Biblical Studies

  • Love Of Loves In The Song Of Songs


    The Song of Songs is an often confusing and controversial book of the Bible-but rich with meaning for those who understand the unfolding story of Scripture. How does this collection of love poems fit in with the rest of God’s Word, and what does it mean for us today? Guiding readers through the Song of Songs verse by verse, this fresh, practical explanation of a fascinating yet often misunderstood portion of the Bible will reveal important insights into romance, marriage, friendship, and human sexuality that are relevant today. This book speaks not only to those navigating romantic relationships, but also to those seeking deeper intimacy with Jesus-revealing how the story of love and marriage depicted in the Bible is a living picture of a Christian’s relationship with God himself.

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  • 70 Weeks Leviticus Nature Of Prophecy


    Twelve studies dealing with the 70-week prophecy in Daniel 9, the Old Testament sanctuary service in Leviticus, and the conditionality and fulfillment of prophecy. 394 pp.

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  • 4 Winds Of Revelation


    You can’t turn on your TV or open your Internet browser without the next catastrophe hitting you in the face. The toll taken by natural disasters-flooding, fires, drought, tornadoes, and more-grows worse each year. The world is coming apart at the seams.

    More than 2,000 years ago the Bible predicted that all of this would happen! If the Bible was right about this, then what did it say would happen next?

    In Four Winds of Revelation, Pastor Kenneth Cox examines what the Bible says about the crises that we are facing and shares what it tells us about the future. Should you be afraid? The Bible offers hope-Jesus is coming soon!

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  • Classic Reflections On Scripture


    SKU (ISBN): 9781418549213W. E. VineBinding: Cloth TextPublished: March 2012Publisher: Thomas Nelson

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  • Paul Through Mediterranean Eyes


    Prelude: Prophetic Homily Style And Its Interpretation
    Essay 1: The Cross And Christian Unity (1 Corinthians 1:10-4:16)
    Essay 2: Sex: Men And Women In The Human Family (1 Corinthians 4:17-7:40)
    Essay 3: Christian And Pagan: Freedom And Responsibility (1 Corinthians 8:1-11:1)
    Essay 4: Worship: Men And Women In The Church (1 Corinthians 11:2-14:40)
    Essay 5: Resurrection: Faith, Christ And Victory (1 Corinthians 15:1-58)

    Additional Info
    In this groundbreaking study of Paul’s first epistle to the Corinthians, Kenneth Bailey examines the canonical letter through Paul’s Jewish sociocultural and rhetorical background and through the Mediterranean context of its Corinthian recipients.

    Examine 1 Corinthians within its social, cultural and rhetorical construction
    Proposes a new conception of the structure and nature of Paul’s argument
    Provides an excellent resource for New Testament students and scholars

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  • Luke : Salvation For All


    The news is in! The best good news ever – JESUS died for ALL
    Luke uses the nouns “Savior” and “Salvation” more than any other Gospel writer. The human race was buried under sin, with no possibility of eternal survival. Help could only come from above. God designed a plan to rescue us and Jesus came to fulfill it! But who could be saved? The strong, the learned, the religious? Luke’s Gospel is filled with joy and excitement, because salvation has been secured for ALL!! Just like the shepherds on the hills of Bethlehem, you too can trade your fear for MEGA JOY!

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  • AMG Concise Bible Characters


    Studying the biographies of men and women in Scripture is a sure way to change your own life! In this classic 19th-century reference, Whyte gives such intimate and inspiring glimpses of everybody from Adam to Zacchaeus—over 150 in all, including characters from Jesus’ parables—that you’ll be convinced he must have known these people personally!

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  • I Am Persuaded


    Have you ever encountered a Bible passage that grabbed hold of your soul and wouldn’t let you go until it had totally transformed your life?

    Fred Kinsey has. He says, “Before Romans I had a wonderful sense of right and wrong, of dos and don’ts. But I never experienced any of the joy or hope that a Christian ought to have. Before Romans I might have looked good on the outside, but inside I knew I was lost. Then I read the book of Romans, and a flood of light poured into my life.”

    In this book, you will explore the depths of the greatest love letter in the Bible and learn from Jesus the secrets of eternal life in the kingdom of God.

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  • God For Us


    Known for his down-to-earth writing and preaching style, Jim Gilley handles the timeless truths from John’s Gospel in ways that touch our lives in the twenty-first century. Through personal stories and life experiences, John’s pictures of Jesus become alive and relevant.
    In God For Us, Gilley’s second book on the gospel of John, you will discover the attributes of a true disciple – humility, loyalty, and love. “Jesus is Love personified, for He is God, and ‘God is love’ (1 John 4:8). Without Jesus’ presence, how is the world to know what true love is?”
    You will be touched again by Jesus’ heartfelt prayer as recorded in John 17 – “the most beautiful and complete prayer of Jesus found anywhere in Scripture.”
    You will watch the disciples as they are changed from rough, selfish men into tender, selfless Christians as they follow their Lord and Master from the Garden to the cross and from the empty tomb into the upper room.
    Most important, you will realize as John did, that everything Jesus did, He did for you. And you will be drawn to receive Him into your own heart as your personal Savior. “Jesus wants to be a very real part of your life today. He doesn’t want to be just Someone that you sing about and pray to on Sabbath morning. He wants to be your constant Companion. And He will be – if you let Him.”

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  • John : God Became Flesh


    From creation to redemption, Jesus did it all! From the beginning – with God, yet separate – was the Word. John introduces Jesus immediately as God. He reveals a new reality, something deeper than we normally view with our physical eyes: the reality of the Divine as revealed in Jesus – God became flesh. John wants us to see beyond Jesus’ humanity because when we see Him in this light, we will behold His glory and recognize the beauty of what He accomplished for us all.

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  • Prodigal Father : Stories Of Gods Prodigal Grace


    The Bible has many prodigal sons and daughters but only one Prodigal Father. The focal picture of God’s revelation of himself through Scripture is the Father in Jesus’ story of the Lost Son. In the Father there is no unChristelikeness at all. If we think there is, it is because we have misunderstood something. Grace arches over both testaments like a rainbow. The invitation of grace sounds through every book.

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  • Clear Word Old Testament (Audio MP3)


    The Clear Word lets the power of ancient texts come through today. As the meaning of Scripture becomes more transparent, you see more of God’s grace and love. The Clear Word has renewed the devotional lives of thousands of people. Let it renew yours.

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  • Clear Word Complete Old And New Testaments (Audio MP3)


    The Clear Word lets the power of ancient texts come through today. As the meaning of Scripture becomes more transparent, you see more of God’s grace and love. The Clear Word has renewed the devotional lives of thousands of people. Let it renew yours.

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  • Matthew : Prophecy Fulfilled


    All the disciples knew their Bible, but they had not grasped that it was all about Jesus and God’s saving power revealed through Him-that all the Law of Moses, the Prophets, and the Psalms reveal the good news of Jesus Christ. Once the disciples came to recognize this truth, Matthew takes it most seriously. He writes his Gospel with the premise that Jesus is the fulfillment of Jewish Scriptures. The Law, the Prophets and the Psalms contain prophecies about Jesus-prophecies in the form of promises about what Jesus would accomplish through His perfect life, perfect death and perfect resurrection. Journey with the author through the book of Matthew, and you will discover that all the Law, the Prophets and the Psalms are all about Him! Quantity Pricing Available!

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  • New Testament Text And Translation Commentary


    Tyndale House Print On Demand Title

    This commentary is especially useful for pastors and teachers who know that the members of their audiences use a variety of different English versions. It is also a helpful tool for serious students of the Bible, including laypeople and seminary students. In addition to this passage-by-passage commentary, the reader is introduced to the art of textual criticism, its importance for studying the New Testament, and the challenges translators of English versions face.

    Presented in a clear, easy to read manner. All major English translations are surveyed and tabulated.

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  • Answers To Difficult Bible Texts


    SKU (ISBN): 9781580190084Joe CrewsBinding: Trade PaperPublished: May 2008Publisher: Send The Light Distribution – No Active Product

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  • Savior : Four Gospels One Story


    Book Description
    The four gospels tell one story. A story about Jesus. Combining these accounts chronologically and using contemporary language, Jack Blanco weaves Matthew, Mark, Luke and John together to help create a complete picture of our Savior’s life on Earth.

    From the Back Cover
    Take a fresh look at Jesus Christ, His ministry, and His teachings. This is the story of Jesus, the Messiah, God’s beloved Son.

    With this simple introduction the story unfolds. But not as you’ve ever read it before. Written in modern language without the disjointed interruption of chapter or verse, this fresh, unified narrative merges the four Gospel accounts into one. No long genealogical lists. No confusing, archaic words. Just the timeless, captivating story of Jesus, our Savior.

    From the creator of the popular paraphrase The Clear Word, comes this powerful new look at the four gospels. The book takes something from each gospel’s perspective on Christ and combines the various stories chronologically to form one beautiful account on the life of Jesus.

    Sure to lift your devotional life to another level, the blended account in Savior makes a wonderful devotional, inspirational book, or will enhance any Bible study of the Gospels.

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  • Daniel


    SKU (ISBN): 9781883012373Kenneth CoxBinding: Trade PaperPublished: February 2008Publisher: Review & Herald Publishing

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  • Revelations Great Love Story


    Revelation is not usually associated with Grace, but with beasts, and the apocalypse. This book will train your eyes to see the extrodinary love of our Savior, a love we don’t always see in the last book of the Bible.

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  • Bible Readings : Straight Answers From Gods Word


    Four thousand questions about Bible topics are all answered with Scripture texts.

    Part I-The Bible; How to Study and Understand It
    Part II-Sin; Its origin, Results, and Remedy
    Part III-The Way to Christ
    Part IV-Life and Teachings of Christ
    Part V-The Holy Spirit
    Part VI-The Sure Word of Prophecy
    Part VII-Coming Events and Signs of the Times
    Part VIII-The Law of God
    Part IX-The Sabbath
    Part X-Christian Liberty
    Part XI-Life Only in Christ
    Part XII-Christian Growth and Experience
    Part XIII-Prayer and Public Worship
    Part XIV-Christian Service
    Part XV-Admonitions and Warning
    Part XVI-The Home
    Part XVII-Health and Temperance
    Part XVIII-The Kingdom Restored

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