


Theology Proper (God The Father)

  • How Dare You Judge Us God


    With words that often bite with the raw reality of life on a sinful planet, best selling author Clifford Goldstein steps into the arena of human misery and uses the book of Job as a scalpel to reveal both the cause of our sickness and its cure. How Dare You Judge Us, God! Won’t answer all your questions about suffering. It will give you fresh insights into the unseen battles behind your pain and a new love for the God who suffered the horrors of hell in order to end it. Forever

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  • Real Origin Of The Species


    This book offers positive proof of God’s existence, and leads the reader into a closer relationship with God.

    For Christian readers who already believe in God, this book will strengthen their faith, and provide them with a totally new way to explain and share their faith.
    Christian parents whose children are being taught the Theory of Evolution at school will want their children to read this book. Not only does it teach the Biblical alternative, but it does so in a clear and convincing manner that even teenagers can understand.
    This book is also a powerful witnessing tool, and can be shared with those who are not yet believers. It will lead them to the truth and to faith in Jesus Christ. The unbeliever will have a firm foundation upon which to build his or her faith.

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  • Meet God Again For The First Time


    SKU (ISBN): 9780828017688Jon PaulienBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 2003Publisher: Review & Herald Publishing

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  • Shades Of Grace


    Surprised by grace . . . again.

    It has been said, “The genius of a good book is that it explains a familiar subject with unfamiliar newness.” Such is the case with this book. The incredibly vital topic of divine grace is opened here, layer after layer, until one feels as though a whole new dimension of thought and feeling has flooded into the soul. Like the multi-hued richness of the color spectrum, there are various Shades of Grace which compose the beautiful character of God. To say, “Grace is unmerited favor,” and then move on as if understanding had been achieved, would be like merely saying of space, “It’s big.” True, but so very lacking in real meaning.

    Grace is unmerited favor, and so much more, as you are about to discover. Find a quiet place and join the author, Ty Gibson, for an empowering series of intimate penetrations into the mind and emotions of God. And be prepared to be surprised by grace . . . again.

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