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Denominational Concerns

  • Ellen Whites World



    Part One: Ellen White’s World Before The Civil War
    1. Millennial Visions
    a. Religious Millennialism
    b. Secular Millennialism
    2. The Great Revival
    a. The Second Great Awakening
    b. The Camp Meeting
    c. The Revival And Mission
    3. The Era Of Reform
    a. The Voluntary Society
    b. Health Reform
    c. The Early Temperance Movement
    d. Educational Reform
    e. The Movement To Free The Slaves
    f. The Role Of Women
    4. Religious Impulses
    a. The Rise Of The “Democratic” Churches
    b. Restorationism And Back To The Bible
    c. The Drive Toward Perfection
    d. Protecting The “Sabbath”
    e. The Rise Of Mormonism
    f. The Rise Of Modern Spiritualism
    g. Nativism And Anti-Catholicism
    5. Technological Advances
    a. The Publishing Revolution
    b. Progress In Transportation

    Part Two: Ellen White’s World After The Civil War
    6. A Changing World
    a. Social Changes
    b. Intellectual Changes
    7. Millennial Visions
    a. Premillennial Perspectives
    b. Postmillennial Perspectives
    c. National Millennial Perspectives
    8. Religious Impulses
    a. Revivalism And The Role Of D. L. Moody
    b. The Rise Of Protestant Liberalism
    c. The Conservative Reaction
    d. The Holiness Revival
    e. The Second Wave Of Protestant Missions
    f. Northern Missions To Black America
    9. Social Issues
    a. The Temperance Movement
    b. Health Concerns
    c. Educational Development
    d. Racial Issues
    e. Women’s Rights
    f. Capital And Labor
    g. Sabbath Reform
    h. The Progressive Movement
    10. The New Leisure
    a. Sports And Recreation
    b. Entertainment

    Ellen White And Her World
    Ellen White And Our World

    Additional Info
    From the Back Cover:

    Ellen White’s writings are important, but they are only part of the story. The other part is the social and intellectual context in which she wrote. What was her world like? What problems did it face? What ideas were in vogue? What religious movements did she interact with? How did her ideas relate to the sentiments of other reformers of her day?

    These and other questions stand at the heart of George R. Knight’s third volume in his series on Ellen White. The genius of Ellen White’s World is that it combines photographs with verbal descriptions to make Ellen White’s world come alive for the modern reader.

    The first section of this helpful volume concisely presents the world of Ellen White prior to the American Civil War, while the second section examines her world after that climactic event. An understanding of those two very distinct contexts is essential for the fullest understanding of Ellen White’s counsel to the church

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  • Reading Ellen White


    Ellen White wrote in the late 1860s to a church member that “eggs should not be placed on your table. They are an injury to your children” (Testimonies, vol. 2, p. 400). Then in 1901 she told another member to “get eggs of healthy fowls. Use these eggs cooked or raw. Drop them uncooked into the best unfermented wine you can find” (Counsels on Diet and Foods, p. 204).

    How do you reconcile such seemingly opposite statements from the same inspired author? Which one was inspired? Or were both? How do we interpret them-and everything else that Ellen White wrote?

    George R. Knight sets forth in a clear, simple manner the principles that will help every reader to interpret and apply her counsel to his or her life.

    In the first section of Reading Ellen White Knight looks at the purpose of her writings, their relationship to the Bible, the role of compilations, and how to read her work systematically. The second and longest section examines fundamental principles of interpretation, and the final section explores how to apply Ellen White’s counsel to both our lives and the lives of others. Reading Ellen White is a companion to his Meeting Ellen White. Size: 5 3/16″ x 8″.

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  • Sabbath School Program Planner 5


    14 Programs on the Fruit of the Spirit

    Love * Peace * Kindness * Faith * Self-control * Joy * Patience *
    Goodness * Humility * Bearing Fruit
    Plus 20 Creative Program Starters

    Here are 14 complete scripts and 20 program starters to help you present spiritually rewarding Sabbath school programs that get people involved! These programs have been tested in large and small Sabbath schools across the country and will help make your Sabbath school a refreshing time of worship.

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  • Meeting Ellen White


    SKU (ISBN): 9780828010894George KnightBinding: Trade PaperPublished: August 2000Ellen WhitePublisher: Review & Herald Publishing

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  • 13 Life Changing Secrets


    Filled with Bible secrets that can make a difference in the lives of your friends and neighbors. They’ll discover the peace of forgiveness, the joy of the Sabbath rest, the promise of heaven, the power of prayer, and urgent Bible truth for these last days.

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  • Reason To Believe


    Introducing the first Seventh-day Adventist Church-sponsored youth doctrinal/baptismal course anyone has seen for a long, long time! We’ve boiled down the 27 SDA fundamental beliefs to 10, because we like 10 better. Here they are:
    You can go through these lessons on your own, with a friend, or with your pastor or youth leader.
    Whether you’re young or simply young at heart, you’ll find these lessons inspiring, creative, challenging, and meaningful

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  • Sabbath School Program Planner 4


    The Busy Leader’s Guide to Exciting Sabbath Schools

    This Sabbath School Program Planner includes:
    Interviews: Celebrity Hour
    Mini-seminars: Spiritual Olympics; Get Yourself Elected
    Modern Parables: Roadblocks to Friendship; Free at Last!; The Supermarket
    Quiz Programs: Survival Kit for Single Women
    Scripted Panel: The Ideal Way to Solve Problems
    Skits: A Different Kind of Music; Adventist Missions Today
    Surprise Programs: Pioneer Footprints; Discover Your Spiritual Gifts
    Travelogue: Euro-African Holiday
    Variety Program: The Starless Crown

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  • Sabbath School Program Planner 3


    14 Complete Programs Plus 14 Summer Survival Ideas

    Introduction: Summer Survival Ideas
    Demonstration: Sabbath School banquet
    Interview: Overcoming Shyness
    Mini-seminar: The Forgotten Gift
    Modern Parables: Drive Carefully!; Smorgasbord Christianity
    Quiz Program: Celebrity Surprise
    Scripted Panel: Fighting Fairly
    Skits: How to Have a Good Conversation; Africa Calls
    Surprise Programs: Sabbath School Garden; A Song in My Heart
    Travelogues: Mission Express; Caribbean Holiday
    Voice Choir: Weighed in the Balances

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  • Sabbath School Program Planner 2


    14 Adult Sabbath School Programs for
    Holidays and Special Occasions

    New Year’s Day * Thanksgiving * Back to School * Patriotic * Father’s Day * Christmas * Valentine’s Day * Christian Education Day * Mother’s Day * Memorial Day

    Dorothy Eaton Watts gives you everything you need to present memorable programs that will get your Sabbath school members involved! You’ll find 14 complete programs with entire scripts, many including suggestions for prayer, responsive readings, special music, and congregational songs. And each program features a section that tells you what materials you’ll need and how to prepare.

    These creative programs have been tested in large and small Sabbath schools across the country and will help make your Sabbath school a spiritually refreshing time of worship!

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  • Sabbath School Program Planner 1


    SKU (ISBN): 9780828005135Dorothy WattsBinding: Trade PaperPublished: August 2000Publisher: Review & Herald Publishing

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  • Thoughts From The Mount Of Blessing


    SKU (ISBN): 9780828015219Ellen WhiteBinding: Trade PaperPublished: June 2000Publisher: Pacific Press Publishing Association

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  • Bible Story


    This booklet has six stories from The Bible Story set, illustrated in full color. An excellent gift for the children of neighbors and friends. Use at Vacation Bible School, Sabbath School, neighborhood Bible clubs, Halloween, birthdays, or Christmas.

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  • Almost Home


    SKU (ISBN): 9780828015134G. Edward ReidBinding: Mass MarketPublished: May 2000Publisher: Review & Herald Publishing

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  • Lessons From The Life Of Nehemiah


    SKU (ISBN): 9780828014373Ellen WhiteBinding: Trade PaperPublished: May 2000Publisher: Review & Herald Publishing

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  • Secrets Of Daniel


    Written by an Adventist scholar of Jewish heritage, this commentary solves several longstanding problems and sheds new light on many aspects of the cryptic prophecies of Daniel. Fresh insight is provided regarding such questions as: Whatever happened to Daniel’s tomb? Is Michael “one of the chief princes” or is he “the first of the chief princes”? Why did King Nebuchadnezzar forget his dream? Why did Daniel undertake his three-week fast during Passover?Jacques Doukhan re-creates the world of Babylon, explains obscure allusions, and finds hidden patterns within the prophesies that help to clarify their meaning. His research in ancient Jewish sources and knowledge of the original languages makes this book a worthy contribution to the literature.

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  • Little Hearts For Jesus


    Here are 180 solutions to the problem of “What shall I read to the kids tonight-or tomorrow morning?” Each reading includes a game, activity, craft, or a charming and original lyric sung to a well-known tune that will entice your child to delight in our awesome God.

    So exciting. So fresh. Your child’s creativity quotient will sky-rocket when you use these simple techniques to teach forever principles. And someday your children’s children will be singing these songs, and the joy will begin all over again.

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  • Stories Of My Grandmother


    Mrs. White’s own granddaughter reveals many little-known incidents in the life of this great church leader that will make her seem more real to juniors.

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  • Secrets Of Revelation


    Ethereal worship, scary beasts, ominous trumpets,

    terrible plagues, and ultimate paradise. The book of Revelation is a powerful tapestry woven from Old Testament imagery, such as the plagues of Egypt and the confrontation on Mount Carmel. Thus the Old Testament provides the key to unlock the code of Revelation.

    Jacques B. Doukhan, an Adventist scholar of Jewish heritage, mines the Old Testament to uncover new meaning in the battle of Armageddon and the millennium. He ties the symbolism of the book to the sanctuary service of ancient Israel, showing how the seven sections of the book correspond to the seven feasts of Judaism. He argues that the prophecies of Revelation foretell the eventual discrediting of secularism (Egypt), the resurgence of conservative religion (Babylon), and a final coalition of the two movements in the climactic events before the second coming of Christ to defeat sin and save His people.

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  • Later Elmshaven Years 1905-1915


    This last volume in the six-volume biography of Ellen White is devoted to the last decade of the fruitful life of this messenger of the Lord. It covers the establishment of the Loma Linda Sanitarium, the San Francisco earthquake, and the establishment of Pacific Union College. During this time she also published the 1911 edition of The Great Controversy, and during the next few years produced several other books.

    Although the author (Ellen White’s grandson) spent his working lifetime involved in the custody of the Ellen G. White writings, as he did the research for this biography, he was amazed at the frequency and number of visions given to Ellen White during the last decade of her life. What did not amaze him, however, was the substantial influence these visions exerted as the counsels given were heeded and the reproofs were received and integrated into the thinking and actions of church members and leaders.

    It was the author’s wish and prayer “that the portrayal presented in this volume, which covers the crowning decade of Ellen White’s ministry and sets forth her optimistic attitudes, her concerns for the church, and her confidence in its triumph, may help us to know her better, understand her ministry more fully, and lead to the reading and rereading of the counsels she has left as a legacy.”

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  • Early Elmshaven Years 1900-1905


    SKU (ISBN): 9780828001236Ellen WhiteBinding: Cloth TextPublished: March 2000Ellen G. White Biography # 5Publisher: Review & Herald Publishing

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