Denominational Concerns
Showing 1–20 of 66 resultsSorted by latest
Hechos De Los Apostoles – (Spanish)
$16.79Add to cartCuando los aviones despegan, la tierra tiembla a causa de su fuerza. Los automóviles y las computadoras demandan grandes cantidades de ésta. Los huracanes y los volcanes abruman a toda la naturaleza cuando despliegan su poder. La iglesia de Dios no puede existir sin él PODER.
Eventos De Los Ultimos Dias – (Spanish)
$23.19Add to cartJesús no sólo nos dejó su hermosa promesa: “Vendré otra vez”, sino que además nos enseñó cómo estar listos para recibirle en paz. Este libro forma parte de sus instrucciones. En forma clara e impresionante nos explica que estamos en los últimos días de la historia de esta Tierra. También se exponen temas básicos como …
Dinosaurios Increibles – (Spanish)
$17.49Add to cartWho has not dreamed of a trip back in time?
Fossils, remains of prehistoric living things, carry a message from the past. In Incredible Dinosaurs you will find amazing reports brought by these petrified witnesses from the depths of a distant past.
As we will not find any other beings besides dinosaurs capable of blowing a person’s imagination of any age, they have become the protagonists of this book.
Life designs are shown to us again, surprising and full of lessons, whatever their age, as if time has not passed by.
Enjoy the trip…to the past!
Maravilloso Mundo De Los Insec – (Spanish)
$16.79Add to cartWith this book, Editorial Safeliz and the author give the reader a simple, but rigorous, introduction to the universe of insects and other little animals.
Taking a few minutes to observe to the naked eye any of them, insects, spiders or worms, we begin to understand that they are beings wonderfully complex, authentic mini “stars”.
Lecciones Del Jardinero Celest – (Spanish)
$19.59Add to cartOur history is tied to the garden. In a garden, our first parents lived their lives. In the same garden appeared evil with all its misery. In another garden, Gethsemane, our eternal destiny was decided. There, the Master decided to turn into the Lamb of God and give His Life for the lost.
This Spanish devotional book uses illustrations from the garden. Its colors, fragrance and beauty, and illustrates the work of Christ in the human heart. Through procedures to cultivate the garden, God introduces the resources used to save, nurture and flourish in the soul acts of good.
De Vuelta Al Hogar – (Spanish)
$23.19Add to cartHomeward Bound by Ellen G. White is a special collection that covers some of the major themes she wrote about through the years. Some of the topics covered include surrender and acceptance, victory in Christ, a united church, and the great controversy. In the section “The Book of Books” we find this gem:
The Holy Spirit, sent from heaven by the benevolence of infinite love, takes the things of God and reveals them to every soul that has an implicit faith in Christ. By His power the vital truths upon which the salvation of the soul depends are impressed upon the mind, and the way of life is made so plain that none need err therein.
–Christ Object Lessons, pp. 112,113
She also famously wrote, “We have nothing to fear for the future, except as we shall forget the way the Lord has led us, and His teaching in our past history” (Life Sketches of Ellen G. White, p. 196). It is our prayer that this volume may remind us not only of how the Lord has led us but also of His teaching through His servant Ellen G. White.
Jardines Del Alma – (Spanish)
$19.95Add to cartEvery garden is an evocation of paradise that flatters the eye and soothes the spirit; delights the senses and provides a retreat. Every garden is relaxing and romantic.
That is why this Spanish 2015 women’s devotional book is a retreat for the woman’s soul. It is an orchard of experiences with the divine Gardener, Jesus Christ, written in plain language, as are simple wildflowers.
Gardens of the soul is an invitation to enjoy the fragrance of the gospel through these shreds of life.
And just as there is diversity in the gardens of flowers, there is also something in common: their love for Jesus Christ.
Pero Hay Un Dios En Los Cielos – (Spanish)
$19.50Add to cart“There is a God in heaven.” The meaning of this short sentence, its essential theological meaning, has profound spiritual value. This emphatic expression will be the subject of this morning devotion.
Tesoro Escondido – (Spanish)
$18.75Add to cartHidden Treasure – Youth Devotional 2015
This book seeks to help young people to find soul satisfaction. This devotional contains a meditation for each day in which God’s divine plan and the resources to find happiness and significance to life are exposed.
Lucas El Evangelio De La Graci – (Spanish)
$9.10Add to cartWith the beauty and sensitivity of a classic writer, Luke, Paul’s beloved physician, has embodied in each chapter of his gospel a portrait of an awesome God, who delights to shed his grace on us all.
In these pages, Lucas reveals how Jesus accepts the marginalized, the excluded, the poor, women, the rich, the religious, the sinners; in short, a Savior who from East to West opens the arms of divine love to every human being.
To read this Gospel represents a saving experience that is very gratifying.
Sigue A Noe – (Spanish)
$6.99Add to cartA great book of exciting stories, with a huge fold-out wall-poster with a map, plus reusable stickers to decorate it.
Follow the story of Noah from the building of the ark to the gathering of the animals and the journey through the flood. Take part in Noah’s adventure by adding stickers to the poster to illustrate the story.
Sigue La Estrella – (Spanish)
$6.99[contact-form][contact-field label="Name" type="name" required="true" /][contact-field label="Email" type="email" required="true" /][contact-field label="Website" type="url" /][contact-field label="Message" type="textarea" /][/contact-form]Add to cartA great book of exciting stories, with a huge fold-out wall-poster with a map, plus reusable stickers to decorate it.
Follow the story of Jesus’ birth from Mary and Joseph’s journey to Bethlehem to Jesus being born in a stable and the visitors that come to see him. Take part in this special event by adding stickers to the poster to illustrate the story.
En Busca Del Amor Perdido – (Spanish)
$12.57Add to cartWe all need fatherly consideration. This book tries to express the consideration of a heavenly Father who loves His children.
Ricardo intertwines Jesus’ prayer with testimony from his own life and the cardinal truths of the Word of God for man’s salvation. Thus the book is a colorful journey with vibrant stories, poetry, and reflections.
This is an exquisite, amenable book full of intimate personal anecdotes, written with emotion and reason, clarity, and simplicity. These reflections are extracted from the struggles and crises of life and include topics of deep theological profoundness rooted in personal experiences.
Preguntas Y Respuestas Acerca – (Spanish)
$18.20Add to cartIn Questions and Answers About Women’s Ordination, Martin Hanna, PhD and Cindy Tutsch, DMin take an indepth look at this much discussed issue of women’s ordination in the Seventh-day Adventist church.
Yo Os Hare Descansar – (Spanish)
$4.19Add to cart“Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls” (Matthew 11:28, 29, NASB).
When my mother breathed her last, “one reality trumped all my other thoughts, feelings, and beliefs: She was resting in Jesus; evil could no longer touch her, pain could no longer reach her, the devil could no longer bother her. She was in complete rest in Jesus. And that was true not merely because she had died, but because she had passed away with the full assurance of her eternal salvation.”
This true rest is available to each of us today! The full assurance of salvation can be ours when we accept the rest God offers at the foot of the cross.
When the rubber meets the road, when we are at our wit’s end, when we come to the end of our journey, or when the life of a loved one is about to slip away, we must have a clear, unquestionable, and assured reality: rest in Jesus, because Jesus wins!
Salvacion Sin Limites – (Spanish)
$27.49Add to cartEn las paginas de Salvacion Sin Limites encontraremos la verdad de la justificacion y la santificacion de una forma novedoase, actual, asequible, y sobre todo aprenderemos a vivir personal e intimamente, siedno justificados, la verdadera santificacion.
Naturaleza De Cristo – (Spanish)
$16.49Add to cart“Roy Adams aborda los temas teologicos mas explosivos en el adventismo de una manera directa e inigualable. En esta obra el lector encontrara un planteamiento de la naturaleza humana de Cristo tal como se relaciona con la perfeccion, el Congreso de 1888 y la asi llamada apostasia de la Iglesia Adventista . . . Este libro debe ser leido” – George R. Knight, profesor emerito de Historia del adventismo de la Universidad Andrews.
Gran Conflicto – (Spanish)
$16.79Add to cartSKU (ISBN): 9780816399345Language: SpanishEllen WhiteBinding: Trade PaperPublisher: Pacific Press Publishing Association