



  • Gods Big Idea Primary Devotional


    2016 Primary Devotional

    In 365 Fascinating segments, RosAnne Tezt presents Adventist beliefs to kids ages 6-9.
    Rosy Tetz starts at the beginning. . .

    (a very good place to start), with God’s plan to create a new world. You’ll be guided, in amazing depth and detail, through the six days of Creation, and end up with God’s plan for a new earth.

    When you finish this book, you will know what Seventh-day Adventists believe. More important, you will know that God has a plan for this world-and a plan for you, too. And that will make you happy!

    Along the way you’ll solve many of life’s lesser mysteries (do fish sleep?) and think about a few of the greater ones (why am I here?). And every fascinating fact about the world we live in (cats purr) becomes a doorway to big truth about life (be content).

    What can we learn from, say, schools of fish? Well, cooperation with others, for one thing. Don’t follow the crowd, for another. The end result is win-win wisdom. Think of it as 365 rules for happiness.

    God wants you to know His plans. He promises: “I will make you wise. I will show you where to go. I will guide you and watch over you” (Psalm 32:8). You can get wise and grow your soul by starting every morning with a big idea from God. Here are hundreds of them! What are you waiting for?

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  • Hugs From Jesus Devotional


    2016 Preschool Devotional

    What if mothers with small children could take common things and dust them with splendor? What if they could transform mundane objects into a reason for praise? Now they can, with Sally Dillon’s second collection of preschool devotionals.

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  • That I May Know Him


    From the “Foreword”

    More than half of the book is drawn from the wealth of inspired material in the articles from her pen that appeared during her long lifetime in such periodicals as the Review and Herald, Youth’s Instructor, and Signs of the Times. About one third is drawn from unpublished manuscripts and letters in the custody of the trustees of the Ellen G. White writings, under whose direction the volume has been prepared.

    Many of these unpublished items are from personal heart-to-heart messages sent to individuals-messages that come to us today with the same earnest appeal, the same tender admonition and encouragement, as when they were written. Of special interest are several pages which contain extracts from early morning entries in Ellen White’s diary, and give the reader significant glimpses into her personal prayer life.

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  • History Of Redemption


    The greatest devotional books written by Ellen White in one convenient volume.

    You can now carry with you the complete text of Patriarchs and Prophets, Prophets and Kings, The Desire of Ages, Thoughts from the Mount of Blessing, Christ’s Object Lessons, The Acts of the Apostles, The Great Controversy and Steps to Christ, in an attractive single volume no bigger than your Bible. The History of Redemption is a remarkable product at a remarkable price. Paperback with a protective clear-plastic slip cover.

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  • Hiking With Jesus


    Take a “nature hike” through the Bible and discover all the wild and wonderful things that God made for our happiness. Through the eyes of each inspired author you’ll learn about nature’s great God. And whenever you see a piece of nature in the real world, you’ll remember the deeper meaning.

    Every book of the Bible has some nature in it. The trail begins in Genesis and winds its way through plants poisonous and rivers treacherous all the way to the precious stones of Revelation. Along the way you’ll encounter carnivores and carnelian, dingoes and doves, hyenas and halibut, spiders and sapphires, silk and seaweed, silicon and scorpions, and other wonders.

    You’ll soar with the eagles and swim with the sharks. You’ll meet melting mountains, bitter herbs, and several notable constellations, such as Orion. And every day you’ll tuck away a nugget of wisdom in your spiritual knapsack for forever.

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  • Praying Gods Will For My Life


    Whether you are praying for specific needs–confidence, protection, forgiveness–or for you to experience the presence and power of God, you will find the perfect prayers contained in this book. With hundreds of prayers grouped according to topic and based entirely on Scripture, you will have within your reach a rich resource of personal, inspirational prayer.

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  • Exploring Hebrews : A Devotional Commentary


    Based on a New Original Translation!

    The book of Hebrews explains what Jesus has been doing for Christians since His ascension, and why it matters now. Its bracing message of confidence in God and His promises has motivated millions to persevere in the faith. In this user-friendly devotional commentary author George Knight leads readers, step by step, through one of the most relevant books in the Bible.

    The author draws out the original meaning of the text, then shows how it applies to modern life. The reader will be left with not only an understanding of the major themes and patterns of the book, but a bolder vision of God. “The study of Hebrews,” claims author George Knight, “has changed my life. It will change yours, too.”

    Now you can download an 86 page study guide to print out that will help you with your study of Exploring Hebrews.Click on the link in the title bar to view and print the study guide.

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  • My Life Today


    A daily devotional book drawn from Mrs. White’s writings, this volume touches every part of the Christian’s life.

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  • Love Letters From Jesus Devotional


    2017 Preschool Devotional

    This is one of a new series of interactive devotional books which will help you engage your preschooler in activities designed to reinforce the concept taught in the short devotional reading. Each book in the series features delightful, full-color art on every spread.

    One Brick at a time. That’s how to build a cathedral. But where to find the bricks? This book is full of character bricks, in the form of 180 devotional readings for preschoolers. Each short reading is crafted for maximum impact using simple object lessons.

    Your child will never forget your happy times together because they will not merely hear the lessons, but act them, touch them, chew them, pray them, smell them, squish them, laugh them, fell them, color them, bake them, jingle them, draw, and animate them. By engaging the imagination, the seed of truth is planted deep, where it can snuggle down into the heart.

    Covering the 27 fundamental beliefs of the Seventh-day Adventist church, these readings provide a firm foundation on which to build a destiny. One brick at a time.

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  • Boomerang Joy : Joy That Goes Around Comes Around


    Best-selling author and speaker Barbara Johnson is famous for seeing and celebrating the bright side of life’s ups-and-downs. Now, in her first-ever devotional, she dares you to lighten up and enjoy life to the hilt. As Barbara says, “You’ve got to hone your ability to fling a smile a mile. Sure as anything, it’ll boomerang right back to you, more accurately each time you toss it out.” Barbara knows life is far too serious not to laugh. In 60 wise, witty devotions — salted with humor and peppered with a madcap illustrations of syndicated cartoonist John McPherson–she helps you perfect the art of the well-aimed chuckle. Boomerang Joy is the perfect tonic for when you feel tired or worn out — or when you just want a good laugh and some heartfelt encouragement. Barbara Johnson’s fulfilled insights will help you revel in your relationship with God and spread the joy of knowing His love. Just like a boomerang, joy that’s flung out far and wide will smack right back to you!

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  • Little Hearts For Jesus


    Here are 180 solutions to the problem of “What shall I read to the kids tonight-or tomorrow morning?” Each reading includes a game, activity, craft, or a charming and original lyric sung to a well-known tune that will entice your child to delight in our awesome God.

    So exciting. So fresh. Your child’s creativity quotient will sky-rocket when you use these simple techniques to teach forever principles. And someday your children’s children will be singing these songs, and the joy will begin all over again.

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  • Pilgrims Progress : A Spiritual Guide For The Holy Land Traveler


    Pilgrim’s Progress is a handy meditation book that takes actual and armchair travelers through the Holy Land, moving from Tel Aviv, northward along the coast, inland through Galilee, back to the southern area and finally going up to Jerusalem.

    Each two-page devotional contains scripture references; a lyrical meditation on the locale, combining biblical, historical, and contemporary observations–be it ancient Joppa or modern Jerusalem; and a prayer.

    This book is designed to supplement other handbooks for travelers by providing the biblical and religious background for exploring Israel. It is intended primarily for personal devotions, but can also be used for group worship.

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  • Exploring Ecclesiastes And Song Of Solomon


    In this expanding set the reader is taken, step by step, through some of the most relevant books of the Bible. The format makes these books perfect for individual study, small groups, or midweek meetings. Free study guides are available online.

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  • This Day With God


    This daily devotional is unique in that the reading are not clustered around a central theme, but are arranged according to the day on which they were originally written.

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  • Christs Object Lessons


    In the devotional classic, Ellen G. White plumbs the depths of the best-loved teachings of Jesus, offering a deeply spiritual understanding of the parables o f Christ as they apply to the life today.

    Writing not as a dry historical scholar or technical commentator, but as a messenger pleading the case of the Lord she loves, the author provides practical applications in a way that touches the heart. Those who attempt to underline the choicest passages often give up after finding entire pages underlined.

    In the pages of this book generations of readers have heard the same voice that spoke the parables so long ago still speaking to their heart, saying “Come to Me.”

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  • Nothing To Fear


    Using his God-given gift for making complicated truths understandable through modern parables, Venden has written Nothing to Fear -daily meditations for those seeking to live victoriously in these last days.

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  • Finding The Right Path


    Just because your parents probably gave this book to you, don’t assume it will put you to sleep.

    Finding the Right Path is filled with entertaining stories that show how the Pathfinder pledge and law really work and can make an exciting difference in your life. Enjoy!

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  • Palabras De Vida Del Gran Maes – (Spanish)


    The author shows how the parables that Jesus taught are just as relevant for Christians today as they were when Jesus walked on this earth.

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  • Christs Object Lessons ASI


    In this devotional classic, the author plumbs the depths of the best-loved teachings of Jesus, offering a deeply spiritual understanding of the parables of Christ as they apply to the life today, providing practical applications in a way that touches the heart.

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