


Gilbert Valentine

  • Adventist Maverick : Celebrating The Works Of George Knight


    Dr. George R. Knight is a man on a mission. He wants people to know by experience the riches of God’s grace in Christ.

    Knight is an accomplished speaker and teacher, but writing has been his primary mode of communication. He began with the history and philosophy of Christian education and then added the history and theology of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. He has also taken special interest in growing the church’s understanding of Ellen White and how her writings should be interpreted and applied.

    Adventist scholars admire Knight’s penchant for treating controversial issues such as the Shut Door, the 1888 General Conference, the 1901 reorganization, and Ellen White’s inspiration in an open, honest, and balanced way. At times, his method has reached beyond the controversial to the shocking. One of his books bears the name Myths in Adventism; a chapter in his book on the Crucifixion is called “The Bible’s Most Disgusting Teaching”; and he titled one of his articles “Adolf Hitler and Ellen White ‘Agree’ on the Purposes of Adventist Education.”

    But Knight doesn’t shock merely for effect. He does it to get people’s attention despite the noise that today’s culture has accustomed them.

    This book is a collection of writings that give a great overview of Dr. George R. Knight’s many outstanding contibutions to the Seventh-day Adventist church. Topics covered are the issues of a hermeneutic for understanding and applying Ellen White’s writings, Christology, last-generation perfectionism, substitution and sacrifice as more than mere metaphors, and Ellen White’s counsels on lifestyle as based on principle rather than rigid literalism.

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  • Prophet And The Presidents


    Power, politics and change: 1887-1913.
    Ellen White was early accorded an important though informal leadership role in the developing Seventh-day Adventist Church based on her demonstration of extraordinary charisma, which she recognized as coming from beyond herself.
    This volume explores the interaction between Mrs. White and various General Conference presidents and will give you an increased understanding of the numerous leadership conflicts during the 1890s and into the next century. You will also gain an appreciation of the dynamics of the interaction of the gift of administration and the charisma of the spirit of prophecy in the church’s formative years.
    The church’s continued growth through the years since Ellen White would seem to be a clear evidence of the continued blessing of the Spirit. The story unfolded here clearly develops the underlying conviction that the Spirit of truth that uniquely manifested Himself in the ministry of Ellen White still leads the Adventist community today.

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  • W W Prescott


    He started out as a journalist but was soon editing a successful newspaper. The call to shepherd Battle Creek College involved a major pay cut. But over time he reshaped the church’s educational system and politics.

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