



  • Write It On Their Hearts


    Family life is often very busy! There are so many things competing for time and attention. Kids are also influenced by many different things. How can we make sure that we are making the most of our time with our children to lead them spiritually? And what is the best approach?

    This practical guide gives parents a systematic approach to discipleship that goes beyond rote memorization. Author Chris Swain applies to the family context the principles of discipleship that Jesus teaches in Scripture to help you make the most of the time you have with your kids, to both lead them to Jesus and to encourage them to be like Jesus.

    “Discipleship happens when we spend intentional time with our children. It is in these moments that God writes his word on their hearts. He does the writing, but we help create the atmosphere for this to take place.” (From the introduction to Write It On Their Hearts.)

    Write It On Their Hearts features:
    * a model of discipleship developed by Replicate Ministries that is based on Jesus’ encounters with his disciples
    * a discipleship plan that you can tailor to each child
    * practical help and advice for Christian parents on how to disciple their kids

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  • Raising The Challenging Child


    What’s the worst you’ve ever faced as a parent? An all-out tantrum at the mall? A son who won’t take out his earbuds to listen to you? A daughter who’s failing at school and won’t do her homework? A teen who constantly breaks curfew? A call from the police? Whatever you’re dealing with, Raising the Challenging Child will help.

    Building on their work at Chaddock, a nonprofit organization that has worked with some of the most challenging kids in the nation for more than 150 years, the authors empower frustrated parents with practical tips and real-life examples on how to:
    – minimize behavioral meltdowns
    – reduce conflict
    – increase cooperation
    – promote healthy attachment
    – improve family relationships

    The strategies they share work both for the child who is going through a difficult phase brought on by life disruption or trauma, and for the child who faces chronic struggles. Parents, teachers, and those who work with children and youth will find positive, practical steps they can start taking today in order to understand and address the baffling behavior of the child under their care.

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  • 365 Ways To Love Your Child


    Growing up in a financially strapped, South Georgia farming family, Julie Lavender learned to appreciate small yet meaningful affirmations of love when her parents found ways to visibly demonstrate their feelings. Later, when she had her own children, Julie delighted in finding creative ways to express her love for them, as well as for the children whose lives she touched through teaching school and volunteering in the children’s ministry at her church.

    In 365 Ways to Love Your Child, Julie encourages moms, dads, and anyone who works with children to show kids every day with simple but meaningful gestures and activities how very much they are loved. Join Julie in expressing tangible acts of love to show your kids they are valued by their parents and, most especially, by God.

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  • When Your Kid Is Hurting


    As parents, we have a strong impulse to protect our children, but that very protection can end up handicapping them for life. Rather than seek to save them from the hard things, we must teach our kids how to cope with and rise above their problems. In one of his most important books to date, internationally known psychologist and bestselling author Dr. Kevin Leman shows parents how to:
    – be good listeners
    – tell the truth, even when it’s difficult
    – find balance between being protective and being overprotective
    – approach hurt and injustice as a learning experience rather than fostering a victim mentality
    – and much more

    Whether a child is dealing with a difficult family situation, bullies, the loss of friends, the death of a loved one, discrimination, abuse, a teen pregnancy, or even just trying to make sense of what they see in the news, this compassionate and practical book will help parents equip them to process, learn from, and rise above their situation.

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  • Preparing For Your Babys Dedication


    SKU (ISBN): 9780828010740Kay KuzmaBinding: Trade PaperPublished: October 2019Baby DedicationPublisher: Review & Herald Publishing

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  • Raising Worry Free Girls


    In a world fraught with worry and anxiety, veteran counselor Sissy Goff offers practical advice on how you can instill bravery and strength in your daughter, helping her understand why her brain is often working against her when she starts to worry and what she can do to fight back.

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  • Above Suffering And Guilt


    One of the most difficult things about this life to accept, and even more difficult to understand, is pain and suffering. If God is good, then how can we explain the presence of evil, death, and pain? Also, learn the four necessary steps in dealing with sin and guilt.

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  • Single Parent : Confident And Successful


    Whether you became a single parent through divorce, death, adoption, or some other situation, you’ve probably wondered what the future holds for you and your children. Will you be able to provide the emotional, financial, and spiritual support your family needs?

    The Single Parent will encourage you in your journey and help avert problems before they arise. It is filled with wise counsel, biblical truth, and real-life stories–the author’s own as well as those of the many single moms and dads who have come across her path through the years. It will help you bolster your abilities in such areas as
    – improving your child’s behavior
    – negotiating boundaries
    – graciously seeking and accepting help from others
    – trusting God in the process

    God cares for the single parent and will provide for you and your children. Let this book give you the tools you need as you walk with him in this journey.

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  • Parenting Beyond The Rules


    Parenting teens is one of the most challenging seasons of parenting, isn’t it? While this can be a difficult time of transition for parents and teens, there is hope. You can parent well and build a stronger relationship even through the teen years.

    After 30 years of parenting five children and 20 years of working with teens, Connie Albers has witnessed the negative impact of well-intentioned but misguided parenting styles, all focused on managing teens rather than guiding them. But through learning to focus on the hearts of your teens, you can avoid those pitfalls and build relationships that last beyond the transition years as you intentionally learn about, connect with, and listen to your teens. In a world filled with distractions and devices, it is possible to guide their hearts and remain the primary influence in their lives. In Parenting beyond the Rules, you will discover how to raise a teen according to his or her strengths, talents, and personality type, as these things equip teens to manage life.

    Join Connie Albers in discovering practical solutions for every parent trying to raise a responsible, godly teenager.

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  • Start With The Heart


    Parenting strategies you can be proud of

    You know the feeling. You got frustrated, desperate, or overwhelmed and you reacted before you could think it through. Whether it’s a one-time thing or it becomes a habit, we all parent in ways we don’t like. But it doesn’t have to continue. Whether it’s bribery, yelling, counting to three, or threats of punishment you didn’t mean to make, reacting never feels good. But if you can learn to act with intentionality, you’ll feel better about your choices and be grateful for the results.

    Dr. Kathy Koch (pronounced “cook”), author of Screens and Teens and 8 Great Smarts, will teach you proven strategies for training your child’s heart and parenting in a way that honors God. She’ll help you move your child from, “I can’t, I won’t,” to “I can, I will, and I did.” We can do better than “Because I said so.” or “No screen time for 3 days.” We can do better than mere behavior modification. We can change our children’s hearts and teach them to do what is good, godly, and right even when we’re not around. Once you’ve learned to put these motivation strategies in place there’s no more need to nag, you’ll be astounded at what your kids will do without being asked. Dr. Kathy doesn’t offer a quick-fix. Starting with the heart is all about changing what children believe in order to change their behavior. And learning to use this kind of motivation takes effort, consistency, and strategy, but it works. And it’s never too late! If you’re willing to commit to a little hard work up front, you’ll enjoy your kids, your life, and yourself much more when you learn to start with the heart.

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  • Winning The Heart Of Your Child


    Many of us enter parenthood with a perfect vision of what our family will be. But along the way we discover that the children we’ve been blessed with are real human beings, with their own minds, ideals, and views of the world. Our influence only goes so far, and when those children reach the pre-teen and teenage years, it may seem to have disappeared completely. Yet at no time in a kid’s life is their parents’ positive, godly influence more critical.

    For parents who are concerned that their child is pulling away, following poor role models, or making choices that will lead to pain and difficulty, Mike Berry has good news: it’s not too late. He offers parents six keys to maximizing and leveraging their influence to help their children through these difficult years and develop a relationship with them that can weather any storm.

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  • Moms Guide To Lies Girls Believe


    You can’t change the world, but you can prepare her for it.

    Your daughter is facing challenges you never dealt with at her age! From skyrocketing anxiety rates to bullying on social media, the Enemy’s lies are everywhere. How do you help the girl you love walk in freedom?

    Mom’s Guide to Lies Girls Believe, the companion book to Lies Girls Believe is your tool to come alongside your daughter in the fight against the lies the world is telling her. Based on in-depth research and focus groups led by Dannah Gresh, author of Secret Keeper Girl and Lies Young Women Believe (Coauthored with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth,) Lies Girls Believe teaches your daughter the Truth she will need to navigate the challenges she is facing. The Mom’s Guide provides research, cultural trends, and case studies about the problems tween girls face, but also offers encouragement and biblical insight to empower you to talk with your daughter about God’s truth.

    Together, these books give you the tools you need to start important conversations at an age-appropriate pace. Topics include:
    *Lies about God
    *Lies about Friendship
    *Lies about the Future
    *Lies about Myself
    *Lies about Boys

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  • Art Of Parenting


    Expanding on parenting themes shared with FamilyLife audiences, bestselling authors Dennis and Barbara offer trusted advice on how to establish Christian values in your home. By focusing on the crucial elements of identity, character, relationship, and mission, you will give your children a foundation they can build upon for the rest of their lives.

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  • Devotions For Sacred Parenting


    Raising children is a sacred calling-and not for the faint of heart. It shapes the parent every bit as much as parents shape their children. In Devotions for Sacred Parenting, Gary Thomas, author of Sacred Parenting, delves deeper into the conversation and contemplates the soul-transforming journey of being a parent.Many books have been written about how to parent your children effectively, how to become a better parent, and how effective parenting produces better kids. Devotions for Sacred Parenting explores an entirely different reality: how parenting transforms you, the parent. It explores the spiritual dynamics of parenting and why caring for your children is such an effective discipline in shaping your soul and forming the character of Christ within you.With all new material, 52 devotions explore the spiritual dynamics of parenting. These life-related devotions are creative, fresh, and encouraging, inspiring mothers and fathers to look at parenting from a different perspective-as a holy and high calling from God, and as an opportunity to grow spiritually as you strive to raise godly children. Devotions for Sacred Parenting helps you understand how God is parenting you as you parent your children.

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  • 8 Great Smarts


    Help your children be smart with “their “smarts
    At one time or another, most kids will ask (or secretly wonder), Am I smart’ But a better question is, In what “way” am I smart’ Dr. Kathy Koch s down-to-earth and practical guide to the theory of multiple intelligences helps parents and teachers discern and develop their children s unique wiring.

    “8 Great Smarts “will help you:
    *Identify how your child can best learn and study
    *Explore your child s characteristic spiritual struggles and his or her ways of connecting to God
    *Learn how you can awaken and nurture your child s weaker intelligences
    *Uncover how your behavior can paralyze your child s smarts, and what to do about it
    *Recognize how your child s misbehavior may be connected to his or her strengths
    *Discover creative teaching methods and potential careers that are ideal for each intelligence

    Every child is some combination of the following smarts: “word, logic, picture, music, body, nature, people, “and” self.” The sooner you and your child discover his or her best smarts, the sooner you can nurture their potential and help them to flourish and use their gifts for God and others.

    “Revised and updated version of “How Am I Smart'”

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  • 5 Reasons For Spiritual Apathy In Teens


    When teens are struggling, disconnected, and apathetic, they need parental engagement more than ever. Parents must fight the temptation to passively accept the behavior as normal and ignore the situation. Instead it is time to press in to the heart of your teen, and push past the emotional struggle that often occurs in this phase of growing up. The Rienow’s understand what families are facing and share practical steps parents can take to cultivate faith and character during the challenging teen years.

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  • Interactive Family Worship


    Has it been awhile since you actually surprised your kids at family worship time?

    Do you laugh together?

    Do you sense God’s joyful presence?

    Get ready to wake up your old traditions. If you want to spend less time planning and more time worshiping you’ll love this book of family-tested fun.

    Have a rope and some clothespins? That’s all you need to get moving with a brand-new style of Bible baseball.

    Need more ideas? Stretch your brain with a three-second Bible quiz. Turn backyard nature items into a creative Scripture night memory game.

    Throw out fresh conversation starters that lead you closer to your family and your God.

    Some of these worship ideas take just a few minutes. Others could involve bathrobes, dish towel turbans, and a half hour of hilarious role-playing. You’ll find activities perfect for Friday family reunions or Sabbath schools. Interactive Family Worship Ideas for Kids will turn worship into everyone’s favorite part of the day.

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  • Power Of A Praying Parent


    Stormie Omartian’s bestselling The Power of a Praying(R) series (more than 23 million copies sold) is rereleased with fresh new covers and new material to reach a still-growing market of readers eager to discover the power of prayer for their lives.

    After 20 years of raising her son and daughter alongside her husband, Michael, Stormie looks back at the trials and joys of parenting and the power in praying for her children. In these easy-to-read chapters, Stormie shares from personal experience as to how parents can pray for their kids’
    *character development
    *peer pressure
    *school experiences
    *relationship with God

    This resource will help you to be an amazing praying parent whether your kids are three or thirty-three.

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  • Its Your Kid Not A Gerbil


    Do you sometimes feel like a gerbil running on a wheel inside a cage as you scurry from place to place, chauffeuring your children from one endless activity to another? What if, for one moment, you could just step off of the wheel . . . and relax? How would you feel then? And what if that single moment could stretch into an hour, or even a whole day? It’s Your Kid, Not a Gerbil will provide practical solutions and helpful insight to get off the activity wheel so that you can put your time and energies where they really count: in establishing strong character and a love for home and family that will serve your kids well for a lifetime.

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  • Counsels To Parents Teachers And Students


    In Co-operation With Christ
    Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students presents instruction specific to Seventh-day Adventists. It is different in this regard from the masterpiece, Education, in which Ellen white addresses issues intended for a broader, more general reading public. As the subject develops, there are clearly set forth the responsibilities and duties of parents, heartening counsel to guide the teachers in their work, and practical instruction to those who devote the years of their youth in preparing for a life of service.

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