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  • 70 Weeks Leviticus Nature Of Prophecy


    Twelve studies dealing with the 70-week prophecy in Daniel 9, the Old Testament sanctuary service in Leviticus, and the conditionality and fulfillment of prophecy. 394 pp.

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  • 5 Reasons For Spiritual Apathy In Teens


    When teens are struggling, disconnected, and apathetic, they need parental engagement more than ever. Parents must fight the temptation to passively accept the behavior as normal and ignore the situation. Instead it is time to press in to the heart of your teen, and push past the emotional struggle that often occurs in this phase of growing up. The Rienow’s understand what families are facing and share practical steps parents can take to cultivate faith and character during the challenging teen years.

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  • Story Of Hope


    How did our world get so messed up? Why is there suffering? Where did evil come from? Will it ever end? Questions like these trouble many a thinking person. Science has no answers to them and philosophy has many conflicting answers. Where can we find the truth?

    The Bible offers information and solutions that have stood the test of time. Drawing on the Bible’s accounts, Story of Hope offers a glimpse behind history’s curtain. It reveals the origin of evil, some of the ways God has dealt with evil in the past, and His plan for resolving it completely in the near future.

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  • Glimpses Into The Life Of Ellen White


    “Brothers and sisters, I commend unto you this book.”

    Those words, spoken in 1909, were part of the closing remarks given by Ellen White at the last General Conference session she attended. Sixty five years earlier she’d accepted the call to be the Lord’s messenger. She was seventeen years old. She made it her lifelong ministry to uplift Scripture and to point people to Jesus.

    Glimpses Into the Life of Ellen White is filled with stories that provide a fascinating look behind-the-scenes at the life and times of Ellen White. Some of the stories will make you smile; others will move you to tears; but all of them show that Ellen White was a very real person who chose to dedicate her life in service to the One she called, “My Father.”

    We sometimes forget that our pioneers were all real people-God started our church using real people. Come to think about it, real people are all He still has to finish the work that needs to be complete before Jesus returns.

    James R. Nix is a consummate storyteller who is at his finest when sharing stories of early Adventist believers and Mrs. White in particular. Glimpses Into the Life of Ellen White is filled with fascinating accounts that give a behind-the-scenes look at the life of Ellen White and provide a glimpse of the unseen world.

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  • Gift Of Prophecy In Scripture And History


    Human history is dotted with the exploits of men and women, kings and queens, rogues and despots. Tomes have been written chronicling the rise and fall of empires, but who is able to trace the movements of God between the pages of history? The answer? God Himself. The Bible is a reliable record of God’s unceasing effort to reconcile fallen humanity to Himself through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord.

    Christianity is based on the assumption that God exists and reveals Himself through human prophets, His special spokespersons to fallen humanity. The Gift of Prophecy in Scripture and History provides an exhaustive approach to this subject from a Seventh-day Adventist perspective. After surveying the Bible teachings about prophetic phenomena, this landmark work provides a helpful overview of how these phenomena have been understood within the Christian tradition, culminating with the prophetic ministry of Ellen G. White (1827-1915). This book breaks new ground and should remain a standard text on the subject for many years to come.

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  • Lecciones Del Jardinero Celest – (Spanish)


    Our history is tied to the garden. In a garden, our first parents lived their lives. In the same garden appeared evil with all its misery. In another garden, Gethsemane, our eternal destiny was decided. There, the Master decided to turn into the Lamb of God and give His Life for the lost.

    This Spanish devotional book uses illustrations from the garden. Its colors, fragrance and beauty, and illustrates the work of Christ in the human heart. Through procedures to cultivate the garden, God introduces the resources used to save, nurture and flourish in the soul acts of good.

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  • Hope For A Helpless Planet


    Is Jesus really coming soon?

    It’s an age-old question-but seldom has the need for an accurate answer been more keenly felt than today.

    Everywhere we turn it seems the world is falling apart. War. Political unrest. An economy teetering on the edge of disaster. We live on a helpless planet filled with people desperate for hope.

    But there is good news! Jesus has given us this wonderful assurance and promise: “Let not your heart be troubled; … if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again.” -John 14:1, 3, NKJV

    In Hope for a Helpless Planet you will discover how He will come again and how to be ready to meet Him.

    It’s true! Jesus is coming again! Will you be ready?

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  • Boot Camp For The Last Days


    When you hear the words “boot camp” you probably think of discipline, rigorous training, and hard work-and you’d be right. Boot camp is getting serious about anything you take seriously. There’s no boot camp for couch surfing. And there’s no boot camp for pew warming, either!

    We are being made for holiness, and that means we have a transformation to undergo, from “civilian” church goers into fully-devoted disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ-disciples who are ready for His coming.

    In Boot Camp for the Last Days, Randy Maxwell passionately exhorts the church to trust NOW; believe NOW; and act NOW in preparation for Jesus’ return. Using the powerful analogy of boot camp training, he skillfully presents familiar truths in fresh and provocative ways that will stir hearts and minds. Boot Camp for the Last Days is a game changer. Are you ready to take the challenge?

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  • Never Lose Hope


    “When those enormous doors slammed behind me, I got the impression of having entered a hostile and alien world; it struck me that I was being dragged down into the very bowels of hell.” This is how the story begins of a young pastor, separated from his pregnant wife, who is suddenly thrust behind bars because of his religious convictions. There he became acquainted with a dimension of life previously unknown to him. A jail can be a dark swamp where freedom, hope, and even human dignity are compromised, but it can also be a place where God’s light shines even more brightly in contrast with the darkness. There, the faith he had cultivated as a child led him to see in those cells the birth of an underground church.

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  • Moments With God 2017 Adult Devotional


    Life is busy. It’s hard to find a moment to ourselves, a moment to think, to pray, and to connect with God. Yet the busier we are, the more we need that moment when we can take a breath and remember that we are not in this world alone.

    Unlike your typical devotional, with a reading for each day of the year, Moments with God is timeless. You can read one page each day or use the index to find a topic that speaks to your life at that moment. Over and over, you will find words of comfort to share with friends or loved ones who may be facing a crisis.

    Moments with God overflows with encouragement and inspiration. On each page, you will find a message of hope and love that will lift your heart toward heaven.

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  • Guardians Of The Mercy Seat


    “The ark of God has been captured,” he choked on the words.

    “It’s now in the hands of the Philistines.”

    Laadan dropped to his knees in the dirt of the city gate, his mind whirling like a wheel. All of this news was overwhelming! The battle with the Philistines had been lost. Hophni and Phineas had been killed as prophesied, and Laadan’s brother, Uzzi, might even be dead. Eli was dead now, too, and even worse the ark of God was gone. Could there be any news worse than this in the world? Without the ark there was no hope for anyone in Israel anymore. It appeared Jehovah had indeed departed from Israel.

    What would happen now? Would Laadan and his family become Philistine slaves? And what about his friends Iddo, Carmi and Leah? Would he ever see them again? Would the Philistines destroy God’s tabernacle too?

    Guardians of the Mercy Seat chronicles the adventures of Laadan and his friends as they struggle to know God’s will for Israel-and their own lives-in the tumultuous days leading up to the capture of the ark of the covenant, and the troubled times following its seizure. Would they have the courage to stand for what they believe? No matter what? Would they ever be able to return to Shiloh to worship at the tabernacle? Or had God truly abandoned Israel?

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  • Born Yesterday


    Though born in 1965, Rachel’s story could easily have been set in the 1800s. Wearing long dresses and broad brimmed bonnets and living without modern conveniences including electricity, telephone, radio, television, or indoor plumbing, she and her two older brothers were shaped by the extreme religious views of her iron-willed, Vietnam-veteran father and malleable, practical-minded mother. The family separated from society and lived under often harsh conditions in an old, abandoned house atop a remote range of hills in Tennessee, awaiting the end of the world. Then at 16, Rachel was forced to face the world in which she was not raised to live. She struggled to adjust to an unsheltered life without casting aside the good along with the bad. Eventually she found her way to a full, balanced, and vibrant life. Rachel shares an amazing story that ultimately testifies of God’s faithful and restorative loving care.

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  • Stranger In The Shadows 3 Books In 1


    Jared saw the road level out, then begin to climb again. He squeezed his knees together and tightened his hold on the handlebars. What was the use? If Shadow Creek Ranch had no place for him, there’d be no place for him anywhere.

    Suddenly, the motorcycle burst from the forest road and sped across an open meadow high atop a flat plateau. The air rushing by was cold and clean.

    “Hey! He’s not stopping!” Grandpa Hanson leaned forward, “Oh, dear Lord. No!”

    From the alleys of Washington, D.C., to the valleys of Montana, a boy with a frightening past has to make a decision that will shape his future. Will Jared find the love he’s longing for? Will life ever be more than jail cells and cold, friendless streets? And does this God everyone’s talking about really exist?

    This book by Charles Mills is the fourth in the series and has three stories in one — Attack of the Angry Legend, Stranger in the Shadows, and Planet of Joy.

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  • Danger In The Depths 3 Books In 1


    Wendy waited, the knife twitching out in front of her. A dark form appeared as the eyes continued their slow approach. The creature was almost in the light, coming closer and closer, creeping through the shadows, about to emerge from the blackness of the cave.

    She tightened her grip on the knife and bent her legs slightly, ready to spring to one side should the approaching beast decide to rush her. As the creature moved into the light, Wendy’s mouth dropped open.

    Trapped in the depths of the earth, eleven-year-old Wendy remembered the stories her father told of a God who sees and loves His children-no matter what their circumstance. Was God with her now? Would she ever see Debbie and Joey again? And what had happened to her horse, Early? Had he fallen and been swept away by the river?

    This book by Charles Mills is the third in the series and has three stories in one — River of Fear, Danger in the Depths, and A Cry at Midnight.

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  • Whispers In The Wind 3 Books In 1


    “Look at that,” the boy said to his big black horse. “I’ve never seen that kind of clouds before. Must be a storm, and I think it’s comin’ this way.”

    The boiling band of clouds and snow bore down from the northwest with fearsome speed. As the horse and rider raced along the curving driveway that led from the logging road to the big house by the creek, Joey felt sharp pellets of ice begin to sting his face.

    “What’s going on?” he called. “Storms don’t move this fast.”

    The blizzard hit the little farm like a giant fist and before long the storm of the century had dumped eight feet of snow on the ground. Did Joey make it to the corral in time? Are Merrilee and Wendy safe? And where, oh where, are Wrangler Barry and Debbie?

    This book by Charles Mills is the second in the series and has three stories in one — Treasure of the Merrilee, Whispers in the Wind, and Heart of the Warrior.

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  • Escape To Shadow Creek Ranch 3 Books In 1


    Grandpa and Mr. Hanson jolted across the uneven track the farm truck skidding and slipping around corners, over potholes and roots. Every once in a while they could see the horse and its rider up ahead. Neither man spoke. They each knew the danger Joey was in.

    Where the rocks and trees blocked the headlong path of the big horse the animal slid to a halt. Joey felt himself slipping from the saddle. At that instant the horse reared up on its strong hind legs and let out a long, loud whinny.

    How did Joey Dugan, a self-proclaimed bad kid from New York City, find himself on the back of a runaway horse on a ranch in Montana? Will he ever learn to trust people again? And is it true that God cares what happens to him?

    This book by Charles Mills is the first in the series and has three stories in one — Escape to Shadow Creek Ranch, Mystery in the Attic, and Secret of Squaw Rock.

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  • Refresh : Jesus The Essence Of Our Faith


    The Seventh-day Adventist Church was officially organized in 1863, and it developed a passion for worldwide mission that was grounded in a strong sense of prophetic identity. While Adventism shared many fundamental beliefs with other denominations, its proclamation focused on its distinctive biblical teachings, which it came to describe as “pillar” doctrines. Assuming that people were already familiar with the person of Jesus and what He essentially stood for, we neglected to position our Lord and Savior at the center of all our “pillar” doctrines.

    When the truth is reduced to a series of intellectual facts and behavioral requirements-something is missing. Truth isn’t just a bunch of abstract factual information to memorize, quote, and argue about. Truth is a Person, and His name is Jesus.

    This book is a deliberate attempt to rediscover the beauty of our “pillars” and a number of our core beliefs as we give Jesus His rightful place at the center of it all.

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  • 40 Days Book 6


    Celebrating the Lord’s Supper is perhaps our greatest opportunity to behold the love of God and to be changed into the loving, loveable Christians God has called us to become.

    There is no greater revelation of love in the universe than the sacrifice of Christ, which is represented in the Lord’s Supper. Participating corporately in the Lord’s Supper gives us the opportunity to remember Christ’s sacrifice with fellow believers; it is a time of special blessing for the participants.

    There is a clear principle in human nature: we become like what we behold. Paul understood this when he wrote, “And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into His image” (2 Corinthians 3:18, NIV). We would do well to reflect on the meaning of the Lord’s Supper for it is a memorial to the most significant act of God in the history of humankind. It has elements that point to God’s past loving actions on our behalf, to save us. It has important symbols which teach us how we are to maintain our saving relationship with God. And it points to the hope of our glorious future with Jesus in His kingdom.

    Prayer is the most powerful force on earth. Spending forty days contemplating the Lord’s Supper and its symbolism, praying for a deeper understanding of Christ’s sacrifice and for others to come into a saving relationship with Him, will change your life.

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  • Thoughtful Hour 2


    Imagine standing on the shore of the lake that morning, waiting and watching for Jesus. Following Him up the hillside, would you sit close by and watch-and listen? Would you be hoping to see someone healed? Would you be wishing that Jesus would feed everyone with fish or bread? Or hoping to be in His army when He led the battle against the Romans?

    “Putting ourselves on the scene that day will help us hear the words of Jesus more clearly and understand what they should mean in our lives today. But to do this, we have to take time each day-perhaps a thoughtful hour-reading and studying His words.” The teachings in the Beatitudes are a pathway to heaven, and we can learn to follow each step.

    That’s why this book exists. It is designed to make that thoughtful hour easier, to give a little structure and focus to a study of the life and words of Jesus. Whether you work through the pages as part of a group study or on your own, you will find a fresh look at the Beatitudes and what it means to be a part of the kingdom of heaven.

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