Jim Simmons

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  • 120 Quick And Easy Object Lessons For Childrens Story Time


    A dog leash, a candle, a flashlight, a bull’s-eye, an apple, sugar, balloons, a banana, a bell, paper, building blocks, a compass, measuring cups, a rock-what do all these things have in common? They are used as object lessons to illustrate the spiritual truths we can learn from everyday life in a way children can understand.

    Each story in 120 Quick and Easy Object Lessons for Children’s Story Time is drawn from an item the children are familiar with and is perfect for use during children’s story time in church or for demonstrating important points during Sabbath School.

    Week to week, as you teach extraordinary lessons from ordinary things, the children will be intrigued by the objects and images that surround them, and they will be excited to find out what’s in your bag!

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