
  • God Loves Broken People


    SKU (ISBN): 9781400202454Sheila WalshBinding: Cloth TextPublished: March 2012Publisher: Thomas Nelson

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  • Begin : A Journey Through Scriptures For Seekers And New Believers


    The perfect starting point for any believer to begin a powerful journey through the Bible!

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  • Captivating


    John and Stasi Eldredge revise and update this runaway bestseller. What Wild at Heart did for men, Captivating is doing for women. Setting their hearts free. This groundbreaking book shows readers the glorious design of women before the fall, describes how the feminine heart can be restored, and casts a vision for the power, freedom, and beauty of a woman released to be all she was meant to be.

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  • 10 Days In The Upper Room


    Welcome to an incredible spiritual journey!
    Have you ever wondered why the disciples had such death defying faith? What gave them the courage to proclaim the gospel to the ends of the earth in spite of such overwhelming odds? Why were they so different after Pentecost?
    In this book, you will revisit the Upper Room and specifically study the preparation necessary to receive the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. 10 Days in the Upper Room is divided into three distinct sections: Examining Inspiration, Reflecting on Inspiration, and Applying Inspiration. You will examine the disciples heartfelt preparation, reflect on the writings of the Bible and Ellen White, interact with inspiration as you complete the workbook sections, and you will discover ways to apply these principles in your life.
    Elder Finley’s prayer is, “May God empower you to be a mighty witness for Him at this decisive moment of earth’s history.”

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  • Putting An X Through Anxiety


    Anxiety is dead…but it’s still deadly

    Anxiety may be the fear over your shoulder, the worry by your side or the dread hanging over your life. For many, it’s a powerful giant that would like you to believe that your life will never be normal again. A giant that traps you in darkness and defeat.

    But, you can live free from anxiety.

    Knowing firsthand the reality of the battle of anxiety, pastor Louie Giglio shares both practical and spiritual ways to walk in freedom.With encouragement and hope he unfolds the truth in the paradox that anxiety is dead but still deadly -namely, that while the reality of anxiety maybe intimidating, there is One whose power has already won the battle.

    This helpful resource will show you how to put an “X” through your anxiety using the strongest of weapons: the cross of Jesus. Each day of the journey will help you put one foot forward in the battle, breaking through strongholds where Jesus has already fought for you and won.

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  • God For Us


    Known for his down-to-earth writing and preaching style, Jim Gilley handles the timeless truths from John’s Gospel in ways that touch our lives in the twenty-first century. Through personal stories and life experiences, John’s pictures of Jesus become alive and relevant.
    In God For Us, Gilley’s second book on the gospel of John, you will discover the attributes of a true disciple – humility, loyalty, and love. “Jesus is Love personified, for He is God, and ‘God is love’ (1 John 4:8). Without Jesus’ presence, how is the world to know what true love is?”
    You will be touched again by Jesus’ heartfelt prayer as recorded in John 17 – “the most beautiful and complete prayer of Jesus found anywhere in Scripture.”
    You will watch the disciples as they are changed from rough, selfish men into tender, selfless Christians as they follow their Lord and Master from the Garden to the cross and from the empty tomb into the upper room.
    Most important, you will realize as John did, that everything Jesus did, He did for you. And you will be drawn to receive Him into your own heart as your personal Savior. “Jesus wants to be a very real part of your life today. He doesn’t want to be just Someone that you sing about and pray to on Sabbath morning. He wants to be your constant Companion. And He will be – if you let Him.”

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  • Finish Well


    SKU (ISBN): 9781932778175Greg LaurieBinding: Trade PaperPublished: June 2008Publisher: Harvest Resources

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  • 20 Questions God Wants To Ask You


    Throughout the Bible, God has used questions to reveal truth to his people. God has 20 questions He wants to ask you, and your responses will lead you to a deeper walk with him.

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  • He Shall Lift You Up


    SKU (ISBN): 9781933291192Jim AyerBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 2008Publisher: Pacific Press Publishing Association

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  • Forgiveness : The Ultimate Miracle


    Forgiveness was written from a practical and personal point of view for one purpose – to set readers free! This book provides 10 practical steps to forgiveness. Readers will learn the life changing benefits of making forgiveness a habit.

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  • Team : Gods Vision For His Church Is Greater Than You Ever Thought Possible


    From eternity the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit have been one.In Jesus’ prayer, He calls for the Church to be one. It’s a big order we cannot accomplish on our own. Jesus’ disciples spent years in His presence but were not one until Pentecost.

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  • Swimming Against The Current


    “When Jesus says, as He does often, “He who has ears, let him hear,’ He means hear what you should. God exhorts the lazy to “work harder.’ and the workaholic to “take it easy’ and the sluggard relaxes as the frenzied worker increases effort. The question is not, What do I agree with? The question is, What do I need to hear?”

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  • Jesus Your Hearts Desire


    SKU (ISBN): 9780816321025Mike TuckerBinding: Mass MarketPublished: March 2005Publisher: Pacific Press Publishing Association

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  • Peace Is An Inside Job Bible Study Guides


    Stress-Who Needs It?
    Fear IS Not a Laughing matter
    Don’t Worry-Be Happy!
    Coping With Guilt
    Grief: Power to Cope
    Steps to Peace With God.

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  • Good News For Today Lessons


    SKU (ISBN): 9780828017053Binding: Mass MarketPublished: October 2002Good News For Today LessonsPublisher: Review & Herald Publishing

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  • Christs Object Lessons


    In the devotional classic, Ellen G. White plumbs the depths of the best-loved teachings of Jesus, offering a deeply spiritual understanding of the parables o f Christ as they apply to the life today.

    Writing not as a dry historical scholar or technical commentator, but as a messenger pleading the case of the Lord she loves, the author provides practical applications in a way that touches the heart. Those who attempt to underline the choicest passages often give up after finding entire pages underlined.

    In the pages of this book generations of readers have heard the same voice that spoke the parables so long ago still speaking to their heart, saying “Come to Me.”

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  • Danger On Seventh Street


    SKU (ISBN): 9780816316588Jerry ThomasBinding: Trade PaperPublished: July 1999Great Stories For Kids # 2Publisher: Pacific Press Publishing Association

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  • Modern Parables : Stories That Make Spiritual Truth Come Alive


    Because they bring heaven a little closer to earth, people still love parables today. Those who have heard the modern parables Pastor Venden shares in his sermons are constantly asking him for copies, which he has now gathered into this book.

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  • How Jesus Treated People


    How Jesus treated people while here in earth is undoubtedly one of the most rewarding studies possible. So enjoy considering again -as you read this book- how Jesus treated sinners, women, religious leaders, the common people, and others. And in reading, learn again how He feels about you

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  • Decision Making By The Book


    SKU (ISBN): 9781572930216Haddon RobinsonBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 1998Publisher: Our Daily Bread Publishing

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