Denominational Concerns
Showing 41–60 of 810 resultsSorted by latest
Adventures Of Monka The Monkey
$16.19Add to cartThere’s a monkey living at Charlie Benson’s house-and things will never be the same again!
The adventures of Monka the monkey really happened to a missionary family on the faraway island of Ceylon-an island where monkeys are thought to be sacred by the people who live there.
This delightful story will thrill youngsters with the zany antics of an unusual pet and impress parents with the practical devotional thoughts and Scripture readings at the end of each chapter.
Entertaining and intended to be read aloud to preschoolers, Monka the Monkey teaches solid values and promotes good communication between parent and child. Besides, who can resist something as cute as a pet monkey-in diapers?
Dinosaurios Increibles – (Spanish)
$17.49Add to cartWho has not dreamed of a trip back in time?
Fossils, remains of prehistoric living things, carry a message from the past. In Incredible Dinosaurs you will find amazing reports brought by these petrified witnesses from the depths of a distant past.
As we will not find any other beings besides dinosaurs capable of blowing a person’s imagination of any age, they have become the protagonists of this book.
Life designs are shown to us again, surprising and full of lessons, whatever their age, as if time has not passed by.
Enjoy the trip…to the past!
My Little Bible
$14.49Add to cartIf every day you share with your son one of these biblical stories especially written for his age and attractively illustrated, if you interact with him positively explaining him the drawings, increasing information and doing the suggested activities, not only you will strengthen your affective relationship, but you will also have the satisfaction of making God be part of his life.
Those things we learn during our childhood stay forever.
0-4 years old
Amazing World Of Insects
$16.19Add to cartWith this book, Editorial Safeliz and the author give the reader a simple, but rigorous, introduction to the universe of insects and other little animals.
Taking a few minutes to observe to the naked eye any of them, insects, spiders or worms, we begin to understand that they are beings wonderfully complex, authentic mini “stars”.
Maravilloso Mundo De Los Insec – (Spanish)
$16.79Add to cartWith this book, Editorial Safeliz and the author give the reader a simple, but rigorous, introduction to the universe of insects and other little animals.
Taking a few minutes to observe to the naked eye any of them, insects, spiders or worms, we begin to understand that they are beings wonderfully complex, authentic mini “stars”.
Natures Amazing Migrations
$17.39Add to cartIn this book of our collection we show you the sheer magnitude of the journeys endured by some animals that inhabit our planet. In them we are able to witness amazing displays of nature. Large and seemingly powerful animals and small and perhaps fragile ones alike, must make use of their abilities and skills to their limit and have unshakable faith in order to make it to their “promised land”.
Amazing Nature
$17.39Add to cartNature provides us with food, water, air to breathe, materials for shelter and clothing. But nature possesses so much more! The author of Amazing Nature reveals little-known facts that demonstrate a creationary will.
The beautiful full color illustrations and photographs support the instructional language so that children and adults can understand and appreciate nature to a greater extent.
Features include short morals for children and experiments to carry out at home.
Cook 30.2
$37.49Add to cartCook:30.2 is the second in the Cook 30 series of TV programs. Deliciously healthy meals, salads, accompaniments and sweets. Includes how to, and recipes for creating delicious wholefood, plant-based meals from scratch in just 30 minutes. Over 100 recipes that you can mix and match for each meal. Cook:30.2 can revive your family’s ho-hum meals or be a great gift for that kitchen-challenged bride.
Vibrant Health
$25.19Add to cartLeading physicians and health experts, including top consultants in such areas as child health, breast cancer, heart disease and AIDS, have collaborated to produce a book in which the emphasis is upon full, vibrant health: how to attain it, how to keep it, and how to recognize the danger signals and take appropriate action.
Dr. Clemency Mitchell, the chief medical editor, has been at the forefront of the nutritional revolution. She outlines a health regimen – including diet, exercise and stress control – that will greatly improve your quality of life immediately and (according to the latest medical research) help you to avoid the major killer diseases.
Vibrant Health is the comprehensive guide to health for all the family. It covers everything from back pain to pregnancy, smoking to AIDS, baby care to correct breathing, whole foods to weight control and allergies.
For emergencies there are simple home treatments and effective first aid guidance.
Juicing For Life
$24.69Add to cartBeverley Ramages has become a regular fresh juice and smoothie maker, and this publication showcases over a hundred of her favorite recipes.
Along with these healthy, easy-to-make and tasty recipes, there is useful information on:
Selecting the right equipment to get started
The values and benefits of the ingredients, and
The health benefits of each recipe
All of which will be useful as you begin to develop drinks for your own requirements – for example:Weight loss or gain,
Energy boosting,
Detoxing, or
Ensuring that your family get their five-a-day -
Little Stars Activity Book
$13.09Add to cartYour little ‘stars’ will find plenty of Bible activities to delight them throughout the year in this charming collection of fun-filled double-pages! From crafts to codes, from number puzzles to hidden words – all of these are accompanied by vivid illustrations and inspiring messages that will teach your children to love and appreciate the Scriptures. A real treat for any young child!
Apocalypse : The End Times In Biblical Prophecies
$20.99Add to cartThe term ‘Apocalypse’ is commonly associated with utter destruction, but in the Scriptures it refers to the ‘revelation’ given to us by Jesus Christ in the last book of the Bible: a book that sets out the history of mankind through a series of dramatic symbols we call prophecies. These prophecies are predictions that have been fulfilled with uncanny precision, giving us the assurance that whoever made them knew what he was doing. This is a book about those prophecies, both to help you understand them for yourself, and to prepare for the dramatic events that lie just ahead.
It covers the following issues and much, much more:
The prophecies about the Vatican and the USA
The truth about the world’s greatest secret alliance
A deeper understanding of conspiracy theories
Revelations about who the antichrist really is
The shocking facts behind the Marian and UFO apparitions
Why doesn’t God end all the evil and misery around us?
Who changed His commandments and why?
How close is the end of the world?
How will the world end? -
Jesus Of Nazareth Volumes 1 And 2
$20.99Add to cartThe skillful penmanship of Bill Johnsson, former editor of the Adventist Review, has produced a perceptive and penetrating portrait of Jesus of Nazareth–His Life, Message, and Passion. Jesus of Nazareth is informative and factual, but above all it is a spiritual journey with Jesus the Man.
“Of all the names given children since the dawn of time, one stands alone, solitary, immoveable. Although many men and women now take that name in oath or jest, one day every knee in heaven and earth will bow before Him who bears it and declare that He is King of Kings and Lord of Lords. That name is the sweetest sound to come from infant lips; it sustains us through life; it will be our refuge when we embark on our final journey.
“Jesus. All our hopes, for this world and the next, center in Him. Our best joys, our highest aspirations, our cleanest motivations, spring from Him. Every other name will pass away; His, never. He is incomparable.”
Story Of Hope
$3.49Add to cartHow did our world get so messed up? Why is there suffering? Where did evil come from? Will it ever end? Questions like these trouble many a thinking person. Science has no answers to them and philosophy has many conflicting answers. Where can we find the truth?
The Bible offers information and solutions that have stood the test of time. Drawing on the Bible’s accounts, Story of Hope offers a glimpse behind history’s curtain. It reveals the origin of evil, some of the ways God has dealt with evil in the past, and His plan for resolving it completely in the near future.
Glimpses Into The Life Of Ellen White
$18.19Add to cart“Brothers and sisters, I commend unto you this book.”
Those words, spoken in 1909, were part of the closing remarks given by Ellen White at the last General Conference session she attended. Sixty five years earlier she’d accepted the call to be the Lord’s messenger. She was seventeen years old. She made it her lifelong ministry to uplift Scripture and to point people to Jesus.
Glimpses Into the Life of Ellen White is filled with stories that provide a fascinating look behind-the-scenes at the life and times of Ellen White. Some of the stories will make you smile; others will move you to tears; but all of them show that Ellen White was a very real person who chose to dedicate her life in service to the One she called, “My Father.”
We sometimes forget that our pioneers were all real people-God started our church using real people. Come to think about it, real people are all He still has to finish the work that needs to be complete before Jesus returns.
James R. Nix is a consummate storyteller who is at his finest when sharing stories of early Adventist believers and Mrs. White in particular. Glimpses Into the Life of Ellen White is filled with fascinating accounts that give a behind-the-scenes look at the life of Ellen White and provide a glimpse of the unseen world.
Gift Of Prophecy In Scripture And History
$40.49Add to cartHuman history is dotted with the exploits of men and women, kings and queens, rogues and despots. Tomes have been written chronicling the rise and fall of empires, but who is able to trace the movements of God between the pages of history? The answer? God Himself. The Bible is a reliable record of God’s unceasing effort to reconcile fallen humanity to Himself through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord.
Christianity is based on the assumption that God exists and reveals Himself through human prophets, His special spokespersons to fallen humanity. The Gift of Prophecy in Scripture and History provides an exhaustive approach to this subject from a Seventh-day Adventist perspective. After surveying the Bible teachings about prophetic phenomena, this landmark work provides a helpful overview of how these phenomena have been understood within the Christian tradition, culminating with the prophetic ministry of Ellen G. White (1827-1915). This book breaks new ground and should remain a standard text on the subject for many years to come.