

Lori Peckham

  • Guides Greatest Friendship Stories


    Pointing to a narrow path angling down the side of the bayou, I said, “Let’s go.”

    I picked up a big stick and used it to beat back the weeds towering on either side of me. Suddenly I jumped back, nearly knocking Lacey down. At my feet squirmed a long, thick, dark snake.

    “Cottonmouth!” I shouted. “Run!”

    In Guide’s Greatest Friendship Stories you’ll see that friends can be found all around and often come in different shapes and sizes-and sometimes they’re furry! Discover what Tom learns after he gives away his faithful old dog, Sandy, and replaces him with a new puppy. Meet Mrs. Blythe, crippled with arthritis, and the little girl who comes to visit her every day. Watch the power of forgiveness at work between two enemies as they put down their guns and hug each other. See the difference that kindness makes to a lonely little girl called Celia who longs for a friend.

    Friends can be found all around if we learn to recognize them!

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  • Guides Greatest Faith Stories


    As the shouts from above came closer, the bear stopped long enough to raise its head and sniff. It was ten feet from the boat now. Stanley could see its beady eyes and hear its deep, guttural grunts as it fought for breath.

    What should he do?

    Stanley’s eyes darted desperately from the bear to the timberline and back to the bear. “Dear Jesus,” he prayed, his heart pounding, “make Dad come, please!”

    The twenty-five stories in this collection will encourage you and strengthen your faith. You’ll meet Curtis, who foolishly ventures out in a freezing, blinding blizzard. And then there’s Joe, who breaks into rich Mrs. Gambol’s house to steal money for some badly needed new clothes. And we can’t forget Peggy, the faithful German shepherd, whose trust and loyalty were answers to Gene and Denny’s prayers.

    As you read and retell these stories to family, friends, and anyone who needs a faith-boost, you’ll find your faith will be strengthened too.

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  • Guides Greatest Mission Stories


    SKU (ISBN): 9780828025010Editor: Lori PeckhamBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 2009Publisher: Review & Herald Publishing

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  • Guides Greatest Narrow Escape Stories


    Wow! A heart-pounding collection of close calls and brushes with danger and death. All stories from Guide magazine and all true, they will teach you that God really does take care of us.

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  • Guides Greatest Mystery Stories


    This was our assignment: find incredible, true mystery stories. Well, just like detectives, we’ve been on the case. We’ve tracked down some of the best mystery stories from more than 50 years of Guide.

    Filled with suspense and excitement, these stories will keep you on the edge of your seat-eager to find out how the mysteries are solved.

    What will Flag find when he stakes out Mr. Winters’ house to help catch a thief? Will Frank and Davy survive a close call in an old gold mine? Who is the mysterious man chasing Leyla in her dream? Why won’t Brownie, the mangy dog who loves the outdoors, leave the house? What happens when Kay is awakened by a “ghost” that plays the piano at night?

    One thing about this book is not a mystery: you will love every story! Case closed.

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  • Guides Greatest Animal Stories


    Imagine yourself being tucked away for a late-night crocodile snack! How about falling into a bear trap–with the bear still in it? Or better yet, you and a shovel against an injured and upset panther at night? These incredible stories are all true and come from the archives of Guide magazine. They will put you face to face with amazing creatures and the true love of a God who created them and cares for you.

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  • 60 Years Of Guide Anniversary Story Collection


    Thirty of your favorite storytellers appear in this special collection commemorating Guide magazine’s sixtieth year of publication. In addition, you’ll find classic Guide features and columns, such as Andy’s Gadget Magic, It Happened This Month, Just a Minute With Your Bible, and Pen Pals. Each era of the magazine is represented, making this a book that will be treasured by all ages.Whether you’ve been reading Guide from its beginning or have enjoyed it anytime over the past six decades, you’ll find yourself inspired anew by the powerful true stories from its pages. This collection will become a classic in your home, serving as a ready resource for worships, children’s stories, and family devotions.The best storytellers from Guide magazine, all in one place:Arthur MaxwellNorma R. YoungbergGoldie DownLawrence MaxwellJosephine Cunnington EdwardsRandy FishellPenny Estes WheelerKarl Haffnerand many more!

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  • Guides Greatest Change Of Heart Stories


    There’s more than one way to discover what’s truly important in life.A furious bull convinces a teen to give his heart to God. A song saves a soldier’s life and many years later, the life of the sniper who was about to shoot him. Sally realizes that crocodiles, flip-flops, and gravel are a hazardous mix. An entire family is converted by a parrot. Jack has a bad habit of always asking “Why?” before obeying his parents until he falls off a cliff. (Yeah, he survives! This isn’t that kind of book!)You see, opening your eyes doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with your eyelids. Just ask Kevin about the canoe trip with his mom to the island of snakes. Or Nina with the wimpy stepfather and fugitive cat. Or Liz, the camp counselor who lost her eyelashes because of a horse. (Well, she might think it had something to do with her eyelids!)”What did they finally see?” you demand. There’s only one way to find out open this book and take a look for yourself!

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