


Seth Pierce

  • What We Believe Ellen White For Teens


    “OK, so what do you know about Ellen White?”

    The question was fairly innocuous-a simple query about a historical person posed to a group of teenagers in a Bible class. I stood at the front of the room, ready to write their responses on the smart board. What followed was a torrent of wild answers that scarcely seemed to be about the same person, or any person for that matter.

    To my great delight, the students rewarded me with a biographical sketch that belonged in a game of Mad Libs:

    “She hated bread.”

    “Cheese is poison.”

    “Stopped breathing during visions.”

    “She was a bazillion years old.”

    “Wrote a lot of books.”

    “Didn’t like black pepper.”

    “Didn’t like tea.”

    “She was hit by a rock.”

    Seth Pierce does it again! In Ellen White for Teens, he takes a challenging topic and explores it with insight, wisdom, and humor-in a language that teens will understand. Topics include:

    Did Ellen Ever Make Mistakes?

    What’s the Difference Between Her Books and the Bible?

    Are You Gonna Eat That?

    Ellen and Us

    Seth writes, “My prayer is that you will become a friend of Ellen’s. You may find her challenging, aggravating, beautiful, confusing, or inspiring-or all of these at the same time-but that’s true of anybody we have a close relationship with. Above all, I hope you hear a voice that will point you to Jesus. Her voice matters, and I hope you can begin to hear it in the pages of this book.”

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  • Prophecies Of Revelation Made Simple


    John wrote his book of Revelation a long time ago. Was he talking about events that have subsequently unfolded-or does his book tell us about events we can expect to happen in the future?

    The symbolism in the book of Revelation can be difficult to understand. Why should we care about churches from Bible times? What are the seven seals? Scrolls? Trumpets? Though the animals in the book of Daniel were confusing-the ones in Revelation are even stranger!

    What about the four horsemen of the apocalypse? Are they real, and should we be afraid of them? What are the angels trying to tell us? What, or who, is 666? And is the Sabbath really that significant? What does Revelation tell us about the end of the world? Is there any way to know exactly when Jesus is coming?

    If you’ve ever found Bible prophecy difficult to understand, Prophecies of Revelation Made Simple is a perfect book for you. Author Seth Pierce uses creative illustrations and thoughtful questions that make the symbolism clear. He also explains what the prophecies meant for the apostle John and what they have to say to us today.

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  • Camporee Of Doom


    New in the Misadventures of Peter Paul Pappenfuss series.
    Peter Paul Pappenfuss is a pastor’s kid. And he’s a well-known goof off in a small church school in Iowa with the large name of Davenport Christian Academy. He could hardly wait to go to the Pathfinder Camporee. What fun he would have! Or so he thought.
    Peter Paul discovers that one can be punished for good deeds-not that all of his deeds were good. And sometimes his creative mayhem surpassed his own expectations. But on the third night of the camporee at the Esther play “Courage to Stand,” he bowed his head and prayed,
    “Dear God, please give me courage to stand up against evil.”

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  • Day The School Blew Up


    A funny, engaging story that portrays spiritual growth in an attractive and compelling way that kids 10-14 will respond to. Peter Paul discovers a lot about himself, learns about being responsible, and that you shouldn’t judge others. A modern-day adventure story that shows God knows and cares more than anyone else about Peter Paul Pappenfuss.

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  • What We Believe For Teens


    A comprehensive treatment of all twenty-eight Adventist beliefs illustrated with stories that will appeal to teens.

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  • Prophecies Of Daniel Made Simple


    Daniel wrote his book a long time ago, so does it really have anything to do with us today? Can Daniel really tell us what to expect in the future? The symbolism in the book of Daniel can be difficult to understand. First comes the giant statue made of different metals, which is smashed by a gigantic rock. Then the four beasts: a lion with eagle’s wings, a hump-backed bear, a leopard with four wings, and some kind of indescribable beast with ten horns and iron teeth. If the symbolism isn’t complicated enough, the book of Daniel uses a lot of unfamiliar words. What is an ‘abomination of desolation”? What kind of language is “mene, mene, tekel, upharsin”? If you’re not confused yet, there are four major schools of thought about how to interpret all these things! If you’ve ever found Bible prophecy difficult to understand, Prophecies of Daniel Made Simple is a perfect book for you. Using interesting illustrations and thoughtful questions, author Seth Pierce will make the symbolism clear, clarify the unfamiliar terms, and explain what the prophecies meant for the prophet Daniel and what they have to say to us today.

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  • What We Believe Prophecies Of Revelation For Teens


    Sometimes it’s easy to forget that the whole book of Revelation is about Jesus-not horns, bowls of wrath soup, angels, or beasts. All these images are selected by Jesus to let us know something about Himself. Even entities as hideous as the beasts reveal to us how God thinks about the oppressive powers of the world-and what happens to them in the end. Yet we can find ourselves sidetracked trying to match up dates and current events of every little detail of this book and miss the big picture: Jesus Christ.Jesus is quite literally the beginning, the middle, and the end of Revelation-and world history. Author Seth Pierce says, “Wherever your studies take you from here my prayer is that you will always find an ever brighter picture of Jesus and how much He loves you.”

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  • What We Believe Prophecies Of Daniel For Teens


    There’s a lot of strange stuff going on in Daniel’s book. First comes the giant statue made of different metals, which is smashed to smithereens by a gigantic rock. Then the four beasts: a lion with eagle’s wings, a humpbacked bear, a leopard with four wings, and some kind of indescribable beast with ten horns and iron teeth. If animals aren’t confusing enough, Daniel uses a lot of weird words. What is an “abomination of desolation”? What kind of language is “mene, mene, tekel, upharsin”? Besides, Daniel wrote his book a long time ago, so does it really have anything to do with us today? Can Daniel really tell us what to expect in the future? If you’ve ever asked these questions, the Prophecies of Daniel for Teens is a perfect book for you.

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