Dennis Smith
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40 Days : Prayers And Devotions On God’s Amazing Miracles
$21.79Add to cartWhile skeptics proclaim miracles don’t exist, and many Christians question their reality, in today’s broken world it seems most everyone could do with a miracle of some kind. Dennis Smith reminds us that miracles do still happen today. However, God’s Word must be received into the heart by faith for the miracle to become a …
40 Days : Prayers And Devotions On God’s Amazing MiraclesRead More
40 Days Book 6
$20.99Add to cartCelebrating the Lord’s Supper is perhaps our greatest opportunity to behold the love of God and to be changed into the loving, loveable Christians God has called us to become.
There is no greater revelation of love in the universe than the sacrifice of Christ, which is represented in the Lord’s Supper. Participating corporately in the Lord’s Supper gives us the opportunity to remember Christ’s sacrifice with fellow believers; it is a time of special blessing for the participants.
There is a clear principle in human nature: we become like what we behold. Paul understood this when he wrote, “And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into His image” (2 Corinthians 3:18, NIV). We would do well to reflect on the meaning of the Lord’s Supper for it is a memorial to the most significant act of God in the history of humankind. It has elements that point to God’s past loving actions on our behalf, to save us. It has important symbols which teach us how we are to maintain our saving relationship with God. And it points to the hope of our glorious future with Jesus in His kingdom.
Prayer is the most powerful force on earth. Spending forty days contemplating the Lord’s Supper and its symbolism, praying for a deeper understanding of Christ’s sacrifice and for others to come into a saving relationship with Him, will change your life.
40 Days Book 5
$20.99Add to cartWhat had been a symbol of great shame became a symbol of the great victory over sin that Christ obtained for all who believe in Him.
The cross of Christ is the greatest revelation of love that ever has and that ever will be exhibited in this universe. A love that led our Creator to step down from His throne in heaven, become one of us, and die so our sins can be forgiven.
Scripture is clear: knowing deep in our hearts that God loves us is foundational to our ability to love God and others and, obey God from the heart. If our knowledge of God’s love for us is only intellectual, a head knowledge and not a heart knowledge, then we can only love God, love others, and obey God’s commandments intellectually and not from the heart. The more we understand the love of God as revealed in the cross of Christ, the more we will love God and one another and the more we will become like Jesus Christ in heart and character.
Dennis Smith challenges readers to spend 40 days reflecting on the cross of Christ and to discover anew that the cross of Christ is something to glory in, to rejoice in, and to proclaim to the world!
40 Days Gods Health Principles For His Last Day People Book 3
$20.99Add to cartThere’s no question about it-God wants His people to invest time and energy in sharing His love with others in preparation for His soon coming. You’ve recognized this call, this claim on your life, and that’s probably why you’re holding this book in your hands. You want to bless others, to lead them closer to the One who gave everything to rescue lost sinners.Yet God also wants His people to invest time and energy in caring for themselves. Physical health influences spiritual and emotional health as well as the ability to minister effectively. As Ellen White said so succinctly: “The misuse of our physical powers shortens the period of time in which our lives can be used for the glory of God. And it unfits us to accomplish the work God has given us to do” (Christ’s Object Lessons, p. 346).In this volume Dennis smith invites you to spend 40 days continuing the work God has given you while exploring a wholistic view of health-the importance of caring for mind, body, and soul-and the integral role of the health message during these last days of earth’s history.
40 Days Book 1
$20.99Add to cartDo you desire a more meaningful study and prayer life?
Do you feel the need to reach out to others for Christ?
If so, you’ve come to the right place. This book contains 40 days of devotional studies designed to strengthen your relationship with Christ and enable you to lead others to Him.
Why 40 days? The Bible tells of several significant events that took this specific span of time:
* Rain fell for 40 days during the Flood
* Moses was on Mount Sinai with God for 40 days
* The Israelite spies took 40 days to explore the Promised Land
* Jonah warned Nineveh for 40 days
* Jesus spent 40 days in the wilderness after His baptism
* Jesus spent 40 days with the disciples after His resurrectionGod wants to do something significant in your life, too. Not only does He long to draw you into closer fellowship with Him-He also wants to minister to others through you. And as you spend 40 amazing days with God, He will prepare you for earth’s final crisis and Christ’s long-anticipated second coming.
40 Days Prayers And Devotions On Earths Final Events Book 4
$20.99Add to cart“Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come” – Matthew 24:42Jesus told His disciples that only God the Father knows the day and the hour of the Second Coming. He didn’t leave His followers in the dark, though, and described the signs that would alert us to the nearness of that glorious event.The devotional studies in this book draw from these signs and other prophecies scattered throughout the Bible to trace the events that will take place just prior to Jesus’ return. Knowing what will happen is only a small part of being ready to meet Him, though, because a genuine, thriving relationship with Jesus is the determining factor of an individual’s readiness. The readings also emphasize the essential elements of personal study of God’s Word, prayer, and understanding and experiencing the baptism of the Holy Spirit and righteousness by faith.As do the previous 40 Days devotionals, this study encompasses a broader mission. It isn’t God’s plan for us to keep to ourselves the knowledge of His Word. We are called to reach out to others with His love and share His promises so that they too may watch and be ready.