Denominational Concerns
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Power Of Love In Step With Jesus New Members Bible Study Guide 2
$8.09Add to cartIf we understood in a very real way that God loves us, how would we respond? Would we return His love? It’s a vital question. When a lawyer came to Jesus and asked Him which command is the greatest, Jesus answered that it is to love God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. He added that there is a second equal part: loving your neighbor as yourself. Everything Jesus commands of us, He supplies.As we learn that God loves us with no strings attached, we will return that love to Him. Within the security of God’s love, we are free to begin to understand who we are even with all our sins and failures and to change through the power of the Holy Spirit.The lessons for this quarter are based on the Great Command (Matt. 22:37-39). In Lesson 1, we look at the life that God designed us to live. In Lessons 2 through 4, we learn the source of love and how to love God. In Lessons 5 through 9, we uncover the hidden part of the Great Command (“as we love ourselves”), consider how we define ourselves, how God identifies us, and how we grow in the church and following the ways of Jesus. Lessons 10 through 13 explore the extent of the love that God expects of his people and how that love is expressed with different groups of people.
Journey Begins In Step With Jesus New Members Bible Study Guide 1
$8.09Add to cartA central command of the gospel commission is “make disciples.” This New Members’ Bible Study Guide is being prepared to assist in this task. Because the New Members’ Bible Study Guide has special objectives, it also contains some new features that are not found in the regular Adult Bible Study Guides. – Personal Stories – A Closer Look – a sidebar that will focus on a specific word or aspect of the lesson, offering additional information or comments. – Adventese – a sidebar created to help new members become acquainted with Adventist culture and terminology. – Checking Up – This section comes on Friday, after a week of study on a certain topic, and uses quizzes or activities to help the student personally relate to the lesson topic. – Consider This – This section appears on Friday and will typically present some non biblical information on the topic from history, science, etc. The Journey Begins is the first guide. It covers the Holy Spirit, Trinity, Father, Son, Holy Spirit, Creation, Nature of man, Great Controversy, Life, death and resurrection of Christ, Experience of salvation, Growing in Christ, Church, the Remnant and its mission, Unity in the body of Christ, Baptism, Lord’s Supper, Spiritual gifts and ministries, Gift of prophecy, Law of God, Stewardship, Christian behavior, Marriage and the family, Christ’s ministry in the heavenly sanctuary, Second coming of Christ, Death and resurrection, Millennium and the end of sin.
Adventures In Galilee
$18.89Add to cartBoys had all the fun! It just wasn’t fair! For Tabitha, life in Capernaum had been pretty much the same for as long as she could remember. Fetching the day’s water, cooking, sewing – boring and just plain dull – until Jesus arrived, that is! He was all that the girls at the village well could talk about. And hadn’t Tabitha seen Him perform miracles herself? She’d seen Him cast out a demon, and heal the paralyzed man let down through Zebedee’s roof. But who was this strange Jesus? Was he the Messiah? No one seemed to really know, even though the crowds flocking to see Him grew larger each day. One thing was certain. Life in Capernaum had changed for the better since Jesus came to town. But then Tabitha became deathly ill and died. What was it Jesus had said to her family? Not to worry, she was just sleeping? How could that be? The doctors had pronounced her dead. The mourners had been hired. The spices for her burial had been laid out. As her eyes fluttered open, Tabitha looked confused. Was that Jesus holding her hand? Why was everyone making such a fuss over her? What were they saying? She had been dead! Everybody had known that! But it didn’t matter now! Tabitha was alive again! Jesus was here – and wherever Jesus was, death could not stay! Tabitha thought about what it meant to leave everything for Jesus. She knew that when it came time to make her choice, she would be willing to follow Him anywhere – no matter what the cost! Will you?
Book That Changed The World
$11.17Add to cartThe Story of the king James VersionIn 1604, King James I met with England’s religious leaders to discuss various issues. A surprising outcome was the decision to publish a new Bible translation. Some fifty scholars gathered at Westminster, Cambridge, and Oxford to work on the project. The end result in 1611 was a new translation of the Word of God–the King James Bible.In The Book That Changed the World, a group of Seventh-day Adventist scholars make a fresh contribution on the King James Version so that you will gain a deeper appreciation of this faith classic. Reading this book will encourage you to read the Bible and will help you to see it in a new light.The Bible is God’s message. It changed the world in the seventeenth century, and more than four hundred years later, it is still changing the world.
We Can Trust The Bible
$18.89Add to cartDo you trust the Bible? You can if you know how God gave it to us. We Can Trust the Bible traces the story of how Moses received a table of stone on which God had written the Ten Commandments, the prophets had dreams and visions, and the Holy Spirit taught and inspired the disciples. It also shows how God preserved His Word through the darkness and persecution of the Middle Ages, and the struggle to give the Bible to the people in languages they could understand. Finally, we see how the Puritans brought the Bible to America and how archaeology proves the ancient records. But we don’t need carved rocks and broken pottery to prove that the Bible can be trusted. We can trust the Bible because it is filled with God’s promises from beginning to end and God keeps His promises!
180 Power Tips For Parents
$5.57Add to cartYou want the best for your family, but your life is hectic, your schedule is crazy, and you don’t have time to read a parenting book. If so, 180 Power Tips for Parents was written for you. In short bursts of inspiration, you’ll find 180 parenting ideas that are guaranteed to make you a more successful parent. Each power tip can be read in a minute or less! Read one a day and you’ll find ways to maximize the time you do have!
Praying Like Crazy For Your Husband
$18.19Add to cartAs wives, we know our husbands better than anyone else does. God has given us front-row seats to our husbands’ hearts. We know their strengths and talents; we know their weaknesses and struggles. We know them more intimately than anyone else does. And we can pray for them in ways no one else can.Admittedly, it’s easy to pray for our husbands when everything is going right – when we are crazy in love. But what about when you’re so angry at him you could spit nails? When he’s hurt you so deeply all you can do is cry? Or when you’re so disappointed in him you wonder if marrying him was the right choice after all? How do you pray for him then?With unnerving insight, Tamyra Horst examines the reasons we sometimes do, and sometimes don’t pray for our husbands as we should. Prayer changes things. It affects the lives of our husbands. It changes them; it changes us.”We are a team. Husbands and wives. Heading toward a finish line together. It may be one of the biggest responsibilities we have in marriage. The responsibility and opportunity to stand beside our husbands and fight for them in prayer.” If your desire is to be the woman God wants you to be; if you long for a stronger more intimate marriage relationship, then start praying like crazy for your husband.
Really Living
$5.77Add to cartWhat do a cardiologist, drug dealer, presidential honor guard, Seminary professor and Siberian labor camp detainee have in common? They have all discovered the secret to Really Living!
Find out what happens when ordinary people invite Jesus to change their lives; learn how you can experience the abundant life He promises all believers.
Elder Don Schneider, host of Hope TV’s weekly show Really Living, is passionate about helping people understand what it means to really live. He says, “Really living is to know Jesus, share Jesus, and live for Him.”
Elder Schneider also loves a good story, and many of his favorites can be found within these pages: stories that will inspire and challenge you to get to know Jesus better, to share Jesus more compassionately, and to live your life in service for Him.
Enjoy these stories and discover for yourself the secret to Really Living. -
Case For The Investigative Judgment
$15.97Add to cartEllen White called Christ’s ministry in the heavenly sanctuary “the foundation of our faith” (Evangelism, page 221) and said if the people of God don’t understand the investigative judgment, “it will be impossible for them to exercise the faith which is essential at this time.” (Great Controversy, p 488).But critics of this doctrine say it can’t be supported from Scripture, and they claim that no one who believes it can have the assurance of salvation.Popular author Marvin Moore has examined the objections of the critics and the best thinking of dedicated Adventist scholars. In this book, he aims to help the readers understand this foundational doctrine and gain its spiritual benefits – based solely on the evidence from Scripture.
Radical Evidence
$15.60Add to cart“Show Your face, if You dare.”Clifford Goldstein was an angry young atheist, shouting at a God he didn’t believe in. Of course, there are many people like Goldstein who wonder if there is any real evidence for a living God and His Redeemer Son.Here, Derek Morris introduces you to people who have had a dramatic encounter with the Messiah they didn’t believe in. The Shiite Muslim, an African ancestor worshipper, and an obsessed novelist who found his life taking an unexpected turn.People in Bible times also present evidence. There are the prophets who spoke of things they did not understand, but whose words came true in the gospel story. And there is the amazing sign of Christ’s divinity in one of the psalms.Take a look at the evidence, and see if God is showing His face to you.
$19.49Add to cartExtraordinary things happen when ordinary people put their life in God’s hands. The men and women in these stories were ordinary people. But their lives were anything but ordinary. The moment they said yes to God, they stepped into a life of thrilling assignments, out-of-this-world challenges, and awe-inspiring victories. In Warriors Jack J. Blanco uses modern language to tell the timeless stories recorded in Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1 and 2 Samuel, 1 Chronicles, and Psalms. Without the interruption of chapters and verses, you’ll read the stories and psalms as you never have before. From the unbelievable stories of Samson, Gideon, Ruth, Deborah, and Samuel, to the heartfelt cries of David and others recorded in the Psalms these warriors of God will inspire you to say yes to an extraordinary life.
Chosen : Genesis Through Deuteronomy
$18.99Add to cartIt is a story of beautiful and troubled beginnings. In its opening pages the story finds Adam and Eve swept into a dazzling world of vibrancy and energy. In awe, they are captivated by the tender love of Divinity walking and talking with them. But keep flipping the pages, and the story turns darker, more complicated. There is trouble: rebellion and deceit, battles and heartache. But through it all there is something greater, something beautiful. In Chosen Jack J. Blanco creates a harmonious look at the story of Genesis through Deuteronomy. You’ll read the great stories of Noah building an ark, Abraham believing an impossible promise, Joseph experiencing misery and greatness, and Moses leading the Israelites through years of manna and sand. Each of the patriarchs’ stories combine to tell us one great story: the story of God’s amazing grace.
Ordinary People Faithful God
$21.79Add to cartAnother collection of real-life stories in the tradition of Ordinary People- Extraordinary God, full of exciting stories of people testifying to the faithfulness of God in their lives as a result of stewardship. So what is a stewardship story? It’s a personal experience from your life in partnership with God: the journey, the disappointments, the joy, the struggles, the blessings and the hope in Jesus. Sixty ordinary people, sixty stories of faith and commitment-and one faithful God.
Mas Alla De Lo Oculto – (Spanish)
$9.07Add to cartHistory cannot prepare us for the unknown or what we will do in the future; but Revelation presents a different perspective of the future for the Christian. The reader will be able to find secret codes in Revelation and discover that there are more than symbols in the prophecies of Revelation. This interesting book will show that we are close to the culmination of history and the end of time.
Acts Of The Apostles ASI
$3.69Add to cartThe church begins to grow.The amazing story of the early Christian believers is told in volume 4 of the Conflict of the Ages series. After Jesus returned to heaven, Satan turned his attention to Jesus’ church on earth. In this book, you’ll find thrilling stories of fierce persecutions and unswerving loyalty to God. The early Christian believers carried the wonderful news of the gospel to all of the then-known world. Unwilling to surrender their faith, many gave their lives.Their legacy endures today. As Christ’s followers, we can carry forward the same work and have the same promise of divine guidance and power. As you read this book you will be inspired to put your trust in Jesus. Ask Him to fill you with the Holy Spirit so you may share your faith with others.An excellent sharing resource that has inspired generations of Christians to endure hardships gladly for the sake of bringing people to the Lord.These ASI books were created for sharing!
Humble Hero
$17.39Add to cartJesus is both human and God. As the Son of Man, He gave us an example of how to live on this earth. As the Son of God He saves us from our sins so that we might live with Him in eternity.
No one has had more impact on Earth than Jesus. Today, He calls to us to believe in Him and to follow Him, just as He did his first disciples. Come meet the Humble Hero, Jesus Christ, who grew up on this earth in human form. He is God and He is your Friend. He left heaven for you. He died for you. He rose again for you, and will come in the clouds of heaven for you. He alone can satisfy the deepest longing of your heart.
This is the third volume of a five-volume series adapted by the White Estate that will bring the clear messages of the Conflict of the Ages set to a new generation of readers. Biblical texts, unless otherwise noted, are taken from the New King James Version. Share the great truths of the original volumes in a more accessible format for twenty-first-century readers.
Great Controversy
$39.19Add to cartLarge Print. Volume 5 of the Conflict of the Ages series carries the story of the controversy between God and Satan to its ultimate and glorious conclusion. Beginning with the destruction of Jerusalem and continuing through the persecutions of Christians in the Roman Empire, the apostasy of the Dark Ages, the shining light of the Reformation, and the worldwide religious awakening of the nineteenth century, this volume traces the conflict into the future, to the Second Coming of Jesus and the glories of the earth made new. As the end draws ever closer, the vital issue of loyalty to God will become decisive. In this concluding volume, the author powerfully points out the principles involved in the impending conflict and how each person can stand firmly for God and His truth.Approximate dimensions are 10″ x 7.1″This book does not contain pictures but does include a scripture index, a general index and appendix.