


Steve Wohlberg

  • Approaching Armageddon : Discover Hope Beyond Earth s Final Battle


    Riots. Pandemic. Divisions. Confusion. Mayhem. Wars and rumors of wars. The world around us is changing quickly; we find ourselves wondering what will be next. What does it all mean? What does the Bible say about the unique time we’re living in? As the world seems to be getting crazier by the moment, we are actually in a season of wonderful expectation for the Kingdom of God!

    In Approaching Armageddon, Steve Wohlberg takes a detailed look at the Word of God, shedding a very hopeful light on this hour in history and revealing what is to come. He explains how chaotic world events are now fulfilling Bible prophecy, that God is fully in charge, and that there is a very real, fantastic future for those who choose to be part of God’s Kingdom. Jesus told us there would be signs pointing to His return and Scripture gives us some specific details about how these things will unfold.

    Approaching Armageddon offers readers:
    *A hopeful perspective on current events – not a report of “doom and gloom”

    *Solid confidence that ancient biblical predictions are both trustworthy and accurate.

    *Biblical truths about earth’s last battle, where it will occur, who’s involved, and who will win.

    *A reminder that the hope of humanity is the return of Jesus Christ, as plainly predicted in Scripture.

    *Encouragement to press into the personal and infinite love of Jesus Christ, which gives you hope for a glorious, eternal future with Him.

    Turn off the daily news and hear a good report! Let Steve Wohlberg impart biblical prophecy and embrace the hope of the Lord for all who follow Him!

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  • End Times Health War


    Overcome the enemy’s assault against you and your family’s health!

    The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. (John 10:10)

    Is a good diet really that important? Is healthy living just a fad-or is it a vital key that protects you from the devil’s end-time assault?

    Steve Wohlberg delivers a prophetic health “survival guide that will equip you for victory in these last days. In this timely book, you will…
    Learn… how toxins, additives, chemicals and junk food are strategies of spiritual warfare aimed against the body of Christ
    Discover… simple secrets such as good diet, sunlight, water and exercise that overcome demonic attacks against your health
    Be equipped… to have the winning edge against the tactics satan uses to “steal, kill, and destroy your health and the health of your family.

    Your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. The devil knows this, and it terrifies him. This is why his attack is so stealth and so lethal. It’s time to take back your health, and the health of those you care about as you walk in victory over the enemy in this end-time health battle.

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  • Darkness Of Twilight


    SKU (ISBN): 9781933291468Steve WohlbergBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 2012Publisher: Review & Herald Publishing

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  • Discovering The Lost Sabbath Truth


    SKU (ISBN): 9781933291444Steve WohlbergBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 2012Publisher: Review & Herald Publishing

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  • Ultimate Passover (DVD)


    SKU (ISBN): 9781934261118Jeff Zaremsky | Narrator: Steve WohlbergBinding: Video DVDPublished: August 2009Publisher: Destiny Image

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  • Character Of God Controversy


    Does God punish sinners? A closer look at the intense love and justice of God Almighty.

    According to the Bible, it’s a matter of life and death. Jesus declared, “And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent” (John 17:3). Here Jesus states that truly knowing the Father and His Son means “eternal life.” Conversely, we can conclude that not knowing them is the route to damnation. “I never knew you.” Jesus will someday sadly announce to a group of misguided people (Matthew 7:23). These Scriptures should impress us with the necessity of knowing God as He is, not as we think He is.

    Life is not a game, Our souls are at stake. We should never forget that in the last days our enemy, called the Devil and Satan, is doing everything he’s learned through thousands of years of experience in an effort to “deceive, if possible, even the elect” (Matthew 24:24).

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  • From Hollywood To Heaven


    The true story of an amazing escape from darkness into light.

    From Hollywood to Heaven is the gripping true story of Steve Wohlberg, who started out as a happy, innocent little boy growing up in the Hollywood Hills of Southern California during the 1960s and 1970s, but who slowly yielded to the tainted, deadly influences surrounding him.

    By his teenage years, the allure of “Tinsletown” had drawn Steve into a dark and dangerous world of alcohol, drugs, and wild living. Caught in a downward spiral, he could easily have ended up in prison-or worse, dead. Steve’s life seemed to be playing out like some sleazy R-rated movie. But God was about to rewrite the “script” of Steve’s life and turn him in a dramatically different direction: heavenward!

    As you read this fascinating story, it will become obvious that a summer filled with amazing events was not a random coincidence, but a rescue mission initiated by heavenly love-a love that is reaching out to you and your family even now, at this very moment.

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  • Gods Last Message


    The current era may appropriately be labeled The Age of Confusion. Conflicting opinions abound. Nothing seems solid. Even in religion, chaos reigns. But God is not confused. In these “last days” before “the end of the world” the book of Revelation informs us that God Himself will send one last message to prepare human beings for the return of His Son (Revelation 14:9-14). “We have that message!” many earnestly claim. But do they really? Or are they promoting a counterfeit?Here you will discover the truth. God’s last message is not a satanic detour, but a glorious proclamation centered in Jesus Christ Himself, of whom the ancient prophet wrote, “Now this is His Name by which He will be called: THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS” (Jeremiah 23:6).This book contains no fiction. Just facts about Jesus Christ and His righteousness. Be warned. Be enlightened. Be blessed beyond measure.Pacific Press(R) Publishing Association

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  • End Of The World


    In this little book you’ll discover big things. Whether we like it or not, according to The Holy Bible, “the end of the world” is fast approaching. The unprecedented increase in killer natural disasters more in 2011 alone than in the entire decade of the 1980’s screams loudly: The end is almost here.

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