


Short Stories

  • Christmas In My Heart Book 21


    It’s truly a miracle in today’s publishing world for any book series to last five – much less twenty years! Yet this is what Christmas in My Heart has done. No one is more surprised at this than Joe Wheeler; he attributes the series’ stubborn refusal to die to be a God-thing. That somehow there is something about each year’s collection of stories that so speaks to hearts everywhere that “completists” (those who have all the books in the series) cannot even imagine facing a new Christmas season without a new collection to feed their souls. This stellar collection features luminaries such as Elizabeth Goudge, Margaret E. Sangster, Temple Bailey, Margaret Weymouth Jackson, Mike Huckabee, David Doig, Christine Whiting Parmenter, Grace Noll Crowell, and Isobel Stewart. In a world where society appears intent on stripping the Christmas season of the divine reason for its very existence, spiritually based Christmas stories such as these may provide a refuge from electronic strangulation, and an opportunity to read aloud heart-tugging stories incorporating values worth living by to children, teens and adults of all ages. Since we become our favorite stories, the right or wrong story-choices will inevitably determine our eternal destinies. – Joseph Leininger Wheeler.

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  • Guides Greatest Angel Stories


    SKU (ISBN): 9780828018807Editor: Helen RobinsonBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 2005Publisher: Review & Herald Publishing

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  • Christmas In My Heart 13


    SKU (ISBN): 9780828018593Compiled by: Joe Wheeler | Editor: Joe WheelerBinding: Trade PaperPublished: September 2004Christmas In My Heart # 13Publisher: Review & Herald Publishing

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  • Touched By A Miracle


    Author and compiler Nathalie Ladner-Bischoff brings to light another collection of true miracle stories to show us once again how near heaven is to earth. Like her first book, An Angel’s Touch, these stories of divine interventions, angel encounters, and prevailing prayer show what can happen when God touches human beings and the ordinary becomes extraordinary. They also open our eyes to the truth that there’s more to life than what we can see, touch, and feel.

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  • Christmas In My Heart Book 12


    To one of the longest-running Christmas story anthologies in American history we add yet another volume–our twelfth in 12 years. The series is one of the finest libraries of Christmas stories in English. What’s the secret of its appeal? Perhaps it’s the lump-in-the-throat factor, the moving stories that grip the heart and moisten the eyes. Fortunately, all 12 volumes are still available in print at the original price.

    In this year’s collection Senator John McCain of Arizona recalls his most special Christmas, celebrated in a North Vietnamese prisoner-of-war camp, where men of faith, joyful and triumphant in the face of torment, exchanged gifts they did not have.

    Another selection tells the story of the birth of “Silent Night,” one of the songs the prisoners sang. Other stories tell of Christmas money lost and then better-than-found; of relationships mended; of temptations trumped; of orphans nurtured; of lovers reunited. In these pages the human spirit, with all its passion and pride, faith and foibles, finds hope once again in a manger.

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  • Best Amazing True Mission Stories


    Amazing True Mission Stories
    James H. Zachary

    Price: US $8.99 Quantity

    Paperback Book 96 pages
    Pacific Press Publishing Association ISBN: 0816319820

    An inspiring collection of thrilling, true mission stories

    The day of miracles is not past. From Africa to America, from the South Pacific islands to Siberia, miracles are taking place as God works to bring individuals to Himself.

    In Amazing True Mission Stories you’ll read about:

    the criminals who demanded at gun point that they be allowed to hear the gospel preached;
    an army of bees who saved a church;
    a band of robbers whose hands started shaking uncontrollably whenever they tried to open the bag of money they had stolen_and how this led to their baptism.
    You’ll read about prayers answered, dreams fulfilled, and lives changed. You’ll witness faith rewarded, persecution endured, and hatred transformed into love. These stories will build your faith and cause your heart to soar as you realize anew God’s personal interest and activity in the here and now of daily life.

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  • Christmas In My Heart 11


    SKU (ISBN): 9780828017176Compiled by: Joe Wheeler | Editor: Joe WheelerBinding: Trade PaperPublished: October 2002Christmas In My Heart # 11Publisher: Review & Herald Publishing

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  • Everyday Heroes


    SKU (ISBN): 9781578563227Joe WheelerBinding: Cloth TextPublished: March 2002Publisher: WaterBrook

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  • Christmas In My Heart 10


    SKU (ISBN): 9780828016223Compiled by: Joe Wheeler | Editor: Joe WheelerBinding: Trade PaperPublished: August 2001Christmas In My Heart # 10Publisher: Review & Herald Publishing

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  • Christmas In My Heart 8


    SKU (ISBN): 9780828014595Compiled by: Joe Wheeler | Editor: Joe WheelerBinding: Trade PaperPublished: June 2001Christmas In My Heart # 8Publisher: Review & Herald Publishing

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  • Christmas In My Heart Book 9


    Hard to believe, but here it is: Christmas in My Heart, book9. They keep coming because so many readers like you find it inconceivable to enter another Christmas season without a new Christmas in My Heart transfusion.

    Oh, ’tis true that the now “old” collections are still treasured, are reread again and again, becoming in a very special way Christmas velveteen rabbits, all the dearer for their dog-eared coves and creased pages. Yet at the same time that the first eight collections are returned to, there is an innate need to expand the core collection, to greet with delight new writers with fresh approaches and, even more significant, to listen once again to writers now believed to us-each additional story by such a writer but deepens the bond, that voice that can never be stilled as long as we refuse to let it die.

    That is the magic of Christmas in My Heart!

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  • Christmas In My Heart 6


    SKU (ISBN): 9780828013109Compiled by: Joe Wheeler | Editor: Joe WheelerBinding: Trade PaperPublished: October 1999Christmas In My Heart # 6Publisher: Review & Herald Publishing

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  • Christmas In My Heart 5


    SKU (ISBN): 9780828011396Compiled by: Joe Wheeler | Editor: Joe WheelerBinding: Trade PaperPublished: October 1999Christmas In My Heart # 5Publisher: Review & Herald Publishing

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  • Christmas In My Heart 2


    SKU (ISBN): 9780828007931Compiled by: Joe Wheeler | Editor: Joe WheelerBinding: Trade PaperPublished: October 1999Christmas In My Heart # 2Publisher: Review & Herald Publishing

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  • Christmas In My Heart Book 7


    When the first Christmas in My Heart book rolled off the press seven years ago, initial sales were modest. By late November, however, the books really began to move, and by Christmas we were gearing up for a third printing. Because of widespread interest in the stories, Wheeler was asked to compile another collection each year.

    Along the way the series was a Gold Medallion finalist at the Christian Booksellers Association; it became a much-loved part of Focus on the Family Christmases; Doubleday began a hardback series; and Tyndale House began distributing the paperback editions to the Christian market.

    So it is today, in thousands of homes, the Christmas in My Heart books have become part of the very fabric of Christmas.

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  • Christmas In My Heart Book 4


    Outside it may be cold and snowy, but on these tapes you’ll find stories that will set your heart ablaze with the warmth of Christmas. Stories so powerful, so touching, they’ll leave you with a lump in your throat, tears in your eyes, and in irresistible urge to share them with someone you love.

    Many families make Christmas in My Heart part of their Christmas tradition. They decorate the house for Christmas, then sit down by the fire and share stories from the newest book. Some families read one story a day during the Christmas season. You’ll find that these heartwarming stories add a special touch to your holiday season too.

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  • Christmas In My Heart Book 3


    Here are Christmas stories for all generations, and each will tug at your heartstrings in just a little different way. In fact, only a certified Scrooge could possibly read them dry-eyed!

    Many families make the Christmas in My Heart collection part of their Christmas tradition. As soon as Thanksgiving dinner is over they decorate the house for Christmas, sit down by the fire, and share stories from the newest book. Some families read at least one story a day during the Christmas season. You’ll find these heartwarming stories add a special touch to your holiday season too.

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  • Christmas In My Heart Book 1


    Dr. Wheeler has dedicated a lifetime to tracking down elusive Christmas stories. From several thousand, he has chosen those that, for generation after generation, have continued to be most loved and cherished. Powerful and emotive, they are timeless in their ability to help us experience the joy, wonder, and true meaning of Christmas. Their message of unselfish love and personal involvement turns our thoughts to Christ, and reminds us every time we read them, that this is really what Christmas-and life itself-is all about.

    It is Dr. Wheeler’s sincere wish that these stories will become your friends too, to be read and reread as you and your loved ones make them an integral part of your own Christmas traditions and memories.

    Some of the fondest memories of my childhood are tied to hearing my mother read Christmas stories to our family. Not one of them was just a Christmas story; each had the ability to make us laugh or cry, to tug at our heartstrings, to remind us that only a Christ-filled Christmas had any meaning at all.-Joe L. Wheeler.

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  • Modern Parables : Stories That Make Spiritual Truth Come Alive


    Because they bring heaven a little closer to earth, people still love parables today. Those who have heard the modern parables Pastor Venden shares in his sermons are constantly asking him for copies, which he has now gathered into this book.

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