Showing 121–140 of 165 resultsSorted by latest
Guides Greatest Mystery Stories
$21.79Add to cartThis was our assignment: find incredible, true mystery stories. Well, just like detectives, we’ve been on the case. We’ve tracked down some of the best mystery stories from more than 50 years of Guide.
Filled with suspense and excitement, these stories will keep you on the edge of your seat-eager to find out how the mysteries are solved.
What will Flag find when he stakes out Mr. Winters’ house to help catch a thief? Will Frank and Davy survive a close call in an old gold mine? Who is the mysterious man chasing Leyla in her dream? Why won’t Brownie, the mangy dog who loves the outdoors, leave the house? What happens when Kay is awakened by a “ghost” that plays the piano at night?
One thing about this book is not a mystery: you will love every story! Case closed.
Mission Miracles : God Works In Dangerous And Difficult Places
$20.99Add to cartDavid Gates lay awake at night agonizing about the $1.4 million due in a short time. Had they been wrong to write the check knowing that there was no money yet to cover it? Hadn’t God provided time and time again in establishing their work even though they made no solicitations for funds?
Guides Greatest Animal Stories
$19.59Add to cartImagine yourself being tucked away for a late-night crocodile snack! How about falling into a bear trap–with the bear still in it? Or better yet, you and a shovel against an injured and upset panther at night? These incredible stories are all true and come from the archives of Guide magazine. They will put you face to face with amazing creatures and the true love of a God who created them and cares for you.
Between Hell And High Water
$27.99Add to cartGifted writers and storytellers, Kay Kuzma and Brenda Walsh have captured the unforgettable tales of survivors of Hurricane Katrina. These riveting stories of life and death, good and evil, hope and despair will give you courage, faith and hope as you face your own times of trouble, knowing that whatever happens, God will be there.
From Hollywood To Heaven
$20.29Add to cartThe true story of an amazing escape from darkness into light.
From Hollywood to Heaven is the gripping true story of Steve Wohlberg, who started out as a happy, innocent little boy growing up in the Hollywood Hills of Southern California during the 1960s and 1970s, but who slowly yielded to the tainted, deadly influences surrounding him.
By his teenage years, the allure of “Tinsletown” had drawn Steve into a dark and dangerous world of alcohol, drugs, and wild living. Caught in a downward spiral, he could easily have ended up in prison-or worse, dead. Steve’s life seemed to be playing out like some sleazy R-rated movie. But God was about to rewrite the “script” of Steve’s life and turn him in a dramatically different direction: heavenward!
As you read this fascinating story, it will become obvious that a summer filled with amazing events was not a random coincidence, but a rescue mission initiated by heavenly love-a love that is reaching out to you and your family even now, at this very moment.
Whom Shall I Fear
$23.19Add to cartHow do you pick up the shattered pieces and move on, when your life is being torn apart? Is there something, or Someone, you can really believe in, and depend on, to get you through?
For Mara, life was a literal war zone. Her true story takes us back in time to battle-scarred Serbia in World War I. Violence ripped apart Mara’s family . . . and her heart. When peace comes, at last, Mara seeks a new beginning and settles into a simple country life with Ilija and their growing family.
But a passing remark stirs up a new conflict-this time, in Mara’s conscience. The church of her youth had always provided an oasis from the world’s chaos, and Mara never questioned its teachings. There she found truth-but was it really divine? Or had humans, somehow, tampered with God’s law that was written in stone with His own hand?
Whom Shall I Fear is a powerful book that will bring you courage and help you not just survive, but find hope and victory in the battles of life.
Wounded Healer : The Tom Sanford Story From A Childhood Of Abuse To A Minis
$18.87Add to cartThe story of Tom Sanford and Project PATCH
Tom Sanford’s life growing up under the abusive hand of a father who used rage to manipulate and control others was anything but idyllic. His red eyes and swollen lips from beatings at home earned him cruel nicknames at school. But the physical bruises on his body were no match for the wounds to his spirit.
How this inwardly wounded boy grew up to become a healer of thousands of like-wounded boys and girls through the ministry of Project PATCH is the stuff of miracles. And this book tells the story.
From Sanford’s own troubled past to the heartbreaking stories of the children he and his wife Bonnie have rescued, Wounded Healer is an emotional journey of faith, struggle, and redemption. Long after you close the covers of this book, the stories of young lives changed on the “miracle ranch” known as PATCH will remain in your heart forever.
Christmas In My Heart Book 14
$20.29Add to cartEven though Christmas in My Heart is now the longest-running Christmas story series in America, none of us take its continued survival for granted. Certainly Joe Wheeler does not. He and his wife, Connie, are determined that each collection will be the best yet. And that is a tall order- yet readers have been telling them year after year, “This is the best one yet!” From the very beginning they have worried, “What if we run out of the best stories?” However, so many heart-touching Christmas stories (new, recent, and old) have flooded in-and the Wheelers have unearthed many more in old magazines and books-that their supply of “five-tissue stories” is greater now than it was at the beginning! For every story that makes it, hundreds do not. Only those stories that deeply touch the heart are admitted into these pages.
Desmond Doss Conscientious Objector
$19.59Add to cartInfantry men who once ridiculed and scoffed at Desmond’s simple faith and refusal to carry a weapon owed their lives to him. In the midst of a fierce firefight on Okinawa that felled approximately 75 men from the 1st Battalion, Private Doss refused to seek cover and carried his stricken comrades to safety one by one. This and other heroic acts earned him the highest honor America can bestow on one of her sons-the Congressional Medal of Honor.
Theyre All Dead Arent They
$5.77Add to cartThe bestseller by Joy Swift is back in print Only a teenager when her children were taken from her in the cruelest ways imaginable, Joy Swift riveted a nation with her gut-wrenching story of love, loss, and renewed hope. That story became the bestselling book, “They’re All Dead, Aren’t They?” Since its publication in 1986, this grieving mother’s journey toward hope has inspired countless thousands around the world.
Christmas In My Heart Book 23
$20.29Add to cartFor twenty-three years now, readers have been writing to Joe Wheeler, letting him know how much the Christmas in My Heart series means to them.”I so enjoy your introductory comments before each story, and since I grew up with Currier & Ives calendars, I love your choice of book covers.””I have collected all of your Christmas in My Heart books–thank you for being ‘America’s Keeper of the Story.'””How [so] many stories of wonderful content are able to come from one person is behond me. Each one has its own special emotion, and I never cease to be drawn into the plot. I am so thankful you make sure God is the center of all you share with us.”In this volume, Joe L. Wheeler gives the reader a treasury of old-fashioned Christmas stories.
I Met A Miracle
$13.75Add to cartFounder of the It is Written television ministry, George Vandeman, was a man personally acquainted with Christ. A man who met a miracle. Through his own story, and the stories of others, he demonstrates the struggle of surrender, the debilitating result of guilt, the persistence of conscience, the healing power of forgiveness…the miracle of conversion.
Christmas In My Heart Book 22
$20.29Add to cart“Christmasaholics” will be pleased with the arrival of a new collection of stories. This new volume extends for another year the longest-running Christmas story series in America. As always, great for reading by the fire on a winter night, giving for a gift or sharing with friends during the Christmas season.
Christmas In My Heart Book 21
$20.29Add to cartIt’s truly a miracle in today’s publishing world for any book series to last five – much less twenty years! Yet this is what Christmas in My Heart has done. No one is more surprised at this than Joe Wheeler; he attributes the series’ stubborn refusal to die to be a God-thing. That somehow there is something about each year’s collection of stories that so speaks to hearts everywhere that “completists” (those who have all the books in the series) cannot even imagine facing a new Christmas season without a new collection to feed their souls. This stellar collection features luminaries such as Elizabeth Goudge, Margaret E. Sangster, Temple Bailey, Margaret Weymouth Jackson, Mike Huckabee, David Doig, Christine Whiting Parmenter, Grace Noll Crowell, and Isobel Stewart. In a world where society appears intent on stripping the Christmas season of the divine reason for its very existence, spiritually based Christmas stories such as these may provide a refuge from electronic strangulation, and an opportunity to read aloud heart-tugging stories incorporating values worth living by to children, teens and adults of all ages. Since we become our favorite stories, the right or wrong story-choices will inevitably determine our eternal destinies. – Joseph Leininger Wheeler.
Conversations With Jesus
$22.39Add to cartJust as surely as Jesus spoke to Peter, or Martha, or a paralyzed man lying on a stretcher, He will speak to you. Author Jerry D. Thomas allows us to listen in on real conversations the Son of God had with ordinary people. People who struggled with the same issues we struggle with today.