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  • Sprucing The Tree Up Close From The Inside


    Dr. Warren has held more major leadership positions at Oakwood University than anyone else in its history and he writes from a unique perspective. In Sprucing the Tree the author looks at how, from its inception in 1896 as Oakwood Industrial School to the current Oakwood University, its principals and presidents have pointed the way to the life-tree value system. Ellen White’s vision of a school for black Adventist young people continues to inspire a pursuit of higher education which leads to abundant living in this world and the world to come.

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  • 4 Winds Of Revelation


    You can’t turn on your TV or open your Internet browser without the next catastrophe hitting you in the face. The toll taken by natural disasters-flooding, fires, drought, tornadoes, and more-grows worse each year. The world is coming apart at the seams.

    More than 2,000 years ago the Bible predicted that all of this would happen! If the Bible was right about this, then what did it say would happen next?

    In Four Winds of Revelation, Pastor Kenneth Cox examines what the Bible says about the crises that we are facing and shares what it tells us about the future. Should you be afraid? The Bible offers hope-Jesus is coming soon!

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  • I Will Give You Rest


    “Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls” (Matthew 11:28, 29, NASB).

    When my mother breathed her last, “one reality trumped all my other thoughts, feelings, and beliefs: She was resting in Jesus; evil could no longer touch her, pain could no longer reach her, the devil could no longer bother her. She was in complete rest in Jesus. And that was true not merely because she had died, but because she had passed away with the full assurance of her eternal salvation.”

    This true rest is available to each of us today! The full assurance of salvation can be ours when we accept the rest God offers at the foot of the cross.

    When the rubber meets the road, when we are at our wit’s end, when we come to the end of our journey, or when the life of a loved one is about to slip away, we must have a clear, unquestionable, and assured reality: rest in Jesus, because Jesus wins!

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  • Jungle Thorn


    The children of Kondima’s village were gathering mushrooms when Mookit shouted, “Let’s play monkey!” It was one of their favorite games. They jumped into the edge of the jungle, grabbed hold of the long vines that hung from the trees, and began to swing.

    But this time, Kondima’s vine broke. She fell into the bushes and felt a sharp pain in her eye. A thorn stuck right in her eye!

    This beautifully illustrated picture book version of Jungle Thorn will show your child a glimpse of life in the jungle village. They will learn about missionaries, and most importantly, they will see that kindness and care can change lives and teach even a mountain girl about Jesus.

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  • He Spoke And It Was


    The Bible opens with a statement that forms the basis of our faith:

    “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” (Genesis 1:1, NIV). This is the foundation of all biblical theology, because it tells us that life began when a Creator spoke it into existence. This is where we encounter the God whose power is matched only by His love for His creation.

    He Spoke and It Was: Divine Creation in the Old Testament is the result of an interaction between Seventh-day Adventist Bible scholars, scientists, and educators. Listening to one another, they engaged contemporary science and biblical scholarship constructively on this important issue. The book is the first volume in a series characterized by engagement with the biblical text itself with the aim of helping both scientists and interested non specialists to grasp the significance of biblical Creation, its terminology, and theology.

    At its core, Creation is all about who we are, what our destiny is, and how God chooses to save a world that is in direct rebellion with its Creator. For the God of creation is also the God of salvation, and He will ultimately re-create an earth that has been corrupted by thousands of years of sin. The Creation account contains an echo of hope that rings through the centuries-and keeps tugging at our hearts.

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  • What We Believe Ellen White For Teens


    “OK, so what do you know about Ellen White?”

    The question was fairly innocuous-a simple query about a historical person posed to a group of teenagers in a Bible class. I stood at the front of the room, ready to write their responses on the smart board. What followed was a torrent of wild answers that scarcely seemed to be about the same person, or any person for that matter.

    To my great delight, the students rewarded me with a biographical sketch that belonged in a game of Mad Libs:

    “She hated bread.”

    “Cheese is poison.”

    “Stopped breathing during visions.”

    “She was a bazillion years old.”

    “Wrote a lot of books.”

    “Didn’t like black pepper.”

    “Didn’t like tea.”

    “She was hit by a rock.”

    Seth Pierce does it again! In Ellen White for Teens, he takes a challenging topic and explores it with insight, wisdom, and humor-in a language that teens will understand. Topics include:

    Did Ellen Ever Make Mistakes?

    What’s the Difference Between Her Books and the Bible?

    Are You Gonna Eat That?

    Ellen and Us

    Seth writes, “My prayer is that you will become a friend of Ellen’s. You may find her challenging, aggravating, beautiful, confusing, or inspiring-or all of these at the same time-but that’s true of anybody we have a close relationship with. Above all, I hope you hear a voice that will point you to Jesus. Her voice matters, and I hope you can begin to hear it in the pages of this book.”

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  • Guides Greatest Faith Stories


    As the shouts from above came closer, the bear stopped long enough to raise its head and sniff. It was ten feet from the boat now. Stanley could see its beady eyes and hear its deep, guttural grunts as it fought for breath.

    What should he do?

    Stanley’s eyes darted desperately from the bear to the timberline and back to the bear. “Dear Jesus,” he prayed, his heart pounding, “make Dad come, please!”

    The twenty-five stories in this collection will encourage you and strengthen your faith. You’ll meet Curtis, who foolishly ventures out in a freezing, blinding blizzard. And then there’s Joe, who breaks into rich Mrs. Gambol’s house to steal money for some badly needed new clothes. And we can’t forget Peggy, the faithful German shepherd, whose trust and loyalty were answers to Gene and Denny’s prayers.

    As you read and retell these stories to family, friends, and anyone who needs a faith-boost, you’ll find your faith will be strengthened too.

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  • Understanding Ellen White


    The Seventh-day Adventist Church has become a truly global movement with almost twenty million members from diverse cultures and backgrounds; many of whom are unfamiliar with the history of God’s leading and the prophetic ministry of Ellen White.

    While it does not attempt to provide the final answer for every question, Understanding Ellen White builds a foundation for interpreting her experience with God and her ministry. Basic to any understanding of Ellen White is her own walk with God. Two golden threads weave throughout her life and experience and are central to who she was and what she accomplished: the love of God in Christ and a focus on Scripture. When these two principles are correctly understood and integrated in examining Ellen White’s life and experience, then all other issues addressed in this book are put in perspective.

    Perhaps the saddest reality regarding Ellen White’s writings is that many dismiss them as irrelevant even before reading her work. A Kellogg’s Corn Flakes advertisement from several years ago is apropos when applied to Ellen White’s writings and ministry: whether you have lived with her writings your whole life or have never read her, the invitation is to “taste them again for the very first time.”

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  • Women And Ordination


    It is the accompaniment of the Holy Spirit of God that prepares workers, both men and women, to become pastors to the flock of God.

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  • Youll Laugh About This Someday


    Life is often a blur for busy moms.

    Rushing kids to school, to the doctor, to the dinner table, to bed-only to repeat it again the next day. And the next.

    So what’s a mom to do?

    Mother of four, Melissa Howell speaks to the mess of madness and mayhem that is life with littles, and says, “God calls me into His presence to be still. ‘Be still and know that I am God,’ He invites (Psalm 46:10, NIV)…. This is good news for those of us in mommy-land, who find stillness and quiet hard commodities to come by. Because it means that even if our surroundings are in chaos, our souls can be anchored deep in the stillness that comes from certainty in God’s power.”

    You’ll Laugh About This Someday is filled with humor, life lessons, and deeply spiritual insights into the world of motherhood that will encourage and bless moms everywhere. It’s not your typical devotional book. But then again, there’s nothing typical about the adventure we call motherhood!

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  • Christmas In My Heart Book 24


    In a world that oftentimes seems to have lost its moorings, where knowledge increases at such a dizzying rate that no one can keep up with it, it is good to back away from it all in islands of serenity-and ponder the deeper meaning.

    Which brings each of us to the ultimate question: Where in all this nonstop chaotic frenzy of hype and self-promotion is God?

    When we do this, inevitably our thoughts travel back, back, back in time to a lowly stable in a little hamlet called Bethlehem, inside which a baby was being born. And high overhead: a blazing star.

    Christmas was also born that day.

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  • Interactive Family Worship


    Has it been awhile since you actually surprised your kids at family worship time?

    Do you laugh together?

    Do you sense God’s joyful presence?

    Get ready to wake up your old traditions. If you want to spend less time planning and more time worshiping you’ll love this book of family-tested fun.

    Have a rope and some clothespins? That’s all you need to get moving with a brand-new style of Bible baseball.

    Need more ideas? Stretch your brain with a three-second Bible quiz. Turn backyard nature items into a creative Scripture night memory game.

    Throw out fresh conversation starters that lead you closer to your family and your God.

    Some of these worship ideas take just a few minutes. Others could involve bathrobes, dish towel turbans, and a half hour of hilarious role-playing. You’ll find activities perfect for Friday family reunions or Sabbath schools. Interactive Family Worship Ideas for Kids will turn worship into everyone’s favorite part of the day.

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  • Against All Odds


    With her customary honesty and wit, Kari Paulsen tells a moving story of resilience born out of deep personal faith. This warm and candid spiritual memoir will be read-and loved-by thousands of believers around the globe who are trying to understand the leading of God in their own stories of pain and grace. The writing is as bright and engaging as the author, who skillfully weaves the incidents of an unusually difficult life narrative with compelling insights drawn from years of study and daily Christian experience. Don’t miss this book, or the gift Kari Paulsen has given through it to the church she loves.

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  • Treasure On Spyglass Hill


    Gary didn’t move. He didn’t even try. He was staring straight up at the great house.

    For there on the second-floor balcony, near one of the big windows glowed a light that seemed to float on nothing as it passed pillar after pillar.

    And that was not all he saw. Next to that bright circle of light, glowed something yellow, and it was moving too. As the boys continued to watch, a huge black shape flapped around the mysterious light, sometimes hiding it. It floated like a large sheet of cloth blowing in the wind. Moving wildly, it snapped and fought, trying to fly away.

    Scott felt sweat running down his back. But never did he or Gary take their eyes off that thing in black or that glowing, yellow light.

    The light stopped moving when it reached a corner of the building. Then it vanished completely. And all that remained was the faraway sound of laughter floating down to where they crouched in the dark.

    Join best friends Gary and Scott as they try to solve the mystery of the floating lights and learn that treasures don’t always look exactly the way they’d imagined.

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  • Rulers 1 Kings Through Obadiah


    These are the books of the Bible that often get rushed through or looked over. But they hold treasures: stories, promises, and wisdom that sparkle and shine when we look closely. These priceless books are now easier to read and understand than ever, as Jack J. Blanco updates the ancient words to modern language and removes the interruptions of chapters and verse.

    Rulers offers a glimpse of royalty and revenge, struggle and surrender, love and hate. You’ll find a new perspective on the tales of Kings and Chronicles, the wisdom of the Proverbs, the love story of the Song of Solomon, and the warnings and writings of the prophets.

    And now this part of the story of God and humanity reads just like that: a story.

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  • Living His Love 2016 Womens Devotional


    Do you long to experience the love of Jesus more deeply? Do you desire to reflect it more fully? Do you hunger for the assurance of His presence, moment by moment, challenge by challenge?

    Jesus says, “Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me–watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace….Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly” — Matthew 11:28-30, The Message.

    The stories found within these pages will immerse you in God’s love and enrich your understanding of what His love looks like, sounds like, and feels like, in a far-too-busy world.

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  • Homeward Bound 2016 Daily Adult Devotional


    Homeward Bound marks a century’s passing since the death of Ellen G. White and is a special collection that covers some of the major themes she wrote about through the years. Some of the topics covered include surrender and acceptance, victory in Christ, a united church, and the great controversy. In the section “The Book of Books” we find this gem:

    The Holy Spirit, sent from heaven by the benevolence of infinite love, takes the things of God and reveals them to every soul that has an implicit faith in Christ. By His power the vital truths upon which the salvation of the soul depends are impressed upon the mind, and the way of life is made so plain that none need err therein.

    –Christ Object Lessons, pp. 112,113

    She also famously wrote, “We have nothing to fear for the future, except as we shall forget the way the Lord has led us, and His teaching in our past history” (Life Sketches of Ellen G. White, p. 196). It is our prayer that this volume may remind us not only of how the Lord has led us but also of His teaching through His servant Ellen G. White.

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  • Chains In China


    The interrogator slapped the table with his hand and stood to his feet. “If you do not want my help, there’s nothing more I can do for you here! However, I feel I must tell you that from this day forward, things will not go well for you here at the Wu Xi Prison. . . . If you are stubborn and do not give the confession, the warden will become tough as nails. He will never let you out of here!”

    In 1960, Chen, a faithful young Seventh-day Adventist, was imprisoned and thrown into “the cage” for refusing to work on the Sabbath. In spite of living in the worst kind of filth and subsisting on a starvation diet, Chen looked for every opportunity to tell his fellow prisoners and prison officials about the loving God he served.

    Chains in China illustrates the nightmare of tribulation God’s people have often endured for the cause of Christ. It is a chronicle of relentless devotion and a tribute to the faithfulness of a God whose love never lets go. Chen knows this firsthand, for were it not for the miracle God performed to save his life, he would have died in Wu Xi Prison.

    Pastor Chen writes, “His grace was always enough for me in good times and bad, and today I want to glorify His name.”

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  • Becoming A Mission Driven Church


    This book is a step-by-step guide for creating churches driven by a compelling mission. Churches with a blurred sense of purpose can drift aimlessly along from year to year. But few forces in life are as powerful as a group of people fueled by a common purpose. Finally, pastors and local church leaders have a practical guide to transforming church. A mission-driven church can “turn the world upside down” (Acts 17:6)!

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  • Real Family Talk


    The most challenging and the most important aspects of people’s lives the world over are having meaningful and happy relationships. What God meant for harmony and symphonic communication often turns to frustration, fear, and despair.

    Being intentional about connecting and creating a positive and safe environment for the people we have relationships with are what make marriage, families, and friendships worthy and worthwhile ventures. This kind of relationship makes for happy and productive people, who contribute to the well-being of the home, church, and society. But it is not possible without the power and help of our heavenly Father.

    In Real Family Talk, Willie and Elaine Oliver answer questions from real people with problems just like yours on dating, doctrines, infidelity, parenting, and sex–anything and everything relating to relationships.

    “It is our hope that the information shared in this volume will serve as a catalyst to enhance your relationships, as you trust God to give you the desire and strength to honor Him in your most important daily interactions.”–Willie and Elaine Oliver

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