


  • GodMoments For Men


    The GodMoments series offers devotions with a quick daily burst of inspiration.

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  • God Moments For Women


    The GodMoments series offers devotions with a quick daily burst of inspiration.

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  • Not Another Dating Book


    SKU (ISBN): 9780736945356Renee JohnsonBinding: Trade PaperPublished: February 2012Publisher: Harvest House Publishers

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  • 40 Days : Prayer And Devotions To Prepare For The Second Coming


    SKU (ISBN): 9780828025447Dennis SmithBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 2010Publisher: Review & Herald Publishing

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  • Sweeeet : Gods Awesome Plan For You


    He’s richer than Bill Gates . . . and a gazillion times smarter. He’s more powerful than the president of the United States-and cares about you way more. He’s invented more things than Thomas Edison, keeps track of billions of people without a computer, and wants to be friends with YOU! Yeah, little ole you! Who wouldn’t want to hang out with someone like that?

    Of course, God is this awesome individual we’re talking about, and wow, He has big plans for you! Check out Jeremiah 29:11-He wants to help you succeed in life and to give you an incredible future. But how are you going figure out what those plans are since He’s not in the habit of e-mailing or texting His thoughts on the matter?

    You guessed it-you’ve gotta read His Word! This devotional goes through the Bible from Genesis to Revelation and breaks it down for you. Just keep your eyes, ears, and heart open, and God will let you know . . . just as He did for Moses, Abraham, Peter, Paul, and all the rest!

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  • Asolas Con Dios – (Spanish)


    SKU (ISBN): 9780816393978Language: SpanishArdis StenbakkenBinding: Cloth TextPublisher: Pacific Press Publishing Association

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  • Passionate Prayer Promises Sharing Edition


    From anxiety to wisdom, criticism to witnessing, and blessings to trials?there’s sure to be a prayer and a promise in this book for you. True prayer is the answer to whatever life throws at you. Formatted and priced for sharing, this new edition offers 110 prayers with accompanying Bible texts on each topic to strengthen and encourage the reader. Quantity Pricing Available!

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  • Alone With God


    Time spent alone with God-this has always been the secret of spiritual power. Powerful men and women of God spent time alone with Him. And those who would have spiritual power today must also spend time alone with God on a daily basis.
    Just think what we might learn if we spent only a half hour a day with God in prayer, in study, in letting Him speak to our hearts! Alone With God, by Matilda Erickson Andross, is a classic on the devotional life that has enriched readers since its first publication in 1917.

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  • Skyscrapers : 365 Stories That Build You Up


    You wouldn’t try to swim in a cornfield, would you? eat soup with a butter knife? study spelling words to get ready for a math test?

    Of course not!

    Would it make any more sense to ignore Jesus if you want to spend eternity with Him?


    Well, then, go ahead and spend some time with Jesus every day! Eric B. Hare, legendary storyteller and missionary, crammed this devotional full of stories that will help you get to know Jesus-and have a happier life. You’ll get to read through the best story of all (just a little at a time), and you’ll even discover what Nehemiah, Christopher Columbus, and some Brazilian fishermen had in common (honest, it’s in here!).

    So get started right away-it only makes sense!

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  • 40 Days Book 1


    Do you desire a more meaningful study and prayer life?

    Do you feel the need to reach out to others for Christ?

    If so, you’ve come to the right place. This book contains 40 days of devotional studies designed to strengthen your relationship with Christ and enable you to lead others to Him.

    Why 40 days? The Bible tells of several significant events that took this specific span of time:

    * Rain fell for 40 days during the Flood
    * Moses was on Mount Sinai with God for 40 days
    * The Israelite spies took 40 days to explore the Promised Land
    * Jonah warned Nineveh for 40 days
    * Jesus spent 40 days in the wilderness after His baptism
    * Jesus spent 40 days with the disciples after His resurrection

    God wants to do something significant in your life, too. Not only does He long to draw you into closer fellowship with Him-He also wants to minister to others through you. And as you spend 40 amazing days with God, He will prepare you for earth’s final crisis and Christ’s long-anticipated second coming.

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  • Daily Light For Your Daily Path


    SKU (ISBN): 9781869209667Binding: Trade PaperPublished: July 2008Publisher: Christian Art Gifts

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  • Destination The Winners Circle


    SKU (ISBN): 9780882705293Brad HenryBinding: Trade PaperPublished: April 2008Publisher: Send The Light Distribution – No Active Product

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  • Passionate Prayer Promises


    Are you yearning for a closer relationship with God? Do you sometimes have the feeling your prayers are boring and repetitious,or you don’t know how to pray? If you want a more exhilarating, personal, and passionate prayer life. Passionate Prayer Promises is the resource you’ve been waiting for.

    Jesus used scripture to defeat the devil. You can too. God says that His Word is powerful. In Isaiah 55:15. He promises, “My word…will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.”

    That’s why best-selling authors Kay Kuzma and Brenda Walsh have teamed together to provide Bible promises that you can claim for almost every life situation. Are you discouraged, dealing with grief, concerned about family, in need of healing, or seeking God’s love? You’ll find more than one hundred topics with prayers claiming Bible promises; and after each prayer, additional Bible texts and promises are listed for easy Bible study.

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  • Meeting Jesus In The Book Of Revelation


    This devotional study of Revelation will help you rid yourself of your fear of the end of time and the uncertainty so many have experienced as they read the last book of the Bible. After reading this book, you will see in Revelation a masterpiece of God’s great love.

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  • Things They Never Taught Me


    SKU (ISBN): 9780828019781Tompaul WheelerBinding: Trade PaperPublished: September 2006Publisher: Review & Herald Publishing

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  • Momento De La Decision – (Spanish)


    SKU (ISBN): 9789875671300Language: SpanishJan DowardBinding: Cloth TextPublished: January 2006Publisher: Pacific Press Publishing Association

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  • Gods Amazing Creation


    Pigeons and chickens, dogs and monkeys, geese, crows, and mice – the delightful true stories and facts from God’s amazing creation illustrate biblical virtues important to boys and girls ( and the parents who enjoy this book with their kids).

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  • Exploring Galatians And Ephesians


    Galatians focuses on justification by faith as the basis of Christian liberty, and ends with a discussion of Christian ethics (since we have been justified, how shall we then live?). Ephesians says even more about holy living, focusing on the grace of God that not only provides individual salvation but brings the redeemed together into a new community in Christ, the church, and empowers us in the cosmic struggle between good and evil. Both books tell us how we are saved in Christ, how to walk with Him in daily life, and how to live together as Christians. And both will transform us as we let the Holy Spirit speak through them.

    This user-friendly devotional commentary divides the text of Galatians and Ephesians into bit-sized passages, using a new translation by the author. Each passage is followed by an explanation that reveals themes and patterns, moving from exegesis to practical application in the lives of twenty-first-century believers. The format will prove helpful for church study groups and midweek meetings, equipping the reader to understand better God’s message of transforming grace today.

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  • Heroes In Training Primary Devotional


    2017 Primary Devotional

    Who is your hero? I don’t mean a cartoon character with X-ray vision. I mean a real, live person. Whom do you admire? Well, how would you like to be a hero like that when you grow up?

    OK, let’s start right now! With this book. Invite Vicki Redden into your home, and she’ll tell you 12 things that will make you a hero for God. You’ll read about heroes from Bible times to modern times. You’ll meet all kinds of heroes: boys, girls, cats, dogs, horses-even a pig named Priscilla. And with each fundelicious story you’ll discover something God wants you to learn from His heroes. By the time we’re finished, you’ll know just what it takes to be God’s special agent.

    So put on your cape. And get ready to become a hero for God!

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  • Exploring Mark : A Devotional Study


    Mark for Contemporary Christians

    It was the worst of times. The believers faced the atrocities of an emperor gone mad. They were burned alive. Torn apart. Amid Roman horror, Mark decided the church needed some good news.

    No one had ever written a Gospel before. Later Gospels enhance the picture, but Mark set the mold. Other Gospels focus more on Jesus’ teaching; but in Mark, the Man of Action marches rapidly through the Jewish milieu of first-century Palestine-all the way to the cross.

    And now George Knight brings Mark’s world down to ours with a user-friendly devotional commentary that goes behind the scenes and, with a new translation, unfolds the rich tapestry of Mark for contemporary Christians.

    Mark’s Jesus demanded secrecy on the part of His disciples. But He also said, “Whatever is hidden is meant to be disclosed” (Mark 4:22, NIV). In this commentary Mark’s secrets about Jesus are revealed to enlarge the searching mind and bless the seeking heart.

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