


Program Resources

  • 9780830776047 Wurmbrand Video Series

    Wurmbrand Video Series


    SKU (ISBN): 9780830776047Voice Of The MartyrsBinding: Boxed SetPublished: September 2018Publisher: David C. Cook

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  • 9781434711687 NIV Action Bible Scripture Memory Cards Q1

    NIV Action Bible Scripture Memory Cards Q1


    Action Bible Curriculum Scripture Memory Cards come in the translation of your choice (NIV(R), ESV, or CSB). Five cards are included for each week’s memory verse. (Enough for 5 students). This is the NIV version.

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  • 9780828020077 Refiners Fire

    Refiners Fire


    SKU (ISBN): 9780828020077Anthony GavinBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 2008Publisher: Review & Herald Publishing

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  • 9780764436987 Scary Gross And Weird Stories From The Bible

    Scary Gross And Weird Stories From The Bible


    Most of the youth in your ministry undoubtedly know the familiar, likely Bible accounts. They’ve read them dozens of times. Adam and Eve in Eden, God calling Samuel, Esther’s courage, Saul’s transformation into Paul. Of course: these are amazing highlights from the story of God’s loving relationship with his people. But what about the unfamiliar characters? The unlikely accounts? Do your students know just how offbeat and uncomfortable some parts of the Bible can be? How terrifying? How….dare we say it…weird?

    Scary, Gross , & Weird Stories from the Bible explores thirteen bizarre true stories with a can’t-look-away approach. Now, we understand very well that your teenagers probably won’t be shocked by what they find in these passages; they’ve become immune to drama and gore and the grotesque like no generation before. However, they may have never before associated any of that with God’s Word. In fact, their view of the Bible might run more along these lines: sterilized, predictable, safe, dull. So, here’s your opportunity to surprise them, shake the faith-dialogue up a bit, and guide them through some provocative, life-transforming experiences. Think of these thirteen decidedly non-safe stories as the back-alley accounts of the Bible…where God’s light often shines the brightest.

    Your students will be surprised and intrigued by the strange things (and people) in these passages-but keep in mind that strangeness isn’t the focus. We’re not helping your students encounter weirdness for weirdness’ sake (or grossness for grossness’ sake-you get the picture). Instead, the goal of these unique encounters with unexpected, unsettling stories is solely to show your teenagers more of who God is…and, well, God is pretty unexpected and unsettling. Not too mention utterly creative. So creative, in fact, that he included a lot of head-scratching, cringe-inducing, and downright disturbing stories in his Word. And each one reveals something about God, and what it means to be in an intimate, redeeming relationship with Jesus Christ.

    We’ve designed each of the thirteen studies in this resource to achieve that very purpose: to equip your students to really dig into fresh, startling Scripture passages…so they’ll be astounded by our extraordinary Creator and Savior, and moved to love and serve him with their lives.

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  • 9780687334070 101 More Great Games For Kids

    101 More Great Games For Kids


    Ideal for lesson planning and children’s ministry programming, this book features upbeat, easy-to-use activities and is divided into four sections: activities for ages 3-5 years; grades K-3 (ages 5-9); grades 4-6 (ages 9-12), and groups of mixed-age children. Includes Scripture and topical idexes.

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  • 9780764434044 Outflow



    If it’s all about God, why do we live as if it’s all about us? This book – a cross between a manifesto and a how-to manual – inspires readers to look past their own concerns and into the hearts of others. Experience the joy that comes with knowing and being used by God!

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  • 0816320519 100 Quick And Easy Worship Ideas For Kids

    100 Quick And Easy Worship Ideas For Kids


    100 ways to put the fun back into family worship!

    For busy, tired, and overstretched parents everywhere who long to share God creatively with their families, this book is heaven-sent.

    In the tradition of 100 Creative Prayer Ideas for Kids, Karen Holford presents 100 Quick and Easy Worship Ideas for Kids that will transform your family time with Jesus. Here in six packed sections (“God Loves Me!”; “God Made My Amazing Body”; “God Made the World”; “Worships for Special Times”; “Favorite Bible Stories”; and “Instant Bible Games to Play”) are dozens of themes, songs, Bible stories, and activities that are easy enough for the children to prepare themselves.

    So gather the kids around, choose any one of a hundred quick and easy ideas from this book, and watch what happens as together, you find new ways to experience God.

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  • 9781584110132 Undercover Heroes Of The Bible 5-6

    Undercover Heroes Of The Bible 5-6


    SKU (ISBN): 9781584110132Binding: Trade PaperPublished: July 2001Undercover Heroes Of The BiblePublisher: RoseKidz

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  • 0816318646 Following Jesus : Adventist Resource

    Following Jesus : Adventist Resource


    A baptismal workbook for juniors! Filled with illustrations, puzzles, word scrambles, matching games, and fill-in-the-blank exercises, this workbook makes preparation for baptism fun for children 9-12.

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  • 9780828012621 Sabbath School Program Planner 5

    Sabbath School Program Planner 5


    14 Programs on the Fruit of the Spirit

    Love * Peace * Kindness * Faith * Self-control * Joy * Patience *
    Goodness * Humility * Bearing Fruit
    Plus 20 Creative Program Starters

    Here are 14 complete scripts and 20 program starters to help you present spiritually rewarding Sabbath school programs that get people involved! These programs have been tested in large and small Sabbath schools across the country and will help make your Sabbath school a refreshing time of worship.

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  • 9780828008082 Sabbath School Program Planner 4

    Sabbath School Program Planner 4


    The Busy Leader’s Guide to Exciting Sabbath Schools

    This Sabbath School Program Planner includes:
    Interviews: Celebrity Hour
    Mini-seminars: Spiritual Olympics; Get Yourself Elected
    Modern Parables: Roadblocks to Friendship; Free at Last!; The Supermarket
    Quiz Programs: Survival Kit for Single Women
    Scripted Panel: The Ideal Way to Solve Problems
    Skits: A Different Kind of Music; Adventist Missions Today
    Surprise Programs: Pioneer Footprints; Discover Your Spiritual Gifts
    Travelogue: Euro-African Holiday
    Variety Program: The Starless Crown

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  • 9780828006910 Sabbath School Program Planner 3

    Sabbath School Program Planner 3


    14 Complete Programs Plus 14 Summer Survival Ideas

    Introduction: Summer Survival Ideas
    Demonstration: Sabbath School banquet
    Interview: Overcoming Shyness
    Mini-seminar: The Forgotten Gift
    Modern Parables: Drive Carefully!; Smorgasbord Christianity
    Quiz Program: Celebrity Surprise
    Scripted Panel: Fighting Fairly
    Skits: How to Have a Good Conversation; Africa Calls
    Surprise Programs: Sabbath School Garden; A Song in My Heart
    Travelogues: Mission Express; Caribbean Holiday
    Voice Choir: Weighed in the Balances

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  • 9780828006408 Sabbath School Program Planner 2

    Sabbath School Program Planner 2


    14 Adult Sabbath School Programs for
    Holidays and Special Occasions

    New Year’s Day * Thanksgiving * Back to School * Patriotic * Father’s Day * Christmas * Valentine’s Day * Christian Education Day * Mother’s Day * Memorial Day

    Dorothy Eaton Watts gives you everything you need to present memorable programs that will get your Sabbath school members involved! You’ll find 14 complete programs with entire scripts, many including suggestions for prayer, responsive readings, special music, and congregational songs. And each program features a section that tells you what materials you’ll need and how to prepare.

    These creative programs have been tested in large and small Sabbath schools across the country and will help make your Sabbath school a spiritually refreshing time of worship!

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  • 9780828005135 Sabbath School Program Planner 1

    Sabbath School Program Planner 1


    SKU (ISBN): 9780828005135Dorothy WattsBinding: Trade PaperPublished: August 2000Publisher: Review & Herald Publishing

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    Young Peacemaker Activity Books


    SKU (ISBN): 9780966378627Corlette SandeBinding: Trade PaperPublisher: Shepherd Press

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