PaperPublished: September 2004Christmas In My Heart # 13Publisher: Review & Herald Publishing

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  • Prisoner For Christ


    SKU (ISBN): 9780816320547Stanley MaxwellBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 2004Publisher: Pacific Press Publishing Association

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  • This Is My Boy


    Table Of Contents:

    The Breaking Point
    The Beginning
    Just When Life Started Getting Back To Normal
    The Phone Call
    The Dedication
    How Do I Deal With This?
    Our Little Time Of Trouble
    Endless Court Appearances
    A Marathon Requires Endurance
    A Ray Of Hope!?!
    The Final Countdown: Are You Ready?
    The Breaking Point
    June 9, 2002
    June 11, 2002
    June 12, 2002
    “It Ain’t Over Yet”
    August 27, 2002
    A Setback
    December 12, 2002
    May 14, 2003

    Additional Info
    Miguel Crespo’s forehead tightened as he imagined his son’s fate. The tiny boy was sitting up in a dingy crib, crying for his mommy and daddy. Outside the room he could hear the sound of people talking, enjoying themselves, while his son sat heartbroken in his little wooded prison. Miguel felt as if a dagger had been plunged into his chest.
    In every person’s life, there comes a time when they have to answer some life-altering questions, “Does God really care about me? How much attention does He really pay to what’s going on in my life? Does prayer really accomplish anything? Am I willing to suffer loss and still believe in and trust him?”
    Five years previous, Miguel and Bonnie Crespo had never imagined themselves as foster parents. Then Nathaniel, a sickly infant with eczema and spinal problems, became part of their lives, and they wanted to be more; they wanted to adopt him permanently. This is My Boy! (Right God?) is the story of the Crespo family as they went through emotional hell-fighting custody battles, endless court appearances, selling prize possessions to pay for lawyer fees, and ultimately surrendering the fate of their new son to God.

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  • Guides Greatest Sabbath Stories


    “I will give you people exactly five minutes to decide whether or not you will work on Saturday.”

    Within five seconds came their determined but respectful reply. “We cannot and will not work on the Sabbath, though the heavens fall!”

    “What?” screamed the astonished Nazi, almost dropping his eyeglasses. “Well, then,” he stammered, “I hope your God can hear through the walls of a concentration camp!”

    Here is a collection of amazing but true stories about God’s faithfulness to those who honor His holy day. A father has no money to send his children to church school until his boss offers him a raise-if he will work on Sabbath just this once. A son is offered a stack of money if he will forget his Adventist scruples. A man with a gun aimed at his heart has to decide whether to honor his conscience.

    Seventh-day Adventist athletes face Sabbath tournaments, musicians face Sabbath recitals, and students face Sabbath exams. Fishermen leave huge fish waiting in their nets at Friday sundown. Even inanimate objects honor the Sabbath-like the hammer that wouldn’t work on that day, the thick harness torn in two by an invisible hand, and one super capacity water jug.

    Sometimes angels get into the act. One explains the seventh day in a dream. Helpful guides appear and disappear. A mysterious porter brings baked potatoes to a young man bleeding from the lash of his chief who demands he carry a load on the Sabbath. In each case God provides for His own.

    Taken from 50 years of Guide, a magazine for Christian youth, these stories prove God’s promise: “Those who honor me I will honor” (1 Samuel 2:30, NIV).

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  • Christmas In My Heart Book 12


    To one of the longest-running Christmas story anthologies in American history we add yet another volume–our twelfth in 12 years. The series is one of the finest libraries of Christmas stories in English. What’s the secret of its appeal? Perhaps it’s the lump-in-the-throat factor, the moving stories that grip the heart and moisten the eyes. Fortunately, all 12 volumes are still available in print at the original price.

    In this year’s collection Senator John McCain of Arizona recalls his most special Christmas, celebrated in a North Vietnamese prisoner-of-war camp, where men of faith, joyful and triumphant in the face of torment, exchanged gifts they did not have.

    Another selection tells the story of the birth of “Silent Night,” one of the songs the prisoners sang. Other stories tell of Christmas money lost and then better-than-found; of relationships mended; of temptations trumped; of orphans nurtured; of lovers reunited. In these pages the human spirit, with all its passion and pride, faith and foibles, finds hope once again in a manger.

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  • That I May Know Him


    From the “Foreword”

    More than half of the book is drawn from the wealth of inspired material in the articles from her pen that appeared during her long lifetime in such periodicals as the Review and Herald, Youth’s Instructor, and Signs of the Times. About one third is drawn from unpublished manuscripts and letters in the custody of the trustees of the Ellen G. White writings, under whose direction the volume has been prepared.

    Many of these unpublished items are from personal heart-to-heart messages sent to individuals-messages that come to us today with the same earnest appeal, the same tender admonition and encouragement, as when they were written. Of special interest are several pages which contain extracts from early morning entries in Ellen White’s diary, and give the reader significant glimpses into her personal prayer life.

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  • Endless Falling In Love


    Ty Gibson has done it again. A rare blend of smart and heart, An Endless Falling in Love is both an intellectual and an emotional journey into the character of God and the gift of eternity. Beyond the cliches about harps, clouds, gold streets, and gates of pearl, Gibson shows eternal life to be an ever-deepening free-fall into friendship-love with God. Against this backdrop, the doctrines of the Trinity, Creation, the Fall, the Incarnation, the Cross, and other crucial Bible truths take on a beauty and lushness that will forever alter your views about salvation.

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  • Christmas In My Heart 11


    SKU (ISBN): 9780828017176Compiled by: Joe Wheeler | Editor: Joe WheelerBinding: Trade PaperPublished: October 2002Christmas In My Heart # 11Publisher: Review & Herald Publishing

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  • Everyday Heroes


    SKU (ISBN): 9781578563227Joe WheelerBinding: Cloth TextPublished: March 2002Publisher: WaterBrook

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  • Guides Greatest Prayer Stories


    “When they got up from their knees they stared at the table that had been bare moments before. It couldn’t be! It wasn’t possible! There on the table was a large steaming platter heaped high with colorful vegetables, potatoes, and fish. Eyes wide with unbelief, the roommates looked at each other, then back at the table. This was uncanny. This was unnatural. This was too much!”

    Prayer is mind-boggling. Find out how it delivered two boys from a pit, caused a stolen car to stall, taught a woman to read, delivered a snorkeling missionary from a mad shark, led a strange black dog to deliver a lost purse, healed a crushed cat, led a lad to the right trombone and a lass to the right horse, helped a young man to find his glasses on the bottom of Lake Michigan, unlocked a locked door, provided electricity in a power outage, kept a family from starving, and brought a whole carload of mechanics to start a stalled car.

    This book will leave you with a whole carload of faith.

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  • Christmas In My Heart 10


    SKU (ISBN): 9780828016223Compiled by: Joe Wheeler | Editor: Joe WheelerBinding: Trade PaperPublished: August 2001Christmas In My Heart # 10Publisher: Review & Herald Publishing

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